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Узбекистан, Узбекский
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This is by Chatgpt, through which you can learn so many chunkings.

Sure! Here’s a high-level response with advanced grammar structures and topic-specific vocabulary:
The Life Cycle of a Salmon
The diagram illustrates the life cycle of a species of large fish known as the salmon, detailing its developmental stages and the environments it inhabits throughout its lifespan. The process consists of three main phases, beginning in freshwater rivers and culminating in the open sea before returning upstream to spawn.
Initially, salmon eggs are laid in the upper reaches of slow-moving rivers, where they remain nestled among reeds and small stones for approximately five to six months. Upon hatching, the juvenile fish, termed ‘fry,’ emerge, measuring between 3 and 5 cm in length. These fry gradually make their way downstream to fast-flowing lower rivers, where they continue to grow and mature over a period of roughly four years.
During this intermediate stage, the young fish, now referred to as ‘smolt,’ undergo significant physiological changes, reaching a size of 12 to 15 cm. As they adapt to a saltwater environment, they migrate towards the open sea, where they spend the next five years developing into fully grown adults, attaining a length of 70 to 76 cm.
Upon reaching maturity, adult salmon undertake an arduous journey back to the freshwater rivers where they were originally spawned. This migration is a crucial part of their reproductive cycle, ensuring the continuity of the species. Once they return, they lay eggs, thereby restarting the cycle.
In summary, the salmon’s life cycle is a complex yet well-adapted process involving both freshwater and marine ecosystems. Each stage is marked by significant physiological transformations and environmental transitions, enabling the species to survive and reproduce successfully.
This response employs a range of high-level structures, such as passive voice, complex sentence structures, and topic-specific terms like "physiological changes," "migration," and "spawning." Let me know if you’d like any refinements!

The pictures show how a type of large fish called salmon lives throughout its lifecycle. Overall, there are 3 main stages in this rather simple and natural process: lying eggs, followed by living in the lower river and finally in an open sea. It is also clear that it takes a fish almost a decade to be ready to lie eggs following the beginning of this circular procedure.

In the first stage, after lying the eggs in the upper and slow-moving part of a river, these salmon eggs stay there among reeds and small stones, this ensuring their security. Having stayed there for about 5-6 months, these eggs turn into 3-8 centimeter - so-called 'fries' and begin living in the fast-flowing and lower level of the river for about 4 years.This marks the end of the first stage and the beginning of the second one- 'smolt' period, in which the fish get 12-15 centimeter. During this time, these 'smolts' swim in the open sea for roughly half a decade before becoming adults with 70-76 centimeter length. In the last stage, these fish are now ready to reproduce, which repeats the circular process
~words in 21 minutes.

#writing #task1 #process



Bu tushuncha sizni birinchi hayolizga kelgan yigit va qiz o'rtasidagi munosabatlarning tiklab bo'lmas darajadagi parchalanishi emas. U hamma yerda, har sohada, unga biz har doim duch kelamiz.

Oddiy bir misol qilib Teaching no olaylik, akam ingliz tilidan kursga borardi, lekin unga tayinlangan ustoz yaxshi darsni o'tar ekan, talab qilar ekan, va hattoki mas'uliyatsizlarni haydar ekan. Lekin, bu haydashlar va temir intizom sababli moliyaviy study centre ga moliyaviy zarar kelibdi. Va natijada bu ustoz vazifasidan bo'shatilib o'rniga tajribasizroq bo'lsaham ustoz ishga olindi.

Bu vaziyatda, o'qituvchini ishdan olish xiyonat emasmi, yoki o'qimasa ham o'quvchini o'quv markaz yurib turishi uchun ushlab turish o'quvchini haqqiga xiyonat emasmi? Yoki shu o'quvchi shunday yaxshi o'qituvchi qo'lida borini berib o'z maqsadi yo'lida harakat qilmagani bu unga yaratilgan sharoitga nisbatan xiyonat emasmi? Ko'pchilik ota-onalar bolalariga telefon va kompyuterlar olib berishadi yaxshiroq o'qishlari va tengdoshlari oldida uyalmasliklari uchun. Lekin bu bolalar telefondagi bema'ni qisqa videolar, nafsiz tanishuvlar, va bekorchi o'yinlarga o'zini qimmmatli vaqtini sarflab yuborishadi, o'zini maqsadini unutishadi. Bu ishonchga va umidga, qolaversa yaratilgan sharoit va imkoniyatlarga nisbatan xiyonat emasmi?

