I can admit it
I love compliments but don't believe them.
I can listen to songs again and again until i hate them.
I can easily cry.
I can be deadly quiet when I'm uncomfortable.
I may be nonchalant.
My overthinking is always right.
I love being alone but hate feeling alone.
I prefer to love, date, marry to only one person.
I hate being sick.
I love making fun of people whom I am close.
I hate people who lie to me.
I am introvert and extrovert.
I can easily cut off people who don't give me the same attention as I am giving to them.
I can cry for songs and movies.
I love imagining about things.
I hate saying goodbyes.
I love listening to people whom i care.
I can be a bit jealous.
I love it when people remember small details about me.
I love compliments but don't believe them.
I can listen to songs again and again until i hate them.
I can easily cry.
I can be deadly quiet when I'm uncomfortable.
I may be nonchalant.
My overthinking is always right.
I love being alone but hate feeling alone.
I prefer to love, date, marry to only one person.
I hate being sick.
I love making fun of people whom I am close.
I hate people who lie to me.
I am introvert and extrovert.
I can easily cut off people who don't give me the same attention as I am giving to them.
I can cry for songs and movies.
I love imagining about things.
I hate saying goodbyes.
I love listening to people whom i care.
I can be a bit jealous.
I love it when people remember small details about me.