Doniyor's Journey

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Telegram

I am the Batman.

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Every evening you wish you could do more. The day before that you plan to accomplish everything you wanted. But something in your head or heart always hinders you from doing these important actions.

While you are wasting time watching movies, playing games, and hanging out with friends, you don't remember your priorities. Your mind goes numb, earning the free dopamine from various types of talks with homies. You might remember the talks sometime after your meetings, that said it doesn't bring you any good. You could assume these are the moments that you would talk about with your children. Admittedly, that's absolutely sound and good. Every time you refer to the moments, you bear in mind the most fascinating memories with your homies.

That said, I have to state that there are a plethora of other fascinating and respectful memories that you can create and make with your real homies together. Now, put your head down and just work. You have to earn it and be worth it. Some examples can be having a party at a yacht, going to Dubai for vacation, and hiking to the mountains to cook kebab and other favorite Uzbek cuisines. These is called real moments when it comes to relaxing. To go for it, you just need to work now and use the moment for your future. You will be there where you are supposed to be, otherwise you wish to be there where you were supposed to be.

The pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Be a man hungry for success. The time you have now will not ever come back. Isolate yourself from the useless stuff. As long as you are allocating your time properly, your routine becomes automatic and you don't have to deal with it anymore.

P.S: this was written 2-3 months ago.

My stress reliever.

Репост из: Farzod | PB
Jude remembered in which club he plays🗿

What a goal from Bellingham at the last minute.

Репост из: Uzbekonomics
​​“Uzbekonomics” podkastimiz bu yil 5 yoshga to’ladi. Shu munosabat bilan podkastimizning navbatdagi sonini O’zbekistonda jonli va muxlislar bilan birga yozishga qaror qildik.

AloqaBank hamkorligi va yordamida tashkil etilayotgan va Toshkentda 26 iyun kuni bo’ladigan bu tadbirga podkastimiz obunachilari, muxlislari va umuman qiziqqanlarni taklif etamiz. Jarayonda podkastning yangi epizodi jonli ravishda yoziladi va so’ng muxlislar bilan jonli suhbat qilish imkoniyati bo'ladi.

Joylar chegaralangan. Qatnashish uchun quyidagi havola orqali registratsiya qilishingiz talab qilinadi:

Podkastimizni yillar davomida tinglab, tomosha qilib, ulashib kelayotgan barcha muxlislarimizga minnatdorchilik bildiramiz. Toshkentda ko'rishguncha!

Botir Kobilov | Behzod Hoshimov


Eid al-Adha Mubarak.

Репост из: Bek Olimjon
Nega velosipedda o’zingizni qiynab yurasiz degan savollar bo’ladi.

Rosti, aniq javobim yo’q.

Velosayohat qilish orqali bir kunda olinadigan taassurot va hissiyotlar shunchalik ko’pki agar har kunimiz shunday bo’lsa biz aqldan ozgan bo’lar edik.

Balki shuning uchun ham velosayohat o’ziga jalb etsa kerak.

Velosayohat davomida bir narsani tushunib yetasan kishi. Sayohat davomida qaysidir nuqtada juda og’riqli vaqt bo’lishini aniq bilasan. Bilasangki qiynalasan, budun vujuding seni taslim bo’lishga undaydi, barcha narsa senga qarshidek tuyuladi.

Ko’p narsa sening nazoratingda emas. Ketayotib bir kichik chuqurchaga yiqilib nogiron bo’lishing, hatto o’lishing ham mumkin. Himoyang deyarli yo’q.

Ammo aminsangki bu hissiyotlar o’tkinchi. Bu hissiyotlar senga tanish, chunki avvaldan bilasan buni. Mana shu hissiyotlarni yengib o’tgandan keyin yodingda qoladigan xotiralar badandagi og’riqlarni tishingni-tishingga qo’yib bo’lsada yengib o’tishga va davom etishga undaydi. Hech kim seni kuzatmayotganini bilasan, taslim bo’lging keladi, ammo taslim bo’lish eng oxirgi tanlov. Bunga aminsan. Taslimgacha bir qancha yechimlar bor.

Sayohat davomida shunday lahzalar bo’ladiki sen barchasini unutasan, badandagi og’riqlarni, ishxonani, atrofni, kundalik tashvishlarni, barchasini.

Sen, oyoqlaring ostidagi insoniyat kashfiyoti va tabiat.

Muammolaring eng primitiv darajaga tushgan - ovqat, xavfsizlik va keyingi manzilingga yetib olish.

Ko’krak qafasing yorilib ketgunicha chuqur nafas olasan, atrofga qaraysan, qanchalik kichkina va ahamiyatsiz ekaningni tushunasan, hissiyotlar okean shovqinidek otilib chiqadi va ich-ichingdan bor ovozing bilan baqirasan.

Sen nafasdan iborat bir kichik jonzotsan xolos.

Nega ixtiyoriy ravishda o’zingni qiynayotganing asl mazmunini anglab yetgandeksan.

Bek Olimjon

Dovre, Norvegiya

PS. Bu meni hozirgacha qilgan kamtarona tajribamdan kelib chiqib yozilgan xulosalar xolos. Kashf etish uchun yana nimalar bor meni kutayotgan…

Making some changes to the description after all.

I have been attending the Readers' Club for 13 weeks. And it has been a great jouney. We became a huge community in our university.

We got to complete several books. Never had the time to write reflections or conclusions about them. Will be firing up posts after our exams, hopefully.

These are some memories from today's Farewell Ceremony. But these videos and pictures don't do justice to the Readers' Club itself. All the discussions and laughter we had together are more than they actually represent.

Spoiler for the last video: i recorded everyone eating and enjoying their snacks😅

210 0 3 10 18

Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien...

Good evening everyone!

Help me make our project go viral!

Репост из: EconBros
👋 Assalomu alaykum do'stlar!

✅ Telegram kanalimizda siz turli mavzularda tayyorlangan uzun va to'la ma'lumotlari bilan tayyorlangan postlarni o'qishingiz mumkin.

☕ Choy damlab, qiziqarli iqtisodiyot dunyosiga sho'ng'ishga tayyor turing!

Find me.

Репост из: Silk Road Contests
🌟 Exciting Announcement! 🌟

👥 Calling all adventurers! Get ready for the Silk Road Contests! 👥

🎉 What's the deal? 🎉

Just have a team of 3 people.

🗺 How does it work? 🗺

Your team gets a unique scenario to start. Then, you will be going to different locations to solve puzzles, dares or quizzes on different topics, you get the second location if you can pass the quizz. The questions are on the topics you chose, so make sure to have a diversity in your team. (For example someone interested in anime)

💰 Win big! 💰

At the end, one team wins the prize money! Who's gonna be the lucky winners?

📅 Save the Date! 📅

It's all happening next week, in shaa Allah! Don't miss out!

extra info will be sent soon,

I was just reading a book on forming habits and very powerful words struck me hard:

The goal is not to read a book, the goal is to become a reader.

I couldn't help sharing them with you.

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Table tennis racket unpacking😂

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