Maktab o'qituvchilarini ko'pchiligi oxirgi soatlarda o'quvchilarga minutlar oldin yoki umuman dars o'tmasdan javob berib yuborishadi, bu olayotgan maoshga nisbatan xiyonat emasmi? Ba'zilar esa oxirgi soatlar emas, barcha soatlarda hech qanday ma'lumot bermasdan shunchaki darsni o'tkazishadi, eh, eh ,eh. Xiyonat do'stlar, xiyonat.

Ko'zingni oching, do'stlar, bu XIYONAT. Hozir men ta'lim sohasida uchrab turgan va deyarli barcha insonlar bemalol ko'z yumib ketishga odatlangan xiyonatlarni sanab o'tdim.

🌙Good night, everyone. 🥱💤

Guys, bu kurs ayniqsa abituryentlarga va magistratura candidatelarga mos, ya'ni ularda yaxshigina grammar bilim bo'lishi kerak va bu kursda o'qiganlar Aprel imtihonigacha 100% tayyor bo'ladi va natija ololadi.

‼️MULTI-LEVEL (CEFR) kursga qabul ochiq ✅
Birinchi dars ertaga soat 5 da.

Kunlar: Tu, Thu, Sa, (Su) at 5pm
Fee: 250 000 UZS
Venue: Imperial Study, Namuna
Teacher score: IELTS 7.5/CEFR C1 65

Course lasts for 3 months.

The Truth About Late-Night Snacking: Is It Really Bad?🍩🍿

Eating before bed, especially foods high in sugar or fat, can disrupt sleep patterns. There is some truth to this. For example, heavy meals that are difficult to digest can lead to discomfort and indigestion, making it harder to fall asleep.



✍WRITING - 291 ta
🗣SPEAKING - 146 ta
📖READING - 99 ta
🏆OVERALL - 560 ta

...foydali dars va manbalar ulashilibdi. Agarda sizga ma'lum bir sectiondangina nimadir kerak bo'lsa, mana bu 👉 #writing #speaking #reading #listening hashtaglar orqali topib foydalansangiz bo'ladi.

Kanalim imtihonlar topshirish va yangi ishlarni boshlab olish paytida ancha trash ga to'lib ketdi, to'g'risi, followerlarga deyarli foydasi tegmadi.

Agar Writingdan 7+ ob chiqsam Task 1 bepul kurs o'tib beraman deb va'da bergandim. Afsus, imtihonda performance yaxshi bo'madi, lekin shunisigayam shukur.

Buyog'iga o'sha va'dani ado qilish uchun deyarli har kuni video darslar va manbalar ulashib boraman. Sizlar padderjkada bo'lishda davom etishdan charchamasangiz, bu kanal sizga yordam berishdan charchamaydi.

‼️AGAR tepadagi 3 ta manbadan kundalik regime asosida qilib borsangiz, Reading va Writing qismidan yaxshi ball ni kafolatlaysiz. Bilselar bilarsilar, aks holda, IELTS dan xohlagan balingizni ololmaslikda davom etavering.

Thank u for your attention.

IELTS READING passage lar ko'pincha mana shu article lardan olinadi. Agarda Reading qismidan 8+ ball olmoqchi bo'lsangiz, buni tahlil qilib boring.

Task 1 uchun Grammar va Lug'at kerak bo'lsa, mana shu kitobni bir necha betini har kuni tahlil qilib boring.

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Kundalik o'qib borish uchun yaxshi article lar joylab boriladigan, IELTS savollariga javob va g'oyalarni o'zida jamlagan kanal. Har kuni kamida bittadan o'qib boring, shaxsiy tavsiyam, reklama emas.


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