Munisa's Voice 🩺🚑

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Образование

Tibbiyot va huquq sohasidagi qiziqarli ma’lumotlar, maslahatlar va o’z tajribalarim bilan bo’lishaman.

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

And I thank God every day
For the girl He sent my way.


Репост из: ЭТО ЗНАК
Только представьте:

в субботу уже весна.

Bugun eski rasmlarni topib oldim.

Ukamning bog'chada tushgan rasmi va dadamning mayorlikdagi rasmlari.

Ular ham xafa bo'lishmasin😁

Bayramingiz muborak❤️

Ps. Ukamni shirinligini qarela😄


Бобочони азиз!

Имрӯз, дар Рӯзи Муҳофизони Ватан, мехоҳам аз самими қалб миннатдорӣ ва эҳтироми худро баён кунам. Шумо ҳамеша барои мо намунаи ҷасорат, хирадмандӣ ва меҳрубонӣ ҳастед. На танҳо муҳофизи Ватан, балки муҳофизи оилаи мо ҳам ҳастед, ки моро бо муҳаббат ва дастгирии худ роҳнамоӣ мекунед.

Ба шумо тандурустии бардавом, хушбахтӣ ва умри дароз орзу дорам. Бигзор рӯзҳоятон пур аз сулҳ ва гармиву меҳрубонӣ бошанд, ҳамон тавре ки шумо зиндагии моро бо муҳаббати худ пур кардаед.

Рӯзи 23-юми феврал муборак, бобочони азиз! Орзуманди солҳои зиёди пур аз қувват ва шукуфоӣ барои шумо!

Бо эҳтиром ва муҳаббат,
ерка неваратон Муниса 😊


OSCEda amaliyot o’tash imkoniyati! 🌍✨

Yevropada Xavfsizlik va Hamkorlik Tashkiloti (OSCE) 2024-yil uchun amaliyot (internship) dasturlarini e’lon qildi!

💼 Nima uchun ariza topshirish kerak?
✔️ Xalqaro tashkilotda amaliy tajriba orttirish
✔️ OSCE mutaxassislari bilan ishlash imkoniyati
✔️ Ish faoliyatingizni global miqyosda rivojlantirish

🔹 Kimlar uchun: Magistratura yoki bakalavrni tugatgan iqtidorli yoshlar
🔹 So’nggi muddat: Arizalar doimiy qabul qilinadi
🔹 Batafsil ma’lumot va ariza topshirish:

Katta imkoniyatni qo‘ldan boy bermang! 🚀



Are you from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, or Afghanistan?

Are you between 18 and 29 years old?

Do you want to become an expert in conflict prevention and shape the future of the region?

🎯 Apply if you:
✅ Are actively engaged in youth activities;
✅ Speak English and/or Russian;
✅ Are ready to dive into the world of diplomacy and international relations.
📅 Deadline: March 10, 2025!

👉 Details and registration: Short link
🌟 This is your chance to:

— Gain unique knowledge;
— Connect with like-minded individuals from across Central Asia;
— Be part of global change!
UNRCCA — shaping the leaders of tomorrow!


QS 2025 ranking.pdf
2025-yil uchun QS universitetlar reytinglari e’lon qilindi. Hujjat topshirishda hamda universitet tanlashda ushbu reytinglardan foydalanishni tavsiya qilaman.


Why is studying abroad important?

1️⃣ You learn how to manage your time, finances, and daily life without relying on others. You become truly independent, which is a crucial skill for adulthood.

2️⃣ Every country has its own unique approach to education. By studying abroad, you get to experience different teaching methods, academic expectations, and research opportunities that may not exist in your home country.

3️⃣ Being in an unfamiliar environment forces you to adapt quickly. Whether it’s handling paperwork, navigating a new city, or communicating in a foreign language, you develop resilience and confidence in yourself.

4️⃣ You meet people from all over the world—students, professors, and professionals. These connections can open doors to new opportunities, friendships, and even career paths you never imagined.

5️⃣ When you live in another country, you start to understand different perspectives, traditions, and lifestyles. This makes you more open-minded, tolerant, and appreciative of diversity.

6️⃣ Employers highly value candidates who have international experience. Studying abroad shows that you are adaptable, independent, and capable of handling challenges—all qualities that make you stand out in the job market.

7️⃣ When you live abroad, you begin to see your own country in a new light. You appreciate its strengths and recognize its weaknesses, which allows you to contribute more meaningfully when you return.

Yes, studying abroad is difficult. You will have moments of doubt and homesickness. But the personal and professional growth you gain from it is priceless. If you ever get the chance, take it. Even if it’s just for one semester. The world is too big to stay in one place.

And who knows? Maybe one day you, too, will look back and say, “At home, I was a king. But abroad, I learned how to build my own kingdom.”



Why Every Student Should Study Abroad

Just 20 minutes ago, I had a conversation with my little brother, who is currently studying at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi. I asked him, “Has anything changed in your life since you moved abroad?” His response was both simple and profound:

“In Uzbekistan, I was a king. But here, I am responsible for every single thing for myself.”

This single sentence perfectly captures what it means to study abroad. Many of us grow up in the comfort of our families, where everything is taken care of—meals prepared, bills paid, and problems solved with the help of our loved ones. But once we step into a foreign country, reality hits: we become responsible for everything.

Studying abroad is not easy. You will struggle, feel lonely at times, and face challenges you never expected. But is it worth it? Absolutely. And I firmly believe that every student should, at least for one semester, experience studying in a foreign country.



Репост из: ЭТО ЗНАК
Через неделю весна.

At least there are painkillers. Somehow, life goes on.


Happy Jumah🌷


Savollarga javob berishni boshladim💜

Siz bilan suhbat qurish menga ham qiziq😄


You read Surah Maryam and you see how Allah made miracles happen just because of a Dua. Never give up on your Dua, because your miracle may just be on it's way to you.


Grant me a heart that smiles, a heart immersed in patience, one that doesn't weaken in front of anything, except You.


People are quick to judge and slow to understand.


We're so focused on the future that we don't realize that today was what we prayed for years ago.

Enjoy your today.


There's a sort of comfort in talking and crying to Allah in sujood that no one else can explain.


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