Dream Grants | USA🇺🇸

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Образование

☑️ Knowledge. Growth. Freedom.
🌍 Dream of a full scholarship abroad?
🇺🇸 Unlock your future in the USA!
🎓 100% scholarships to top American universities.
SAT: @SAT_Samarkand
Partner: @roadtousa1
Collaboration: @nazirov_istam

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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$8 ga nechta official email olsangiz bo'ladi?

300 tagacha official email olish mumkin. Bitta maktab uchun 1 marta olasiz va barcha shu orqali o'zizga va boshqa studentlar (counselor, teachers) uchun email ochsa bo'ladi.

Official emailning foydasi nimada?

Official email bilan siz counselor va teacherlarni haqiqatdan ham maktab nomidan yozyotganini anglatish uchun ishlatasiz. Bu yana sizning maktab ozgina bo'lsa ham rivojlanganroq ekanligini ko'rsatadi.

Yana bir foydasi, counselor emaildan SAT va IELTS scorelarni universitetlarga yuborsangiz unofficial ham qabul qiladi test scorelarni. Agar bilsangiz SAT yuborish har bir universitetga $14.

Shunday ekan professional emailning sizga ko'pgina foydali tomonlari bor.

Siz hali ham official email olish haqida o'ylanib o'tiribsizmi?

Murojaat qilish uchun: @faridunshavkatov

Репост из: Dream Grants | USA🇺🇸
Early Action Deadlines 15th November and 1st December Universities with Grants✔️

✈️@DreamGrants Guide to Uni

Репост из: Dream Grants | USA🇺🇸
Early Decision Deadlines 15th November Universities with Grants✔️

✈️@DreamGrants Guide to Uni

Репост из: Road to the USA
⚡️Full-ride Scholarship

🇺🇸 Hampshire College

🔵Ranking: #139 US (2024)
📍Location: Amherst, Massachusetts

Early Decision
November 15
Early Action December 1
Early Decision 2 January 1
Regular Decision January 15

🟡Acceptance rate: 75%
🟡Application Fee: fee waiver

😄Application requirements:
IELTS 6.5+
Duolingo 110+
GPA 3.7+
SAT 1200+   (Considered but not required)

📌Popular programs:

Computer science
Neurobiology and anatomy
Animation, interactive technology, video graphics and special effects
Computer graphics
Animal behavior and ethology
Cultural studies/critical theory and analysis
Political science and government

Tuition fee:  $54,892/year
Living expenses: $15,000 (average)/year

💰 Scholarship
🔺Merit scholarships - $35,000 yiliga

🔺International Scholar Award - bu grant talabaning barcha harajatlarini qoplab beradi. Faqat bitta xalqaro talaba tanlab olinadi.

🔺International Scholar Award - barcha harajatlar (tuition, housing, books and etc.). Faqat 2-ta xalqaro talaba tanlab olinadi.

❗Siz to'liq moliyalashtirishni qo'lga kiritishni xohlasangiz CSS Profileni to'ldirishingiz kerak.

🌐  hampshire.edu
📤 financialaid@hampshire.edu
Scholarship haqida barcha savollarga javob berishadi.

Post yoqqan bo'lsa 🔥

⭐️ Unlocking the Gateway to World Education

726 0 38 15 12

Black Friday Aksiyasi🖤

1️⃣Official Email service uchun to'lang. $50 ga teng application kursini sovg'a sifatida qo'lga kiriting.

✔️Official emailni sizni application ishonchli ekanligini ta'minlaydi. O'zingiz, Counselor va Recommendation letter yuborish uchun professional emaildan foydalaning.

Eslatma: 1 ta service = 50+ emails

📲Ma'lumot: @faridunshavkatov

@DreamGrants ko'proq grantlar🎓

If you want to get into NYUAD, apply ED or ED2.

They rarely accept from RD.

Make sure your scores are above 75%.

I know the ED I Deadline has already passed. But, you have ED 2 that will end on January 1.

Btw, here's the link for NYUAD group for Eurasian applicants: @nyuad_rca

How to apply to financial aid

1) Each university asks "do you intend to apply for financial aid? " (if they give financial aid)*

*They ask this question on common app in each university's questions section.

2) You say yes.

Then whether you send CSS or ISFAA (some have own form on their application portal*)

*you access to application portal after submitting your application. They will give you login and password.


Sharing is caring, share with your friends

Tonight is a sleepless night for some people...

👋Hey, Duolingo test takers

You need a phone camera to take the Duolingo test. Your phone should show your screen and keyboard and lean on a heavy object.

Using your phone to record your computer
You will need to use your smartphone camera to record your keyboard and computer screen during the test.

To set this up:

1. Open the DET desktop app and sign in.
2. Proceed until instructed to set up your phone.
3. Scan the QR code. Use your phone's camera to do this, not another app.
4. Make sure your phone is fully charged. Plugging your phone into a charger during setup and letting it charge throughout the test can help ensure the battery doesn't die.
5. Turn on Do Not Disturb and make sure none of your contacts are set to bypass Do Not Disturb. Receiving notifications during the test could lead to your session being invalidated.
6. Allow the desktop app access to your phone's camera.
7. Lean your phone against any heavy object to the left or right of your computer. Placing the phone horizontally will be the most stable.
8. Position your phone far enough away to see your entire screen and keyboard.

