Asadillo of All Trades

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

Owner Toshkanov Asadillo
ESL teacher 👨‍🏫
Ielts scores:
6.0 in 2022
7.5 in 2023
8.0 in 2024
8.5 soon....
A student of SamDCHTI 3/4 XTA👨‍🎓 ex channel insta

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Узбекистан, Английский
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Xatyab mashu bola yaxshi o'ynab berdi 🩵

Репост из: ULUL ALBAB - The People of Intellect
"Siz"lash haqida

Sensirash odamlarni bir-biriga yaqinlatgandek tuyiladi. Aslida, o'zi bilan ko'p salbiyotlarni ergashtirib keladi.

Kishini sizlash rasmiy eshitilsa-da, hurmatning nafaqat borligini, balki uni ifoda qilolishni ham bildiradi. (20 yillik dugonalar uchun ham).

Ikkinchidan, o'sha rasmiylikda ham foyda bor. Har qanday munosabatda ma'lum masofa va chegara bo'lishi kerak. Ikki tomon haddini bilib turishi uchun bu muhim. Begonadek his qildirmagan holda, me'yorda rasmiylikni ushlay olish yetilganlik (maturity)dan.

Eng muhimi - sizlash kamtarlik alomati. Sizlash orqali kishi narigi tomonning mavqesini tan olib, o'zini kamtar tutish va kibr qilmaslikni o'rganadi.

Munosabatlarni sog'lom va odob yuzasida saqlamoqchi bo'lsangiz, "siz" deganda foyda ko'p va zararni oldini olish bor.


for discussion essays

1. Opinions are divided on whether..... or.....
2. Proponents of the view that..... 1st view
3. combined efforts= done by a lot of people
4. put vast amounts of information at our fingertips = o'gzimizga chaynab solib qoydi= we can easily use
5. acquire knowledge at their own pace = o'ziga munosib tezlikda
6. nine-to-five-jobs = we know it
7. gig economy = a labor market is characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs.



2. How important is it for companies to offer refunds or exchanges?

Refunds and exchanges are paramount in maintaining customer satisfaction. A business that refuses to compensate dissatisfied buyers risks damaging its reputation and losing clients. Moreover, a flexible return policy signals confidence in product quality and encourages repeat purchases. However,companies must strike a balance to prevent fraudulent returns from affecting their

• Paramount = of utmost importance
• Reputation = public perception of a company
• Repeat purchases = when customers buy again from the same company
• Fraudulent = dishonest or intended to deceive

1. Do you think customers should always be allowed to return products?

While customers should have the prerogative to return defective or misrepresented products, I believe there should be reasonable limitations. Unrestricted returns can lead to exploitative behavior, where people misuse return policies, causing financial strain on businesses. However, in cases of genuine dissatisfaction, a fair return policy enhances customer trust and fosters brand loyalty.

• Prerogative = a right or privilege
• Misrepresented = falsely or inaccurately presented
• Exploitative = taking unfair advantage
• Brand loyalty = customers' long-term preference for a brand

Let's get ready for one of the most difficult topics in Part 3


1. Focusing on the two sectors that employed the largest proportion of Australian workers -
Let's dive deep into this sentence. This is used as a Topic Sentence here, which usually helps you score higher on CC.

I also used this exact structure in my real exam, and ended up with 8.0 on CC. I believe this - writing topic sentences at the beginning of your body paragraphs - is a must if you want to achieve something higher.

2. Converge - teng kelmoq, as you can see its meaning, you may use this words when describing two different figures come to the same point like TO'QNASHDI.
3. Remain flat = Remain stable


Репост из: Dilshodbek Ravshanov
Great sources of articles ⬇️

National Geographic (environment, animals, space exploration) ✅
Forbes (globalization, business, technology) ✅
The Athletic (sports, budget allocation, commercialization) ✅ (industrialization, consumerism, nuclear weapons, national celebrations) ✅
Investopedia (capitalism, socialism, taxes) ✅

Article analysis should help in terms of idea generation, reading comprehension and learning specific vocabulary 💯\

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