transparent thoughts

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

basically is where I will be summarizing my day and sharing the way I perceive and accomplish things.

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Узбекистан, Английский
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Perfect weather

I want to congratulate all women. Thank you for being in our lives. I am forever grateful for the amount of effort you put every day in order to keep this world going. I hope that nothing will stop you from smiling, enjoying your life to the fullest and realizing your full potential. I wish you a lot of phyiscal and mental health, prosperity and self satisfaction from what you are doing in this life. Thank you for being.

In nyuad we say “remember that if everything go bad you can still major in theatre in two semesters”

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Immune system: Sir, we are rising body temperature to fight new pathogens more effectively;

Thermometer: 38.4 degrees Celsius;

Doctor: You can take paracetamol if you want;

Brain: Sir, there are 7 hours till iftar;

Le me: There is nothing we can do…

Dans mon esprit tout divague, je me perds dans tes yeux

Sovuq ichimliklar va sovuq ovqatlar yemang. Nafsizni tiying. Ha deb shamollab qolavermaysiz.

Wishing good luck

I think wishing good luck is useless. Some people say “Wish me good luck, I have a test” and the other responds “Good luck”, and so what? What changed? Did that person’s confidence increase? I do not think so.

I understand when one (out of their pride or whatever in that sense) wish the other person good luck assuming that he/she will not be able to successfully complete the task and only miracle can help them. This is mind games and most of times used in trash talking.

562 0 4 11 15

Is "Baraka topkur" insult or no?

If it is then it is probably on of the nicest insults you can get.

So savage

Wotah ≈ вода

Actually our bodies already have such "microrobots", they are called "actin" microfilaments. They can dynamically change from monomeric to polymeric form allowing cells to perform processes like phagocytosis (engulfing bad (pathogenic) material) and neurogenesis (axonal cone growth formation). Basically they help in changing/deforming shape of cells in response to signals from receptors on cell membrane. Human body is truly impressive in complexity and I think there is a lot we can learn from human physiology that we can apply in solving modern world engineering problems.

Question: which era is more goated Fnatic era or Astralis era?

My all time csgo squad is: KennyS, perfecto, coldzera, gla1ve, Xyp9x

Unpopular opinion: I think prime KennyS is better than prime s1mple

"Tar pit ideas" are startup concepts that attract many founders but often lead to failure. These ideas tend to be consumer-focused due to founders addressing problems they and their acquaintances encounter. A key issue is the high standard required for success in consumer products, demanding exceptional quality and highly engaged users. Timing plays a critical role, as demonstrated by the relative ease of launching consumer companies during the Web 2.0 and mobile revolutions when competition for attention was lower. A true tar pit idea is a consumer-oriented concept that many founders pursue, feels appealing, and is challenging to abandon, even when encountering difficulties. Founders should consider supply and demand, avoiding over-saturated ideas and instead seeking opportunities with less competition and high market demand, particularly those addressing specific challenges in major industries.

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

What do you think about jealousy? In life and in relationships. For example in life, being jealous of someone ‘s achievements. And jealousy in marriage — what is the limit in your opinion?

When it comes to achievements one, in my opinion, should never be jealous. I suggest you not to compare yourself with those above you but make yourself grateful by looking at those below you because it could have been much worse. I think if you keep comparing yourself with those who are better than you, it will eventually make you very negative and depressed person. Be grateful for what you have and have achieved so far, and do not be proud when comparing yourself to those who have achieved less than you and do not jealous of those who achieved more than you. I am not saying you should not strive for perfection, I just want to say that it is not good to compare yourself with those better than you but rather their achievements should inspire you to do better and not sit and moan about how miserable your life is and how come they are so lucky to have achieved what they have achieved.

When it comes to relationship, I think there should be certain degree of healthy jealousy. Not to the point when you lock your wife in house but rather more like loving jealousy. Like maybe you want her to spend more time with you discussing the book you read or like being more modest in her outfit. Overall, simple logical stuff loving wife would do. I think open dialogue can help resolve any misunderstandings you may encounter. I think if you will treat your wife very well then there should not be any problem with jealousy or trust issues because rational wife would understand that nobody else will be able to care for her and treat her like you do and worst case scenario if you catch it, the repetitive negative case that you clearly outlined you do not like, then it is time say goodbyes and she probably lost the gem.

What is your favorite tea?

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