EASY 8.0

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Образование

▪️What should be avoided and approached
▪️Everyday writing samples for both T1/2
▪️Achiever students and their results
Personal score: IELTS 8.0
(L: 8.5 | R: 8.0 | W: 7.5 | S: 8.0)
Other projects: @SPEAKKINGS
Contact and Q&A: @SpeakToEasyBot

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

I haven’t scored 9.0 in writing yet.

Though, I enjoy spending hours to check every single essay.

It is a bit like a hobby. A hobby which makes you feel tired easily.

I have upcoming offers for those looking to join new Elementary, Pre-IELTS and IELTS introduction groups.

Take first lessons with no charge.

Get a discount of 10% for bringing a friend

3 lessons a week with one supplementary Sunday class

📍Everest LC, Beruniy affiliate


Shu post 30 ta like yig’sa, bugun qaychi usulda urgan golim videosini joylayman.

🔥Nice weekend, albeit a bit tiring.

Started with mock exams from early morning. Then spent some quality time with students on the pitch.

Looking forward to seeing a new one.

Have you seen that match? 🤯


on fire 🔥

Seems we underestimated winter.

💼Another week is almost done!

IDP exam dates for 2025.

Choose one day to make your dreams come true.


Mayli, 5:2 o’z yo’liga.

Yangi haftani boshlaymiz.

Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
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📌Bugun o’quvchim Shoxrux bilan IELTS imtihonidagi eng og’riqli muammolardan biri haqida gaplashdik!

He is very talented despite being a school boy.


🏆Bugun o’quvchim Shoxrux bilan ajoyib speaking practice qildik.

Speaking videosini keyinroq kanalga joylaymiz.

Nega ko’pchilik grammatika o’rganishga qiynaladi?

Javob oddiy: Chunki ular, aslida, o’z tilining grammatikasini hali tushunib yetmagan.

Ona tili grammatikasi har qanday tilni o’rganish uchun eng birinchi tashlanishi kerak bo’lgan qadam!

Birgina ot bilan fe’lning farqiga borish uchun ona tili grammatikasini bilmagan odam oylab boshqa til o’rganolmasligi mumkin.

Man shu sabab doim o’quvchilarimga maktabda jon kuydirib o’zbek tilini tushuntiradigan ustozlar darsini koridordan kuzatmaslikni aytaman. 😁

Sizlar nima deb o’ylaysizlar, nega grammatika o’rganish ba’zan qiyin?

818 0 0 12 24

👨‍🏫Teacher mood

Hafta yakunlovchi post! 😁

Bu haftaniyam tugatdik. Yomon bo’lmadi, Xudoga shukr.

Bu bir hafta ichida jonajon o’quvchilar bilan qayta ko’rishdik, yangilarni oilaga qo’shdik.

Keyingi haftada ko’proq postlar bilan ko’rishguncha, guys!

A twenty-year old Uzbek player once again proved that miracles can happen. ⚡️

Hopefully, 🇬🇧 ManCity jersey wearing guy is a true talent to show Uzbek power.

Havo ajoyib bo’lyapti-a???

How many did you find?

5️⃣ ➡️ 😎
4️⃣ ➡️ 🤩
3️⃣ ➡️ ⚡️
2️⃣ ➡️ 💔
1️⃣ ➡️ 👀
0️⃣ ➡️ 🤯

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