Фильтр публикаций

Kino maslahat?

Love isn’t just about big moments. It’s about making someone feel valued every day.

Remember when Tom Holland was asked why he doesn’t walk the red carpet with Zendaya at her premieres?

It was in an interview just before their engagement, and he said:

“Because it’s not my moment, it’s her moment, and if we go together, it’s about us.”

That hit me. Sometimes, love isn’t about always being in the picture… it’s about knowing when to step back and let someone else shine.

It’s about being proud from the sidelines, knowing their moment doesn’t make you any less important.

Supporting someone doesn’t mean you have to be front and center. It’s being there, quietly cheering them on, and celebrating their wins like they’re your own.

That’s the kind of love and respect we all deserve.


👩‍🦰 Xonadoshim - Nima uchun u qiz ertadan kechgacha dars qiladi?
😎 Men - Yashashni bilmasa kerak-da!


Sen hamma narsaga ahamiyat beraverasan. Bu seni eng baxtsiz odamga aylantiradi.

©F. Dostoyevskiy

Hello, January! Time to turn dreams into plans.

Sukut - eng yaxshi javob.
Tushungan uchun ham , tushunmagan uchun ham.


Shunday paytlar bo‘ladiki, bir necha daqiqa davom etgan uchrashuvlarni yillar davomida o‘chmagan xotiralar bilan eslab yurasiz.


Birov kelib sababsiz yaxshilik qilsa, buni nima maqsadda qilganini so‘raymiz.

Eng yomoni nima, bilasizmi, hech qachon avvalgidek bo‘lolmaysiz.

Sarobga aylangan xayollarimiz eng dono ustozimizdir.

©La Tahzen / Mustafa O'zkan

Seni qo'rquv harakatga keltiryaptimi yoki jasorat?

мeнга яна кимдир яшашни чунтиради,
шу пайт орзуларим бурчакда жим туради)
- конста


✅ «Anonim savollar» rasmiy boti.

🤓 Men bilan anonim suhbat quring. Sizni kimligingiz qabul qiluvchiga ko'rinmaydi.

Quyidagi havola orqali xabaringizni yo'llang!⤵️

Remember that you are an actor in a play, the nature of which is up to the director to decide.
® Epictetus

Somebody a little more clever than most has said that I am special...

No one will have business with me until I make a mistake!

Показано 20 последних публикаций.