Akhmadali Turgunov || Blog

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

About me:
-workplace: @ieltszone_uz
Listening - 9.0
Reading - 9.0
Writing - 7.5
Speaking - 7.5
📝FREE Writing Assessment Service: @akhmadali_turgunov

Discussion group: @akhmadaliturgunovsblog_chat

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

I started a "Ramadan Challenge" in my IELTS Channel, where you can find REAL EXAM PASSAGES and REAL EXAM LISTENING PARTS

Here is the link👇

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Shifting the blame is the quickest and the easiest thing to get instant gratification.

“The world is a mirror; it reflects back what you show it.”

Read that again.

Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.

Winston Churchill

Reflection of 2024.

Ps. If you don’t read till the end, then never read at all!

Yeah, you may say: you should have written this in the very first days of this year. However, I was hesitant to do so.

Now, I decided to write not just because it can be valuable to someone else, but rather I can benefit by further examining my thoughts.

So, compared to 2023 in which I was almost jobless and studying for the IELTS test, I started the year with a job in an education centre. Although I did not earn much and was working at a lower position, therefore I was preparing for the IELTS exam once again to get higher score and eventually settle in teaching.

Did I become a teacher? No. I failed to get a higher score from the test, and wanted to leave my workplace because I was, at some point, ashamed of myself for not getting what I wanted. I thought working at a different place would be a fresh start.

Interestingly, I was offered a team lead position for the people I was working with. However, I was hesitant to take the job because my plan to become a teacher, at the time, was set in stone. After a long consideration, I took the job. And here I am now.

The next immensely valuable thing happened was to read books. I read so many books in 2024. If you are interested with the count, here you go: 27. Yeah, that’s more books that I read in my life till this year. However, the book called “So good that they can’t ignore you” was the highlight of my reading journey.

On the way, I became more confident, leaning towards to become more extroverted. One thing I learned the hard way was to fight for what you value. Regret, that is the most painful feeling. If you don’t wanna feel this pain, just fight for it, pray for it, try for it, give your soul for it, no matter what it is, or who it is because I will. If you don’t fight, how do you teach your children about integrity, perseverance, and identity among many? Do you say them that I couldn’t have the balls to do what I want?

As we get older we become wiser. So, be the person you wanna be, take the chance, and never regret.


What’s your new year resolutions?

Even if you don't deserve but you do the stuff to get it, then you are getting it anyway

A year passed since I started working at IELTS Zone!
Yesterday, I was awarded a certificate and a special gift for my contribution to the development of this organisation.
I am grateful to work alongside nice colleagues, some of whom I am already close friends with.
In this one-year period, I not only gained invaluable experience in my professional life but also improved my decision-making and critical thinking abilities, which helped me to handle problems in my personal life.
InshaaAllah, next year will be even more meaningful than this year, and I strive towards making it so.

Sit at a table where they talk about God, universe, growth, money, dreams, and goals.

Not people.

Hammaga hayrli kech!

Bugun soat 9.00 da hamkasbim Adxambekni kanalida qanday qilib 40/40 ta topish “sirlarini” o’rgataman,

Va bu session da biz real exam passage 3 ishlaymiz,

Reading haqida savollaringiz bolsa shu post kommenti ostida qoldirishingiz mumkin!

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Mine is half a point shy of this perfection😮‍💨🤦‍♂️

Репост из: Aziz Rahimov
Yozishga undov

-Meni ishga olmaysizmi?
-Nima yutug’ingiz bor?
-IELTS writingdan 8.0 olganman.
-Ertadan ishga chiqavering.

Bir yil avvalgi suhbat.

Serial ko’rib, podkast eshitib listeningdan baland olish mumkindir.

So’z yodlab, maqola o’qib, readingdan baland olish mumkindir.

Yozmadan baland olish uchun esa jurnalist darajasida yoza olish kerak.

Writingdan 8.0 olish qiyinligini his qilmoqchi bo’lsangiz, o’zbek tilida insho yozishga harakat qilib ko’ring. 40 daqiqa vaqtingiz bor.

Yozma nuqtning zo’rligi faqat yozma nutq zo’rligini ko’rsatmaydi. Yozuvchida fikrlash, sabr, eruditsiya borligini ko’rsatadi.

Yozma ishlarini sun’iy intellektga to’liq yozdirayotganlar zalga chiqib, yukini damkratga ko’tartirayotganlarga o’xshaydi.

Shaxmatda yutish uchun o’z o’rniga kompyuterini o’ynatayotganlarga o’xshaydi.

Yozishdan maqsad matn emas. Ijodiy o’sish. Fikrlarni tartiblash. Ishontirishni o’rganish.

Bular bor bo’lsa, matn o’zi chiqaveradi.

People say success is the best revenge.

Nah, Revenge is the best revenge.

Play long-term games.

Naval Ravikant

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