Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Art of speaking
📍📍The map of the channel! 📍📍
🔤🔤🔤🔤 1️⃣

2.Home and decoration
4.Outer space
8.Small businesses
9.Sharing things
10.Staying at home
11.Morning routine
12.Mobil phones
15.Pens and pencils

🔤🔤🔤🔤 2️⃣
1.First day at school
2.Describe a plant
3.Describe something that you own and want to replace
4.Describe a time when you recieved money as a gift
5.Risk you have taken which had a positive result
6.Describe a person who encouraged and helped you to achieve a goal
7.Describe something given to you that you really need
8.Describe a tourist attraction that very few people visit but you think is interesting
9.Describe a place in your home where you can relax
10.Describe a person who met at a party and enjoyed talking with
11.Describe an indoor or outdoor place it was easy for you to study
12.Daily routine you enjoy
13.Describe a complaint you made and were satisfied with result
14.Advertisement you didn`t like
15.Describe a piece of news that you heard about someone you know well
16.Describe a city where you would like to stay for a short time
17.Describe a time when you went a noisy place
18.Describe a person you like to work or study with
19.Describe sport you have watched before but have not played yourself
20.Describe a useful website that you visit
21.Describe something you did with someone else or with a group of people
22.Describe a difficult task that you completed at work or study that you felt proud of
23.Describe a time when you taught a friend or relative
24.Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire
25.Describe a new something you would like to learn in the future
26.Describe an interesting place you have been to with a friend
27.Describe an interesting old person you have met
28.Describe a place that is good for people to live in.
29.Describe a subject you would like to learn in the future
30.Describe a natural pace
31.Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young
32.Describe an unusual meal
33.Describe photo of you that you like
34.Describe a person you are happy to know
35.Describe a person you know who is talented
36.Describe something you did and made you feel proud
37.Describe someone who is role model for young people
38.Describe an occasion when you ate a kind of foreign food
39.Describe your favorite weather
40.Describe a new development in your city
41.Describe a place you visited that has been affected by air pollution
42.Describe a historical building you have been to
43.Place where are things expensive
44.Describe a person who likes to buy things at low prices

🔤🔤🔤🔤 3️⃣

1.Jobs and Kids
2.Countryside and plants
3.Replacing things/consumerism
6.Motivation and goals
7.Rewards and shopping
8.Tourist attractions,environmental damage
9.Having rest doing exercise
10.Meeting people communication
15.News and information
17.Making noise
18.Classmates and colleagues
20.Internet and apps
22.Success and goals
23.Learning something skills
24.Actors and actresses
25.Decisions,learning something new
27.Old and young people
28.Learning new skills
29.Cities and countryside
31.Natural places
32.Free time activities

Septemberdan speaking appda yana yangi topiclar qoshildi!!
Speaking 8.0 sohibasi IELTS instructor Miss Charos sizlar uchun daily sample answers tayyorlabdilar))😌✨

Take the most of it and enjoy 8.0+ sample answers 🤩

part 2: First day at school (hot topic)
+ part 3: Jobs, kids

Plant (hot topic)
+ part 3: Countryside, plants

Thing you want to replace (hot topic)
+ part 3: Replacing things, consumerism

Money as a gift (may not be in use now)
+ part 3: Money

Risk (hot topic)
+ part 3: Risk-taking

Person who encouraged you to achieve a goal (hot topic)
+ part 3: Motivation, goals

Thing you really wanted (may be trending now)
+ part 3: Rewards, shopping

Place that is not visited by many tourists (hot topic)
+ part 3: Tourist attractions, environmental damage

Place to relax in your home (hot topic)
+ part 3: Having a rest, doing exercise

Person you met at a party (hot topic)
+ part 3: Meeting people, communication

Place for studying (hot topic)
+ part 3: Studying

Teaching something new to a young person (hot topic)
+ part 3: Learning new things

Daily routine you enjoy
+ part 3: Routines

Complaint you made
+ part 3: Complaints

Natural place (hot topic)
+ part 3: Natural places

Free time activity you enjoyed when you were younger (may be trending now)
+ part 3: Free time activities

Special meal (hot topic)
+ part 3: Cooking

Unusual meal (hot topic)
+ part 3: Eating out

✅Photo or painting (hot topic)
+ part 3: Photos

Person you are happy to know (may be trending now)
+ part 3: Happiness

Interesting old person
+ part 3: Old people

Something you did with a group of people
+ part 3: Cooperation

Describe a place where you have taken photos more than once
+ Part 3: Photos

Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes
+ Part 3: Clothes

Historical building (hot topic)
+ part 3: Old buildings

Describe a time you went to a noisy place
+ part 3: Noise

Репост из: A'zamjonova Hurshida
Tabiatni sevuvchi yoshlar uchun ajoyib imkoniyat!

🌿 EKONUR eko volontyorlar harakati tomonidan oʻtkazilinib kelinayotgan "Eko marafon" onlayn loyihasining 7-mavsumiga taklif qilamiz!

☘️ Bu loyiha orqali siz:
➖ Tabiatga mehringizni namoyon qiling va u bilan hamohang bo‘ling;
➖ Yangi do‘stlar orttiring va birgalashib o‘z ustingizda ishlang!

