Bravo english™

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Гап йўқ ашулага

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Рамазон ойининг илк Жума куни муборак бўлсин

🤲 Бугун Рамазон ойининг биринчи ЖУМА куни экан, Ин ша Аллоҳ бугунги кун барчамизга хайрли келсин.


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Шукуруллоҳ домла Рўзадор билмасдан сув ичиб қўйса нима

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"Онангизга яхши кўришингизни айтсанг ва 30.000 сўм ютинг."

Биринчи акага гап йўқ ҳақиқий фарзандни гапини гапирди.


Ўзбекистон халқ артисти Мирза Азизов 58 ёшида оламдан ўтди. Яқинларига сабр тилаймиз 🤲

Инна лиллаҳи ва инна илайҳи рожиун.


♻️ New vocabulary

🔰digestion — the process of breaking up food in the body — hazm qilish
🔰raise — increase; become greater — ko’tarilmoq, o’smoq
🔰maintained — kept at a certain rate or level; continued — davom etmoq, saqlanmoq
🔰prolonged — continuing for a long time or for longer than expected — uzoq vaqtga cho’zilgan
🔰tight — not relaxed; tense — tarang
🔰dry — without moisture; without emotion — quruq
🔰rigid — inflexible; unbending; not able or not willing to change — qattiq
🔰let oneself pour forth — allow yourself to show or express something; allow something to come out (phrase) — o’zini ko’rsatmoq
🔰suppressed — prevented from being expressed; held back — berkitmoq, yashirmoq
🔰trigger — cause to happen — sabab bo’lmoq
🔰ailment — illness, often painful and long-lasting though seemingly not serious — og’riq
🔰weeping — crying — yig’lash
🔰reversal — turning round; changing to become opposite — aks o’zgarish
🔰breakdown — collapse; strong depression — ruhiy tushkunlik
🔰transition — period or process of change from one condition to another — o’zgarish
🔰genuine — real; true — haqiqiy
🔰impulse — urge; feeling of having to do something — turtki

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♻️ New vocabulary

— make a loud, high clear note or sound as something moves quickly through the air — uvillamoq (kuchli shamol payti bo’ladi odatda)
🔰moan — make a low sound, as if sad or in pain — ingramoq
🔰gust — sudden, very strong rush of wind — shiddat
🔰take refuge — go to a place that is safe and provides shelter and protection (phrase) — o’zini chetga olmoq; yashirinmoq
🔰gateway — entrance through a fence, outdoor wall, etc., where there is a structure similar to a door — darvoza
🔰get a lift — find someone who will take you somewhere in their car, or other vehicle for free (phrase) — ortmoq, olib ketmoq
🔰beckon — signal to someone by a movement of the hand or arm — imlamoq, qo’l harakati orqali imo-ishora qilmoq
🔰unsteadily — shakily; without complete control — qimirlatib, beqaror
🔰handlebars — part of a bicycle which you hold onto, used for steering — rul, velosipedning ruli
🔰exhilaration — strong feeling of excitement, happiness and of being alive — zavqlanmoq, shodlanmoq
🔰float — be supported by air or water and move gently — suzmoq
🔰elation — great happiness and delight — hursandchilik, shodlik, baxt

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@GrantTalaba_bot orqail yasald @bravo_english

So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️ Kundalik so‘zlar

1. What is it to you? - Senga nima?
2. What's the use of? - Nega? / Nima qizig'i bor?
3. What if I refuse? - Agar rad etsamchi?
4. What is going on (here)? - (Bu yerda) Nima bo'lyapdi?
5. Are you kidding? – Hazillashayapsanmi?
6. Why worry him? - Uni bezovta qilishning nima keragi bor?
6. Coming along? - Kelayapsanmi?
7. Make yourself clear. – Aniqroq gapiring.
8. So what? - Nima qilibdi? Xo'sh, nima bo'libdi (bo'pti)?
9. Surely you can see that. - Nahotki buni tushunmayotgan bo'lsang?
10. Get it? - Tushundingmi?
11. No fooling? - Rostdanmi? / Aldamayapsanmi?
12. So what's the hitch? - Xo'sh baxonang nima?
13. Are you nuts? - Sen g'alatimasmisan?
14. Can you manage it? - Eplay olasanmi?
15. How's that? - Buni qanday tushuntirish mumkin?
16. Is that where you were? - Ha, bu yerda ekansizku?
17. Why is it ...? - Nega bu ..,?
18. Are you out of your mind? - Esing joyidami?

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"Go" fe'li so'z birikmalari

go abroad - chet elga chiqish
go astray - adashib qolish
go bad - buzulib qolish, aynib qolish
go bald - kal bo'lish
go bankrupt - bankrot bo'lish
go blind - ko'r bo'lish / sezmay qolish
go crazy - jinni bo'lish
go dark - qorong'ulashish
go deaf - kar bo'lish
go fishing - baliq ovlash
go mad - jahli chiqish
go missing - yo'qolish
go on foot - piyoda yurish
go online - aloqaga chiqish
go overseas - okeandan o'tish
go quiet - jim bo'lib qolish
go sailing - suzish / qayiqda suzish
go to war - urush boshlash
go yellow - sariq bo'lish

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🌏 Bir guruh olimlar tadqiqot oʻtkazishibdi:

Maqsad: mashhur xudosizlar (Lenin, Napoleon, Fridrix Nisshe, Yaroslavskiy, Volter-Buyuk masxarachi, Karl IX, Titanikni yasagan injener.) oʻlimlari oldidan nima deyishganini aniqlash!

Natijalarni bilish: @sof_ibrat

Learning and doing

achieve - erishmoq
brain - miya
clever - aqlli
concentrate - fikrni jamlamoq
consider - deb hisoblamoq
course - kurs
degree - daraja
experience - tajriba qilmoq, tajriba
expert - ekspert, o'z ishini ustasi
fail - muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchramoq
guess - tahmin qilmoq, tahmin
hesitate - ikkilanmoq
instruction - qo'llanma
make progress - yuksalmoq
make sure - ishonch hosil qilmoq
mark - baholamoq, baho
mental - aqliy
pass - imtihondan o'tmoq
qualification - tajriba, malaka
remind - eslatmoq
report - hisob bermoq, hisobot
revise - qaytadan ko'rib chiqmoq
search - qidirmoq
skill - mahorat
smart - aqlli
subject - fan
take an exam - imtihon topshirmoq
talented - talantli
term - termin
wonder - hayratlanmoq

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Word patterns

bored with - ...dan zerikkan
crazy about - ...ning ashaddiy muhlisi
good at - ...da yaxshi
interested in - qiziqmoq
keen on - qiziqmoq
popular with - ...bilan mashhur

feel like - xohlamoq
listen to - tinglamoq
take part in - qatnashmoq

a book (by sb) about - ...haqida kitob
a fan of - ...ning muhlisi
a game against - qarshi o'yin

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