Репост из: Dilshodbek Ravshanov
Great sources of articles ⬇️
National Geographic (environment, animals, space exploration) ✅
Forbes (globalization, business, technology) ✅
The Athletic (sports, budget allocation, commercialization) ✅
History.com (industrialization, consumerism, nuclear weapons, national celebrations) ✅
Investopedia (capitalism, socialism, taxes) ✅
Article analysis should help in terms of idea generation, reading comprehension and learning specific vocabulary 💯\
National Geographic (environment, animals, space exploration) ✅
Forbes (globalization, business, technology) ✅
The Athletic (sports, budget allocation, commercialization) ✅
History.com (industrialization, consumerism, nuclear weapons, national celebrations) ✅
Investopedia (capitalism, socialism, taxes) ✅
Article analysis should help in terms of idea generation, reading comprehension and learning specific vocabulary 💯\