Nima uchun bu marafon muhim?
➡️ Siz kabi tabiatni sevuvchi yoshlar bilan bir jamoada ishlaysiz.
➡️ Kunlik topshiriqlar orqali tabiatni himoya qilasiz va eko-ko‘nikmalaringizni rivojlantirasiz.
➡️ Tajribali mutaxassislar treninglarida ishtirok etasiz.
➡️ Eko marafon doirasidagi "Eko intellekt" , "Eko zakovat" va boshqa qiziqarli dasturlarda qatnashasiz.

📝 Faol ishtirokchilarni e
sa hamkorlar tomonidan tasdiqlangan xalqaro darajadagi QR kodli sertifikat kutmoqda!

❤️ Tabiatni sevasizmi? Unda safimizda bo‘lishga shoshiling!

💵 Ishtirok etish bepul, joylar soni cheklangan — 70 nafar ishtirokchi!

📝 Qabul uchun: @EkoQabul7
🗓 Bo‘lib o‘tadigan sana: 13-14-15-sentabr.
Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish muddati: 9-sentabrga qadar.

📌 Manzil: @ekonuruz

LINK IS UPDATED, please check it out

Singlim Muslima instagrammda faoliyat boshlabdi.

Eng foydali reelslar bo'larkan uni sahifasida 😌

Ulanib, reelaslariga comment yozib do'stlarizga yuborib qo'ying, share soni eng muhimi!

Speakingga partner kk, current score 6-6.5 boʻlgan.
Plan bor nasib qilsa , disciplineda ishlaymiz

Murojaat: @hmadjonovam.

Yozni bekor 💤 sarflamaslik uchun ilm o'rganish kerak!

IELTS 8.0 egasi bilan Ingliz tili organamizni bu yozda? Bepulga?

Har bitta kursim uchun bepul dars o'tib beraman sizlarga.

1 July - A1
2 July - A2
3 July - B1-B2
4-8 July: IELTS L, R, W, S

⏰: kechgi soat 22.00 har kun

💸: bepul

🧠: darsdan oldin "focus"ni tayyorlab qoyinglar. Judayam manfaatli dars bo'lishiga ishonaman (chunki uyga vazifa ham beraman sizlarga)!!!


Репост из: мысли вслух 🏹
ENGLISH GRAMMAR kursi ochilyapti ❗️

Teacher: IELTS 8.0 egasi

📆 Dars haftasiga 3 kun: Mon/Wed/Fri 🕘 21:00da
Yakshanba kuni: TEST

‼️ Qattiq nazorat va individual yordam

Kurs 24-iyunda start oladi!

💸 Kurs narxi: 250 000 so'm

👩🏻‍💻 Qo'shilish uchun: @saidametova_kr

Kanalingizga jonli obunachilar yiĝishni, sotuvlaringiz kòpayishini istasangiz, murojaat qiling:


My another hardworking student😍
Speaking 7.0
I have taught her for a month in a speaking course. Most of the part she worked hard and did the utmost. I am happy🫠

Nice topic-related expressions and sentences

• computers have eased our lives and brought comfort
• perform many tasks more quickly and efficiently
• with just a few clicks
• cybersecurity risks
• potential for addiction
• computers can be a source of stress and distraction
• documents can be lost in case of a system failure or cyber-attack


TOPIC 39. Computers

Should students be allowed to use computers at school?

Proficiency in computer use is a critical skill in tod
ay’s digital world. Early exposure helps students develop necessary digital literacy, including using software, coding, and understanding digital security.


TOPIC 39. Computers

2. What do people use computers for?
Communication: Computers enable various forms of communication, including email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and social networking. They have become essential tools for both personal and professional communication.

Education: Computers are pivotal in modern education, providing access to online resources, digital textbooks, and educational software. They also facilitate remote learning through platforms that support video lectures and virtual classrooms.

Entertainment: People use computers for entertainment, such as streaming movies and music, playing video games, and browsing social media platforms.

Information Access and Research: Computers provide access to a vast amount of information on the internet. They are used for research in academic, professional, and personal contexts.


TOPIC 39. Conputers

Why do people often have problems using new products?

Every new product has its unique set of features, int
erfaces, and functionalities. People often face problems with the product which  is  different from what they are accustomed to. Secondly, when it comes to cutting-edge technology not every person is tech-savvy


Guys writing marathonga qo'shiling va hozir maps lesson ketyapdi, qoshiling!☘️

Speaking course kerak bòlsa mini group uchun (3kishi) shu ustozga murojaat qilselar bòladi:

@abdhmdv miss Xonzoda (IELTS SCORE is 7.5, speaking is 7.5 (8;8;7;8) 😍

Why you are stuck at Band 6.pdf
IELTS Speaking from 6 to 7: Why you are stuck at Band 6

✅What you will learn:
- Why you are stuck at IELTS Speaking Band 6
- The Right Study Tools
- Good Study Habits
- Improve your Fluency
- The Fridge Technique

Sizning foydali kanalingiz @Topic_based_vocabulary

WIUT ga topshirmoqchi bo'ganlar, yakshanbada mock bo'larkan, borib koring..


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