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I never make the same mistake twice.
I make it five or six times , just to be sure .

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If you really love that person
Learn to wait
Sometimes love isn't about rushing or trying to make things happen right now
It is about trusting that if it's meant to be it will happen in its own time
Maybe today isn't the right moment for you both but that doesn't mean the future won't bring you together
In the meantime focus on the best version of yourself on growing and on building a life that you are proud of
Love that's real will find its way and when the timing is right everything will fall into place
True love doesn't just fade away, it grows even through the distance and the waiting so
Hold on
Be patient and
Believe in what's meant to be
Let the universe work its magic and when the time is right you'll find yourselves together stronger and more prepared for a beautiful future!

I wanna thank me for being myself and I am going to thank me for doing the best results ahead.

It is the 17th of February.

Репост из: Nura Egamnazarova
Yo'lni o'zingiz yaratasiz

Mediada shunday insonlar bor. Asosiy maqsadi e'tibor.

E'tibor uchun bor kuchini sarflaydi. Harakat qiladi, olqish oladi. Maqsadiga erishadi.

Yana boshqa toifalari ham. Maqsad e'tibor bo'lmaydi. Yo'l e'tibor talab qiladi.

Yo'l uzoq bo'lgani sabab ba'zi qoidalarni o'zgartirishadi.

O'zgartirishni ba'zilar qabul qilishadi. Ba'zilar qabul qilish nimaligini bilishmaydi.

Ularni farqi ham shunda. O'zgartirilgan qoidalarni ko'rganda tanib olasiz ularni.

O'sha tanib olganlaringiz sizga maqsadlarni tushuntiradi. Yo'lni esa o'zingiz yaratasiz.


"Shu onda uni shunchalar sevdimki, uni o'ldirgim keldi"

Ba'zida kaktus xohlaydi bu dil...😁

Bosib-bosib qor yog'sin deb o'tirgandik..

Odamlar bir-birilarini qiynash uchun yaralganlar.

Odamzot shovqin-suronga, sanoatlashuvga juda berilib ketdi, ruhiy sokinlik barham topdi.

Beating somebody once is not revenge.

O'rganib qolishga o'rganib qolma ekan!

Репост из: Gossip girl
If he can't plan a date, he can't plan a future.
If he can't afford a date, he can't afford a wife.
If he doesn't know how to solve problems, he will be your biggest problem.

This is not a love story.
This is a story about love

Color my life with the chaos of trouble.

These days

Репост из: Dostoyevskiy
Ҳеч ким сизни севмайди. Сабабини айтайми?
Ҳеч ким сени сен бўлганинг учун севмайди, ҳамма сени севиш уларга ёққани учун севади, яъни ўзлари учун. Бу шуни англатадики, инсон шу йўл билан барибир ўзини севади, охир оқибат сен ҳеч қачон севилмаган бўласан.

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