❗️You will take the test again if your phone is interrupted or falls over.

✅Share with Duolingo test takers

⬇️Follow for more⬇️


15 Successful Activities Lists eBook.pdf
☄️Activities List of successful Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Duke, Columbia, and Harvard admit

➡️Sharing is Caring

⬇️Follow for more


🚀 We're Hiring Graphic Designers! 🎨

Are you a creative soul who loves working with colors, shapes, and innovative ideas? We're building a passionate economics team and looking for talented graphic designers to join us!

What We're Looking For:
✨ Experience with tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, or Canva.
✨ Passion for design—whether it’s logos, social media content, or branding.
✨ Comfortable meeting deadlines and collaborating with a team.

💼 Perks:
✅ Work on exciting projects.
✅ Flexible schedule.
✅ Grow with a talented and passionate team.

📅 Deadline to Apply: October 30

Don’t miss out—show us your creativity! 💡 Apply now through the link above, and let's create something amazing together. 🎉

📋 Apply Now: https://forms.gle/G9uJRqFPK5QgetRL8

Also, don't forget about this event.
The event going to be held in Samarkand

Join my close friend's blog. You receive valuable content about Europe, especially, Italy🇮🇹: @miopianeta

"💫Exploring shapes you and your values."

Studying in Italy gave me this opportunity. I'm currently planning to pursue my bachelor's degree in Italy after I finished my foundation year. I decided to share my journey for an upcoming students and started my blog that helps you to know about student life, opportunities and hardships in Italy.

Interested in studying in Italy🇮🇹?

I will be sharing fully-funded scholarships, application process, universities and everything you should know about Italy.

Do not miss the chance to know more about Europe🇪🇺!

Follow to feel the vibes: @miopianeta

Репост из: TEDxKimyogarlar
Do you have an idea or experience that the world needs to hear?

TEDxKIMYOGARLAR is looking for speakers who are ready to spark curiosity, challenge the way we think, and inspire real change. Whether you’ve had a personal journey that transformed your outlook, made a discovery that could shift the future, or simply have a bold idea worth sharing, this is your opportunity to take the stage. It’s not just about telling a story—it’s about shaping the conversation and making an impact.

Ready to share your voice? Apply now and let your ideas lead the way.

📱 Telegram | 📱 Instagram

🔎Hey future economists. Are you here?

We need writers. Please read till the end.

We're in the step of starting a new project related to economics. Our mission is to provide information about economics, especially to the Uzbek audience. That being said, we need more people to write articles.

What's required:
❗️Being able to write at least 10 long posts in Uzbek. + 10 short posts.
❗️Having experience in the write posts

What you can get:
✅You can expand your networking
✅Get help with the application process (if you need it)
✅ Mention this as an activity on your application.

If you want to be part of us, please fill out the form below⬇️⬇️⬇️

🔗 https://forms.gle/W94QqJMX36MZSu4k8

📌📌Birinchi 2 ta dars bepul

Репост из: SAT with Faridun
📌SAT endi Samarqandda

Bizning intensive darslarimiz bilan dekabrda SAT topshiring✅

📆Darslar 14-oktabr kuni boshlanadi
👨‍🎓Maximum 5 ta o'quvchi
📲Tezroq o'z joyingizni band qiling

❗️❗️2 ta joy qoldi

🔗Ko'proq ma'lumot uchun: @SATsam_support

@SAT_Samarkand offline darslar endi sizga qulay hududda

Репост из: husniddin.kironov
🏛Why are Ivy League students addicted to drugs?💊

🌚You might think that Ivy League students are the cream of the crop, the smartest and most successful people in the world. But behind their impressive resumes and achievements, many of them are struggling with a dark secret: drug addiction.

⌨️According to a recent study, one in five students at an Ivy League college misuses a prescription stimulant to get ahead academically³. This is almost twice the rate of stimulant drug abuse across a wider sampling of colleges¹. The most common drugs used are Adderall and Ritalin, which are meant to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These drugs are supposed to enhance focus and concentration, but they also have serious side effects such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, and addiction.

⁉️Why do Ivy League students resort to these drugs? The answer is simple: pressure. They face intense competition and high expectations from their peers, professors, parents, and society. They want to excel in everything, from grades and test scores to extracurricular activities and internships. They want to secure their future in a competitive and uncertain world. They want to live up to the prestige and reputation of their schools.

🔘But at what cost? Many Ivy League students are sacrificing their health, happiness, and integrity for a temporary boost in performance. They are risking legal consequences, as the unlawful distribution and possession of controlled substances can lead to fines, jail time, or expulsion¹. They are also cheating themselves and others, as they gain an unfair advantage over their classmates and undermine the academic integrity of their institutions.

💊Drug addiction is not a sign of intelligence or success. It is a sign of desperation and insecurity. It is a coping mechanism that ultimately backfires and harms the user and the community. Ivy League students need to realize that they are more than their grades and achievements. They need to seek help and support from their friends, family, counselors, or doctors. They need to find healthy and sustainable ways to deal with stress and pressure. They need to value themselves and their well-being above all else.

🗑Drug addiction is a serious problem that affects people of all backgrounds and classes. It is especially prevalent among Ivy League students, who face enormous pressure and expectations. They need to be aware of the dangers and consequences of drug abuse and seek help and support if they are struggling. They need to remember that they are not alone and that they can overcome this challenge with courage and honesty.


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