Asalkhon Sharipova | Channel

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

📣 Asalkhon Sharipova
🇺🇸 SUSI Finalist 2024
🇮🇳 Youth Ambassador at YIA
🗣️ IELTS 8,5 Speaking 9
📚 UWED | DTM 180,5
🚀 'Swap Up', ‘GirlsUp’ projects
✅ Speaking Course: IDC
✅ Student Results: @idc_results
Admin: @asalkhons_admin
Reklama: @asalkhon_ads

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

When you do something from your heart, it always works out

It does 🫀

This is IDC Consultations

🫀 Our Support at IDC with

▫️ Consultations
▫️ IDC Tea Talks 🍵
▫️ Special Lessons

Manage to join our IDC 6.0 until our seats run out 😌

@asalkhons_admin ➡️ 2 kun qoldi


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Yes, we DO IT

IDC kursimizda darslar, practice, mock, eventlar tashqari

➡️ Mendan shaxsan 1-on-1 consultation before exam olasiz

😌 Oddiy konsultatsiya emas, men sizdan IELTS App savol berib, javobingizdan kelib chiqib, muammongizni aniqlayman

▫️Fluency issue
▫️Lexical Resource
▫️Grammar Range


Siz uchun special ✨ exercise yasayman muammongizni yechish uchun osongina

IDCga 6.0ga qoshilsangiz- konsultatsiya qilamiz😌

Registratsiya ➡️ @asalkhons_admin

Did you know we do special consultations ✨ at IDC too?)

1-to-1 with me and I even design an exercise for u 😌

Yess, all before the exam ..

Speaking is a Soul with Feelings

Most just focus on the metals of speaking: vocab & grammar; we focus on the builder- YOU ✨🥹

Yes, youu and today I will show you how we help IDC students hit Speaking 7+

For IDC 6.0- well, guys you have only 3 days to register

Registration ➡️ @asalkhons_admin

📣 Registration With Skidka for IDC 6.0 Course

‼️ Faqat 4-5-6 Fevral 35% skidka bilan registratsiya

+ Ham skidka ham bitta 🆓 bonus
🎁 faqat birinchi 35 yozilgan odamga boladi

Yozilishdan oldin IDC kusrimiz haqida organvoling 👇🏼

1️⃣ Feedback
IDC 1.0 Students
IDC 2.0 Students
IDC 3.0 Students
IDC 4.0 Students
IDC 5.0 Students

2️⃣ Our IELTS Results
From X band to X band stories, click on each to read - Result Board 🔗

40+ Resulatatlarni Oqing

3️⃣ Speaking IDC Haqida

▫️Fact 1-
Darslar Soni
▫️Fact 2-
Darslar Turi
▫️Fact 3 -
▫️Fact 4 -
IDC Tea Talks

📌 IDC 6.0 Start- 9 Fevral

😌 👇🏼 Hammasini oqib chiqib kursga yozilshingiz mumkun

Admin: @asalkhons_admin
Admin: @asalkhons_admin



Let’s do a small obzor of RESULTS from my last patok of 💡Idea Generation Course

IELTS Imtihon Natijalari

Speaking 8.5 😱 - M.Sh (7>8.5)
Speaking 8 - Alisher (7.5 > 8)
Speaking 8 - Alimardon (7 > 8)
Speaking 8 - Mike (7 > 8)
Speaking 8 - Bobur (7.5 > 8)
Speaking 7.5 - Shirin (7 > 7.5)
Speaking 7.5 - Shakhlo (6.5 > 7.5)
Speaking 7.5 - Amirkhon
Speaking 7.5 - Azamat (6.5> 7.5)
Speaking 7.5 - Nigora (6.5> 7.5)
Speaking 7.5 - Zulxumor (6.5> 7.5)
Speaking 7.5 - Zarina ( 7 > 7.5)
Speaking 7.5 - Muhammadsodiq (+0.5)
Speaking 7.5 - Bekhruz ( 7>7.5)
Speaking 7.5 - Mohinur (6.5>7.5)
Speaking 7.5 - Dilfuza (6.5>7.5)
Speaking 7 - Mukhlisa (6>7)
Speaking 7 - Elbek (6 > 7)
Speaking 7- Aziza (6 > 7)
Speaking 7 - Zilola (6.5 > 7)
Speaking 7 - Sabrina (6 > 7)
Speaking 7 - Jakhongir (6 > 7)
Speaking 7 - Rokhila (6 > 7)
Speaking 7 - Asaloy (5.5 > 7)
Speaking 7 - Zuhra (6 > 7)
Speaking 7 - Madina (6> 7)
Speaking 7 - Mushtariybegim (6.5>7)
Reading 7,5 - Aziza (6 > 7.5)
Speaking 7- Nodirabegim (6.5>7)
Speaking 7- Shahina (5.5>7🤩)
Speaking 7 - Aziza Soatmurodova (7>7,5 in 3days 😌)
Speaking 7- Sitora (6>7)
Speaking 7 - Saidakbar ( 5.5 > 7😱)

New results from my Speaking Course🙈. I am so proud of my students❤️‍🔥

@asalkhons_admin ➡️ for IDC 6.0

🥹 Saidakbar, this is unbelievable

➡️ Speaking 5.5 > 7 | + 1,5🫀

Saidakbar is a very young talented man who shocked me with his amazing goals and aspirations 🥹 When we had the consultation, I knew there was sth special in him.

