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Категория: Лингвистика

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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Morning chunks and collocations

climate-related disasters - iqlim bilan bo'g'liq falokatlar

-Climate-related disasters seem much more dangerous than it is heard.


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she will not text you
so boy, for now you have to sleep and get up early, just do train and be focused on what you did, don’t get distracted 😎

so, I want to be polite with you 😁

bad feelings become bad when we fight them

101 essays that will change the way you think


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undeniable solutions 😁

Morning chunks and collocations

something allows somebody to - kimdirga nimadir qilish imkonini yaratmoq, bermoq

- Having good understanding of computers allows people to catch up with up-to-date developments around the world


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this is “haya” bro

if you had to live tomorrow on repeat for the rest of your life, what would you do ?

101 essays that will change the way you think


Morning chunks and collocations

unprecedented growth in - nimadirda misli ko'rilmagan o'sish, rivojlanish

- the country experienced unprecedented growth in medicine. Recently, they are able to transplant a human liver


I really like to do some exercises with my students😁

If you knew nobody would judge you, what would you do with your days ?

101 essays that will change the way you think


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source: @husayn_buxoriy

Morning chunks and collocations

downplay something - ahamiyatsiz deb bilmoq

- Government officails in Utopia are downplaying economic crisis


If you died yesterday, what would you most regret ?

101 essays that will change the way you think


Morning chunks and collocations

back then - o'shanda, o'sha paytda

- Back then, there weren't this kind of odd things when we were a child


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me, checking my students’ homework😁😁😁

If nobody would know what you did with the rest of your life, what would you do ?

101 essays that will change the way you think


in next 4 days, there are critical quesitons for you about your life and please ask them from yourself
you can see them in #insights
first one will be sent today at 19:30
So stay tuned 🔔🔔

Репост из: Dilshod Bahrom | Iqtiboschi
Oʻtkir koʻrinmas tigʻli buyum

Bolalarni uydagi oʻtkir tigʻli buyumlardan ehtiyot qilamiz. Bir yerlari lat yemasin, kesilib ketmasin deb ehtiyotlaymiz. Pichoqni shunchaki berib qoʻyishni hayolimizga ham keltirmaymiz.

Mobodo pichoq bolaning u bu joyiga jarohat yetkazsa oqayotgan qon yoki kesilgan joyni koʻramiz. Tezda birinchi yordam beramiz. Jarohat joyiga malhamlarni qoʻyib, 3-4 kunda tigʻ tegmagandek qilib davolab qoʻyamiz.

Yana bir oʻtkir koʻrinmas tigʻli buyum borki, u bolalarga bemalol, bexavotir berib qoʻyaveriladi. Pichoq nari borsa tananing bir qismiga zarar yetkazadi. Ammo bu virtual pichoq bolaning qoʻlidaligida uning ruhiyati, shaxsiyati, fikrlashi va eng shirin damlari boʻlimish bolaligiga ogʻir jarohatlar yetkazadi. «Pichoqsiz soʻyish» degan iborani shunga ham aytsa boʻlar.

Bu joylarning lat yegani koʻrinmaydi. Hozircha koʻrinmaydi. Koʻrina boshlaganda kech boʻladi. Juda kech!

Kasallik, ayniqsa, ochiq jarohat qanchalik eʼtiborsiz qoldirilsa davolash ham shunchalik qiynlashib boraveradi. Bolalarni virtual tigʻli buyum(telefon)lardan uzoq tutaylik.

Butunlay cheklash toʻgʻri emas. Foydalanish vaqti kelgunga qadar telefondan toʻgʻri, oqilona, samarali va albatta meʼyor bilan foydalanishda goʻzal oʻrnak boʻlish eng toʻgʻri yoʻl.

#fikrimcha | #farzandim


Morning chunks and collocations

tune into - tinglamoq

- Tuning into other people isn't something that everybody has


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