Diyorbek Zokirov | Speaking

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

📌 IELTS 7.5 | CEFR Multilevel C1 (Overall 71) (SPEAKING 71)
👨‍🏫 3+ teaching experience
Murojat uchun: @DiyorbekZokirov

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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ko'chada bollar:

ramazon aytib keldik eshigingizga Hudoyim o'g'il bersin beshigingizga

biz oila davrasida va men onamga:

ramazon aytib keldik eshigingizga, Hudoyim kelin bersin eshigingizga😅🤦‍♂️

akam: bet bormi uka bet😅

393 0 4 14 74

hozir kamediya bo'ldi)

Ohhhh nooooo

378 0 1 15 42

Репост из: AniSay
Haqiqiy tolibi ilm (ning ba'zi sifatlari):

Ilmga ham ibodatdek qaraydi.

Uning dars qilayotganini ahli va ustozlaridan boshqalar bilmaydi. Tashqaridagilarga o’zini tirishqoq ko’rsatmaydi.

Ilmini ko'z-ko'z qilmaydi, kitoblarini rasmga olib, dars qilayotgani videosini yasab, internetga joylayvermaydi. Xohishi bo'lsa ham (ilmiga riyo aralashsa, yuqmasligini biladi), vaqti bo'lmaydi.

Har daqiqasini qizg'onadi. Behuda ishlarni tark qiladi.

O'rganganlariga amal qilishga doim tirishadi. Allohdan tavfiq so'raydi.

Alloh bizlarni ham shu daraja yetishtirsin, amiyn.


2 years ago

you can see some variations in my vocabulary usage😅

my most used vocabulary 😅

Today is the last day i used the instagram

deleting my insta for a months

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Really need his voice

Репост из: Diyorbek's IELTS
My favorite part of the IELTS exam is READING.

🎧 Listening is too easy. Try doing CPE Listening or TOEFL Listening. Compared with those, IELTS Listening is a walk in the park.

📝 Writing Task 1 is, for the most part, useless—especially map and process language. You almost never use that kind of vocabulary outside IELTS. While I can see the relevance of data reporting in research papers you read at university, Task 1 of IELTS Academic is generally unnecessarily hard. Task 2 is cliché, verbose writing presented as objectively making a case for something that’s usually easy to argue.

🗣 Speaking feels very robotic. Part 1 questions are overly childish, repetitive, and bizarre. Part 2 is even weirder. They usually ask you to speak for 2 minutes about a situation you might never have experienced. Part 3 seems okay, though.

📑 But IELTS Reading is indeed a good test. It assesses your language skills well and provides genuinely interesting passages. It’s the only truly enjoyable part of the exam.

Examples of how to answer IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions using the Short Answer + Reason + Example format:

1. Do you like your hometown?

✔️ Short Answer: Yes, I do.
✔️ Reason: Because it has a peaceful atmosphere.
✔️ Example: For example, there are many parks and green spaces where people can relax.

Full Answer:
Yes, I do because it has a peaceful atmosphere. For example, there are many parks and green spaces where people can relax.

2. What do you usually do in your free time?

✔️ Short Answer: I usually read books.
✔️ Reason: Since it helps me improve my knowledge and vocabulary.
✔️ Example: For instance, I recently read a book about psychology, and it gave me new insights into human behavior.

Full Answer:
I usually read books since it helps me improve my knowledge and vocabulary. For instance, I recently read a book about psychology, and it gave me new insights into human behavior.

3. Do you prefer tea or coffee?

✔️ Short Answer: I prefer coffee.
✔️ Reason: Because it keeps me energized throughout the day.
✔️ Example: A good example is when I have an early morning class, I always drink a cup of coffee to stay focused.

Full Answer:
I prefer coffee because it keeps me energized throughout the day. A good example is when I have an early morning class, I always drink a cup of coffee to stay focused.

4. Do you like to cook?

✔️ Short Answer: Not really.
✔️ Reason: Since cooking takes a lot of time, and I have a busy schedule.
✔️ Example: For instance, I usually order food or eat at restaurants when I’m short on time.

Full Answer:
Not really, since cooking takes a lot of time, and I have a busy schedule. For instance, I usually order food or eat at restaurants when I’m short on time.

5. What kind of music do you like?

✔️ Short Answer: I like pop music.
✔️ Reason: Because it has catchy melodies and makes me feel happy.
✔️ Example: For example, I often listen to Ed Sheeran’s songs when I’m in a good mood.

Full Answer:
I like pop music because it has catchy melodies and makes me feel happy. For example, I often listen to Ed Sheeran’s songs when I’m in a good mood.

IELTS Speaking - Part 1

📌 Format (~12 questions, 4-5 minutes)
• You will be asked around 12 questions on three different everyday topics.
• The first topic is about either where you live or what you do.
• To answer each question, you have around 20 seconds, which is roughly two long sentences.

General Approach for Answering All Questions

Short answer + reason + possibly, an example

🔹 Starting phrases:
• I think…
• I believe…
• I guess…
• I suppose…
• I’d say…
• As I see it…
• Probably…
• Possibly/Maybe…
• Well/Actually…

🔹 Reason connectors:
• because
• since
• as
• for
• given
• owing to
• due to

🔹 Example connectors:
• like
• such as
• for example
• for instance
• as was seen
• a good example
• a good case in point

Agreement & Disagreement Phrases

• Yes, I agree / For sure
• Absolutely / Of course
• I guess so / I suppose so
• No question

• No / Not at all / I disagree
• I’m not too sure / I don’t think so
• I wouldn’t say so

Do’s for IELTS Speaking Part 1

✔️ Use a range of uncommon vocabulary correctly
✔️ Use complex sentences (See Appendix B, page 406)
✔️ Use a variety of linking words
✔️ Use the correct verb tense, especially past simple for past actions (See Appendix A, page 405)
✔️ If you don’t understand a question or word, ask the examiner clearly and quickly:
Sorry, what was that?
What does “X” mean?
Could you paraphrase the question?

📌 Part 1 in a Nutshell:
• Short answer + explanation
• Don’t repeat the question
• Don’t give a list as an answer
• State one or two opinions
• Use uncommon vocabulary and linkers
• State clear examples
• Use past simple for past actions

Hey everyone!

I know I haven’t been very active on this channel lately, but from now on, I’m excited to share some useful structures and sample answers to help you improve your speaking skills. Stay tuned for more! 🚀


681 0 2 22 76

Deydilar qancha go'zal bor, termular yo'llaringa zor

Man uchun bitta go'zal bor, mani sevmas u go'zal yor!

631 0 1 16 56

Na qilay man dili bemor, mani sevmas u go'zal yor

Bilmadim kimda ko'ngli bor
mani sevmas u go'zal yor)

734 0 1 18 55

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The reason why i'm generally healthy)

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