🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔠1️⃣ 🔠2️⃣
✅ Incisive (C2)
✅ Tarjima: O‘tkir, aniq, mantiqiy
✔️ Namuna gap: Her incisive analysis of the problem impressed everyone in the room.
✅ Esoteric (C2)
✅ Tarjima: Faqat maxsus bilimga ega kishilar uchun tushunarli
✔️ Namuna gap: The book discusses esoteric philosophical ideas that are not easily understood by most readers.
✅ Ineffable (C2)
✅ Tarjima: So‘z bilan ifodalab bo‘lmaydigan
✔️ Namuna gap: The beauty of the sunset was so ineffable that it left everyone speechless.
✅ Spurious (C2)
✅ Tarjima: Noto‘g‘ri, yolg‘on, asossiz
✔️ Namuna gap: The politician’s claims were dismissed as spurious and baseless.
✅ Obfuscate (C2)
✅ Tarjima: Chalkashtirib yubormoq, tushunishni qiyinlashtirmoq
✔️ Namuna gap: The lawyer tried to obfuscate the facts to protect his client.
Tig’ tegmagan, siz hali hech qayerda ko’rmagan Advanced so’zlar. Reaksiya bossangiz arziydi☺️😸❤️
✅ Incisive (C2)
✅ Tarjima: O‘tkir, aniq, mantiqiy
✔️ Namuna gap: Her incisive analysis of the problem impressed everyone in the room.
✅ Esoteric (C2)
✅ Tarjima: Faqat maxsus bilimga ega kishilar uchun tushunarli
✔️ Namuna gap: The book discusses esoteric philosophical ideas that are not easily understood by most readers.
✅ Ineffable (C2)
✅ Tarjima: So‘z bilan ifodalab bo‘lmaydigan
✔️ Namuna gap: The beauty of the sunset was so ineffable that it left everyone speechless.
✅ Spurious (C2)
✅ Tarjima: Noto‘g‘ri, yolg‘on, asossiz
✔️ Namuna gap: The politician’s claims were dismissed as spurious and baseless.
✅ Obfuscate (C2)
✅ Tarjima: Chalkashtirib yubormoq, tushunishni qiyinlashtirmoq
✔️ Namuna gap: The lawyer tried to obfuscate the facts to protect his client.
Tig’ tegmagan, siz hali hech qayerda ko’rmagan Advanced so’zlar. Reaksiya bossangiz arziydi☺️😸❤️