Best Way Education Center

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций


PER CAPITA (adj, adv)

Meaning: for each person (jon boshiga)

How much does the government spend per capita on education?

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How to speak like a native ( podcast)


At your fingertips

Meaning: (especially of information) readily available; accessible.

Having the world at our fingertips will harm our ability to think in depth.

Synonyms of "APPROXIMATELY" (taxminan)

- roughly;
It will take roughly two hours.
- about;
It will take about two hours.
- around;
It will take around two hours.
- or so;
It will take two hours or so.
- more or less;
It will take more or less two hours.
- some;
It will take some two hours.



- We use not only X but also Y in formal contexts:

The war caused not only destruction and death but also generations of hatred between the two communities.

The car not only is economical but also feels good to drive.

- We can sometimes leave out also:

I identified with Denzel Washington not only as an actor but as a person.

- To add emphasis, we can use not only at the beginning of a clause. When we do this, we invert the subject and the verb:

Not only was it raining all day at the wedding but also the band was late.

Not only will they paint the outside of the house but also the inside.

- When there is no auxiliary verb or main verb be, we use do, does, did:

Not only did she forget my birthday, but she also didn’t even apologise for forgetting it.

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How to start to think in English (with subtitles)


cliché -
(kli:shei) - siyqasi chiqqan gap

Example: That "Beauty saves the world" is an old cliché.

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Репост из: Bilimni baholash agentligi
⚡️ 2024-yilning 2-yarmida bo‘lib o‘tadigan chet tili imtihonlari

✅ Chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovlari sentabr, oktabr, noyabr va dekabr oylarida o‘tkaziladi.

👨🏻‍💻 Test sinovi uchun talabgorlar sayti orqali onlayn tarzda ro‘yxatga olinadi.

📍 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tishda talabgorlar o‘zlariga qulay bo‘lgan hududni tanlagan holda mazkur hududda test sinovlarida ishtirok etishlari mumkin.

📆 Test sinovlari qaysi tillardan o‘tkazilishi, ro‘yxatga olish muddatlari va test sinovi o‘tkaziladigan sanalar yuqoridagi rasmda keltirilgan.

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So that - uchun, maqsadida
I go to "Best Way" Education Center so that I can learn English.

to/in order to/so as to - uchun, maqsadida
I go to "Best Way" Education Center to/in order to/so as to learn English.

Because/as - chunki, sababli, uchun
I go to "Best Way" Education Center because it is near my house.

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Hair styles in English

🖥 Webinar: "Dasturlashda 0dan $1000gacha daromad olish yo'llari"
Dasturlashni noldan boshlashga qiziqayotganlar uchun ajoyib imkoniyat! Ushbu webinar orqali siz quyidagi savollarga javob topasiz:

🔍 Nima uchun dasturlashni o'rganish kerak?
💡 Qanday qilib noldan boshlash va birinchi $1000ni topish mumkin?
🛠 Qaysi dasturlash tillari va yo'nalishlari daromad keltiradi?
📈 Bozor talabini qanday aniqlash va moslashish kerak?
🤝 Muvaffaqiyatli freelance loyihalarini qanday topish va boshqarish?

Webinarda ishtirok etib, siz nafaqat dasturlash olamiga ilk qadamlaringizni qo'yasiz, balki amaliy maslahatlar, real hayotdan olingan misollar va muvaffaqiyatga erishish yo'llari bilan tanishasiz.

📅 Sana: 2024-yil [1-Sentabr kuni soat 9:00da]
📍 Manzil: [Best Way o'quv markazi]
📝 Ro'yxatdan o'tish: [+998 99 558 84 06]

Репост из: 𝐈𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
Happy Monday 😊
Qabul boshlandi 📣

🔰Pre-IELTS, IELTS va Multilevel guruhlariga qabul 📝 imtihon orqali bo'ladi.

⏰ Imtihon vaqtlari:

- Pre-IELTS guruhlariga 2-Sentyabr soat 8.30 da,

- IELTS va Multilevel guruhlariga 2-Sentyabr soat 10.30 da

☎️Murojaat uchun: +998 99 558 84 06

"Best Way" o'quv markazida Ingliz tili o'qituvchilari uchun alohida
•CEFR (Multilevel)
buyicha online va offline guruhlar ochilishi rejalashtirilmoqda.

🤩 Kursni muvaffaqiyatli tugatganlarga to'lov pullari 100% qaytarib beriladi.

Qòshimcha ma'lumotlar uchun:

Basic English VS Native English

How are you? What's up?
Of course! Sure thing!
You decide. It's up to you.
I don't care. Whatever.
Hurry up! Chop-chop!
Don't give up! Hang in there!
I agree Same here
I'm tired. I'm beat
Go to bed Hit the sack


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