He had very logically complex ideas and the weak points was Topic Development and topic linkers that we study at our IDC course, this was the only issue. I designed a special exercise for Saidakbar to get his thoughts together before the exam

And this young man did magic

Saidakbar, know that I’m very proud of your dedication to success!

@idc_results ➡️ our results

@asalkhons_admin ➡️ kursimiz malumoti uchun

Sitora is nailing it ✨🥹

🪄 Speaking 6 > 7 | +1,0⚡️

In our IDC before you join the course, you have to pass our Professional Mock Test ✅ and in case of Sitora her Lexical Resource and Fluency was two weak points that made her speech inconsistent.

Through our practice, our special tasks during hw, Sitora finally nailed the connection with her ideas

Sitora, you were a very active student & your hard work payed off 🥹

@idc_results ➡️ our results

@asalkhons_admin ➡️ kursimiz malumoti uchun

Aziza, you did it 🥹✨

Speaking 7 > 7,5

3 kun ichida 🤩. Imtihondan otishdan oldin men Aziza bilan konsultatsiya qilgandim va unga mashq qilib berdim.

Aziza’s only weak point was Thought Development that was affecting her Fluency, We used logic linkers from IDC course to fix her small issue

And bangggg

In JUST 3 days, she got to 7.5 with no issue! I am very proud of you, Aziza 🫀🥹

@idc_results ➡️ our results

@asalkhons_admin ➡️ kursimiz malumoti uchun

2.9k 0 4 16 103

Good morning ☀️

Bugun chiroyli kun chunki IDC oquvchilarimni natijalari chiqdi

➡️ Today is a RESULTS DAY 🤩

Truly after yesterday you yourself saw that we create ✨ magic at IDC and soon u can join as well😌

Photo: gullar IDC oquvchimizdan🫀

@asalkhons_admin ➡️ info

Bu nimaaaa

Bu psixologiya ‘Inner Power’ 🪄 degan concept orqali, ozimizni yangi odamga aylatirish uchun mashq

Our special IDC Tea Talks 🍵

Speaking IDC kursimiz onlyan bizda, lekin kichik imkoniyat beramiz offlayn uchrashuvga 😌

IDC 6.0 uchun faqat 2 kun beramiz qoshilishga, otkazvormang

@asalkhons_admin ➡️ for IDC Magic

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3.3k 0 3 10 131

Biz yana yaratyapmiz 🥹💘

IDC is a special course that cares about your heart, dreams & goals 🫀

✨ Magic of IDC

@asalkhons_admin ➡️ IDC is special

What if 🥹

There was a Speaking Course that looks at your soul 🫀 and not simply vocab materials(

Yes, our IDC ✨ is that magic

Biz odamni ichki dunyosi bilan ishlab , nafaqat Speaking- hayotini ozgartiramiz 😌

Check out these cute VIDEOS🔗 in my stories



🫀 My January

🥹 Manashu oyni bir yil yashagandek ozimni his qildim, kop risk oldim, kop barakatli ish qildim

▫️ Prava imtihonini topshirdik va prava oldik 🪪
▫️ BYD E2 uchun to’lov qilib kontrakt imzoladim
▫️Diplomatiyada 5ta yaquniy imtihonni 85%+ yopdim
▫️ICR 1.0 - #ICreate kursni yaratdik & boshladik
▫️IDC Tea Talks - oquvchilarim bilan tashkillashtirdik
▫️IDC 5.0 kursimizni yopdik

Ham shaxsiy qobiliyatlarimni rivojlantirdim, ham Diplomatiyada oqish, ham 100lab oquvchilarimni oqitdim

I have ‘a small beautiful life’

And I love my live and never compare with other’s ☺️


3.8k 0 9 14 173

☃️ Happy February

No depression, no anxiety just passion inside my heart 🥹♥️

I wish you guys motivation and strength this month, remember that the power is inside you


Photo: Tea Talks 🍵 with my IDC students ☺️

@asalkhons_admin ➡️ idc 6.0

💫 Action Circle | IELTS Speaking

Bu metod eng oson va chill metod IDC oquvchilarimga speech development darsida otaman

🪄Bu narsa miyyani ochirib ham toxtamay gapirtiradi

No thinking, no vocabulary or grammar is needed

Bugun soat 20:30da manashu kanalda siz eng kutgan ✨ Speaking Dars otkazaman

🪄 Magic Speech at 20:30

HERE only

@asalkhons_admin ➡️ IDC qiziqqanlar uchun)

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4.8k 0 12 9 188
Показано 20 последних публикаций.