Most people talk about their problems as if they are facing great troubles, but no one realizes that their struggles might be less significant than others'. Everyone complains even about simple problems and sees themselves as poor or unfortunate people.
However, I would say that if you can complain by speaking or writing, believe me, you are better than half of the world. Why? Because you have a voice to speak, hands to write, and you can think and express yourself. All over the world, many people can't speak, express themselves, or hear. So you should value every skill you have and be thankful.
The video I sent you is about some pitiable people. Watch it and draw your own conclusion.
As I watched, I felt deeply thankful from Alloh and my life.
So, I am going to briefly write about the video, which is about people who are addicted to alcohol, drugs, and are also homeless. For example, Dan's story is particularly interesting. He had a good job and a family, but then he started to drink alcohol, and it took over his life. Eventually, he was gone. He left his family, job, and everything he had. He decided to recover his life and went to a rehabilitation center called The Phoenix. Today, he is happier than before.
The next example is about the founder of this organization.
Just watch...
I really recommend it.
Ko‘pchilik muammolarini juda katta muammolar sifatida gapiradi, lekin hech kim ularning qiyinchiliklari boshqalarinikidan unchalik ahamiyatli bo‘lmasligi mumkinligini anglamaydi. Hamma oddiy muammolar haqida ham shikoyat qiladi va o‘zini kambag‘al yoki baxtsiz inson deb hisoblaydi.
Biroq, men shunday deyman: agar siz muammolaringiz haqida gapira yoki yoza olsangiz, ishonchim komil, siz dunyoning yarmidan yaxshiroqsiz. Nega? Chunki siz gapira oladigan tilga, yoza oladigan qo‘llarga egasiz va o‘ylab, o‘z fikringizni ifoda eta olasiz. Dunyo bo‘ylab ko‘plab odamlar gapira olmaydi, o‘z fikrini ifoda qila olmaydi yoki eshitmaydi. Shuning uchun ham har bir qobiliyatingizni qadrlang va shukr qiling.
Men sizga yuborgan video juda ayanchli holatda bo‘lgan insonlar haqida. Uni tomosha qiling va o‘zingiz xulosa chiqaring.
Men tomosha qilganimda, chin dildan minnatdorlik his qildim.
Shunday qilib, videoning qisqacha mazmunini yozmoqchiman. U ichkilikbozlik, giyohvandlik va uysiz qolgan odamlar haqida. Masalan, Dan ismli odamning hikoyasi juda qiziq. U ilgari yaxshi ish va oilaga ega edi, ammo spirtli ichimlik ichishni boshladi va bu uni butunlay egallab oldi. Oxir-oqibat, u butunlay yo‘qoldi. Oilasini, ishini va hamma narsasini tark etdi. Keyinchalik u hayotini tiklashga qaror qilib, The Phoenix (Feniks) nomli reabilitatsiya markaziga bordi. Bugungi kunda u oldingiga qaraganda ancha baxtli.
Keyingi misol esa ushbu tashkilot asoschisi haqida.
Shunchaki tomosha qiling...
Men uni sizga chin dildan tavsiya qilaman.