
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

All content here is personal opinion. Not advice or encouragement - just thoughts.
Me: @alvtdn

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Sizdagi uchta narsani koʻra oladigan insonlarni qadrlang: tabassum ortidagi qaygʻu, gʻazab ortidagi muhabbat va sukut ortidagi maʼnoni.

Aleksandr Dyuma


Some observations about math

If a topic is hard to grasp, the contentment doubles after understanding it.

Everything suddenly starts to make sense after realizing a mistake. It might sometimes be as hard as finding a needle in a haystack, yet the understanding will be much better than without making a mistake - like in real life, lol.

Once, I unintentionally complimented a person while explaining how fascinated I was by math. I said, “Even your smile can be calculated by math. It’s a function: the form of your smile depends on how much pressure you add to a muscle.”

My admiration of math partly comes from underestimating my capabilities when it comes to learning it. Get assumptions away from the way, start no matter how you feel.


The quality of your speech is a product of your language environments.

The books you read, videos you watch, people you talk to.


Can you define love?

I can’t, yet I’m sure that no single word can truly convey its essence.

Perhaps it isn’t meant to be defined but rather felt, lived, and experienced in all its contradictions.


Write for the sake of writing.

Let the flow of words reveal their beauty through your pen.

Enjoy the process, it will surely lead you to clarity.


Репост из: Sukunatning shovqini
Senekaning Lutsiyga birinchi xati. Senekadan Lutsiliyga salomlar!
Sen uchun yozdim, mening aziz Lutsiliyim! O‘zingni o‘zing uchun qaytarib ol, vaqtni asra va jamg‘ar! Avvallari sening vaqtingni boshqalar tortib olar yoki o‘g‘irlardi, u behuda sarflanardi. Endi esa, yozayotgan gaplarimning to‘g‘riligiga o‘zing amin bo‘l: vaqtimizning bir qismini bizdan zo‘rlik bilan tortib olishadi, bir qismini o‘g‘irlashadi, yana bir qismi esa o‘zimizning e’tiborsizligimiz sabab behuda ketadi. Ammo eng uyatli yo‘qotish – o‘z beparvoligimiz tufayli boy berilgan vaqt!

Atrofga yaxshilab nazar sol: hayotimizning katta qismini bema’ni ishlarga, ancha qismini bexudaga o‘tgan damlarga, butun hayotimizni esa keraksiz narsalarga sarflaymiz.

Menga shunday odamni ko‘rsata olasanmi, u vaqtdan qadrliroq hech narsa yo‘qligini bilsa? Kun qanchalik qimmat ekanini tushunsa? Har soatda o‘limga yaqinlashayotganini anglab yetsa? Asl muammo shundaki, biz o‘limni oldinda deb hisoblaymiz, lekin uning katta qismi ortimizda qolgan – hayotimizdan o‘tgan barcha yillar o‘limga tegishlidir.

Shunday ekan, aziz Lutsiliy, sen menga yozganingdek harakat qil: hech bir soatingni behuda yo‘qotma! Bugungi kunni qo‘lingda mahkam ushlasang, ertangi kunga kamroq bog‘lanasan. Aks holda, sen doim kutish va rejalashtirish bilan band bo‘lib, butun hayotingni boy berasan.

Lutsiliy, bizda hamma narsa begona, faqat vaqt o‘zimizniki. Bizga tabiat tomonidan faqat vaqt berilgan – u esa o‘tkinchi va tez suzib ketadi. Shunga qaramay, kim xohlasa, bizdan uni tortib oladi. Insonlar naqadar ahmoq: biror arzimas, arzon yoki osongina o‘rnini bosish mumkin bo‘lgan narsani yo‘qotganida, ular har doim hisob-kitob qilishadi. Lekin vaqt berilgan bo‘lsa, hech kim o‘zini qarzdor deb hisoblamaydi – go‘yo vaqtni qaytarib bo‘lish mumkinligidek!

Ehtimol, sen mendan so‘rarsan: "Agar shunday ta’lim berayotgan bo‘lsang, sen o‘zing qanday yo‘l tutasan?" Men ochiq tan olaman: xuddi hisob-kitob qilishni yaxshi biladigan, ammo baribir pulini behuda sarflaydigan odam singari men ham qancha vaqt yo‘qotganimni bilaman.

Aytishim mumkinki, men hech narsani yo‘qotmayapman, deb da’vo qilmayman. Ammo qancha vaqt yo‘qotayotganimni, nima sababdan yo‘qotayotganimni va bu yo‘qotishlarimning sababini bilaman. Mening holatim xuddi qashshoqlikka o‘z gunohi tufayli emas, balki hayotning og‘irligi sabab tushib qolgan odamlar singari: hamma meni kechiradi, ammo hech kim yordam bermaydi.

Lekin bu qanday muammo bo‘lishi mumkin? Menimcha, inson shunchaki qolgan ozgina vaqt bilan ham baxtiyor bo‘lishni bilsa, u haqiqiy kambag‘al emas. Ammo sen, iltimos, o‘z boyligingni hozirdanoq asra! Chunki bu – boshlash uchun eng yaxshi vaqt! Bizning ajdodlarimiz shunday degan: "Fidokor bo‘lishni, hamma narsa tugash arafasida bo‘lganda boshlash kech bo‘ladi." Qolaversa, oxirida nafaqat ozgina vaqt qoladi, balki eng yomon qismlarigina.

If a person lied to you once, it won’t be hard for them to lie again.

Be away from them.

And one more thing:

The one who forgot their creator will surely forget you as well.


It’s written.

50,000 thousand years before the sky was introduced to the sea, Allah wrote down your name next to me.


Возьми свое сердце и зажги его смело, отдай его людям чтобы вечно горело!


Not only was the building destroyed, but the wall of the other building was destroyed as well.

The building that remained trusted its wall, yet the other was completely destroyed.


Репост из: Aziz Rahimov
Tongim bekor ketsa, kun bo’yi ishlarga ulgura olmayman.

Tong yutilsa, kunni yutish osonlashadi.

Umr bilan ham shunday.

Yoshlikda ulgurib qolmaganlar, keyin ham qila olmaydilar.

Buni o’qib kimdur bekorchilikni tashlar.

Kimdur esa afsus qilishi mumkin.

Afsus qiladiganlar uchun eslatma:

O’zR qonunchiligida 31 ga kirmaganlar yosh hisoblanadilar…

A short vlog about how we made a round body for a robot.



Rasmdagi qalamni ustozim Javohir aka “Tom tog‘aning kulbasi” asarini o‘qib, aytib berganim sababli sovg‘a qilgan edilar.

Ko‘rinishidan oddiy sovg‘a bo‘lishi mumkin, lekin uni bergan inson bu qalamga yanada ko‘proq qiymat qo‘shib turibdi.

Ba’zan xursand bo‘lish uchun shunday kichik narsalarning o‘zi yetarli ekan.


I used to hate math. It seemed like a useless subject that brought nothing but stress.

However, after changing my perspective and focusing on understanding rather than just solving problems, it appeared fun.

In my preparation notes, I provided some explanations that might be helpful for those studying calculus.


Whosoever shows you your faults is your friend. Those that pay you lip service in praise are your executioners.

Umar ibn Al-Khattab R.A


In the previous post I clearly failed to explain the point.

The phrase “imaginary world” refers to unreal expectations one can possibly have due to their high reliance on feelings instead of rationality.


Get those purple glasses out and look at the world as it truly is.

It’s surely going to be hard, but then you will realize - it’s better to accept reality rather than chase an imaginary world that your mind has generated.

Practical advice: keep those emotions low, approach everything critically, and whenever you notice overthinking, ignore it. Don’t let your brain give energy to it.

Pray for the best; be ready for the worst.


Memorization of text in the long term helps to speak more clearly and convey the message effectively.

That’s the reason why actors and actresses can articulate in a clever way, even though they may not be one.

Got this idea from Николай Жаринов. Some of his videos about reading changed my perspective on it.


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Bir necha metr balandlikda, eski va ko‘rinishidan unchalik mustahkam bo‘lmagan kanatda, tog‘larning go‘zal manzarasini tomosha qilish ajoyib tajriba ekan.


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