Abdulkarim Rustamov | ACCA

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

🏵️ ACCA Member
🎖️Oxford Brookes RAP mentor
📚Head teacher at Millat Umidi university
-If you have very important things to ask, write to @Universal_tutor

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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📢 Post ACCAga to`g`ridan to`g`ri aloqasi bo`lmasligi mumkin. Lekin Dubayda ishlash va yashashni kim ham xohlamaydi deysiz?

💎 Eng yaqin do`stlarimdan biri ushbu kanalda Dubaydagi uylar, sharoitlari, narxlari, xullas, hammaga qiziq bo`lgan ma`lumotlarni berib boradi.

🪙 Narxlarini ko`rib, o`zim ham ba`zan Dubaydan bitta uyga boshlang`ich to`lov qilaymi deb o`ylab qolaman.

Xullas, Abdulkarim Rustamov tavsiya etadi)

kanal havolasi: https://t.me/dubaiuylar/169

Postni oxirgacha o`qisangiz, foydali gaplar bor)

🎯 Bahorning, Martning va Ramazonning birinchi kunidan bizda FA natija.

Bu o`quvchimiz boshida muntazam progress report jo`natib, savollar so`rab turardi.

Videodarslik olgan o`quvchilarim orasidan manga haftalik report qilganlarni hammasi yaxshi bal bilan, juda tez fursatlarda imtihon topshira olganlar.

Darslikni sotib olib, keyin yo`qolib qolganlar esa natijaga erishishlari biroz qiyin. Sotib olishdan oldin yaxshilab o`ylab ko`ring.

📢 Ramazon oyi munosabati bilan barcha videodarsliklarga 20% li chegirmani e`lon qilaman. Ramazondan keyin narxlar o`zgarishi kutilmoqda ( dollar kursi yo`nalishida). Narxlar oshishidan oldin sifatli darslarni eng qulay, chegirmali narxlarda olishga ulgurib qolishni istasangiz, @Universal_tutor ga murojaat qilaverasiz.

Репост из: Millat Umidi University
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Xalqaro moliyachi bo’lish oson, boshlash qiyin!

Millat Umidi universiteti Buxgalteriya va Moliya dasturi 3-bosqich talabasi Ibrohim Obidjonov ACCA sertifikatining 9ta paperi sohibi hisoblanadi.

📱 To’liq videoni tomosha qilish

Ibrohim universitetda tashkil etilgan amaliyot dasturida muvaffaqiyatli ishtirok etib, bugungi kunda Millat Umidi korxonalarida moliya bo'limida ish faoliyatini olib bormoqda. U universitetni ACCA member sifatida yakunlamoqchi.

🔗 Admission 2025 is open (early register)


Website | Telegram | Instagram | YouTube

2k 0 13 1 32

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Qadrli obunachilar, ushbu event ro’yxatdan o’tgan xohlagan inson uchun.

O’zizni qiziqtirgan yoki qiynayotgan savollarga yuzma-yuz javob olishni va ACCA haqida yanada ko’proq bilishni istasangiz, marhamat keling.

Dildan suhbat qilamiz, in shaa Alloh.

😍MU Master loyihasida
fevral oyidagi so’ngi mehmon “ACCA member”va Millat Umidi univeristeti o’qituvchisi – Abdulkarim Rustamov.

Suhbat mavzusi: ACCA o’qish qanchalik muhim?

Shoshiling, joylar soni cheklangan!

🔗Ro’yxatdan o’tish 👈🏻

📊Sana: 24-fevral | 14:30
📍Manzil: A bino, Event zone -1
Millat Umidi university

📱Telegram | 📱Instagram | 📱Youtube

2.9k 0 22 11 19

Offlayn suhbat qilib, ham insightlar ham savol javob qilsak nima deysizlar?
  •   Zo’r idea, boramiz☺️
  •   Kerakmas😎
62 голосов


A bright student of mine at Millat Umidi university sat MA exam today and aced 82.

Passing MA is an achievement. Passing it with 80+ is a feat.

Fazliddin ( 2nd year) is now entitled to 100% cashback for his MA exam fee by the University because he achieved 75+ score from the exam.

The founder of MU, Umidjon Ishmukhamedov has been actively supporting and encouraging more students to pass ACCA exams, get their money back and become a truly qualified finance professionals)

Congrats to Fazliddin on his achievement and we wish him further success in his ACCA path

3.7k 0 137 6 40

Yesterday, on February 8, I was a guest lecturer at Westminster International University in Tashkent.

I was talking on the topic whether ACCA is a golden ticket or just another certification.

As the event was only available for WIUT students, no people from other universities could be allowed. So, I did not announce it beforehand.

Happy to enter Westminster yet another time, but not as a student😊

🚀 Boston Consulting Group (BCG) hashtag#FutureHER hashtag#Talent hashtag#Program #2025 – hashtag#Empowering hashtag#Local hashtag#Women in hashtag#Consulting! 🚀

Attention ambitious women in hashtag#Azerbaijan, hashtag#Uzbekistan, and hashtag#Kazakhstan! Are you ready to take your career to the next level with one of the world’s leading consulting firms? 🌟

The hashtag#BCG hashtag#FutureHER hashtag#Talent hashtag#Program is a Women-only, local talent initiative designed to empower the next generation of female leaders in consulting. Over three transformative months, selected participants will receive:

✅ Exclusive Training & Development – Gain hands-on experience in problem-solving, data analysis, and client engagement.
✅ Personalized Mentorship & Coaching – Learn from BCG Leaders and build a strong professional network.
✅ Structured Career Support – Master case-solving, behavioral interviews, and leadership skills to prepare for a successful consulting career.
✅ Pathway to a Full-time Role

📅 Program Phases
👩‍💼 March – Soft skills & consulting training
👩‍💻 April – Technical skills (Excel, PowerPoint, case-solving)
📊 May – Real-world consulting challenge & final presentations
🎯 June – Interviews & offer extensions
🚀 September – Full-time role starts for top performers

Who Can Apply?
🌍 This program is exclusively for hashtag#Local hashtag#Women in hashtag#Azerbaijan, hashtag#Uzbekistan, and hashtag#Kazakhstan who are:
✅ Final-year hashtag#BS students or 2nd-year hashtag#MS students
✅ Passionate about problem-solving, leadership, and a future in consulting

This initiative is part of hashtag#BCG’s mission to increase women’s representation in consulting and provide a strong platform for local women to excel in their careers.

📢 How to Apply?
Applications are now open! Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to join a leading global consulting firm.
🔗 Apply now for hashtag#Azerbaijan: https://lnkd.in/eHGZyFu5
🔗 Apply now for hashtag#Uzbekistan: https://lnkd.in/e8Ni3C36
🔗 Apply now for hashtag#Kazakhstan: https://lnkd.in/eC2iaReQ

📅 hashtag#Deadline: hashtag#February 16, 2025

The ACCA Virtual Careers Fair is now live.

Join us today until 8:00 PM Astana Time (GMT+5) using the link below to explore career opportunities.

This is a valuable chance to advance your career and discover your next role.

Why you should join us today:

• Impressive selection of finance and accounting jobs all in one place.
• Chat LIVE with employers and get answers to your questions about the roles you're interested in.
• Chance to win a CV, LinkedIn profile, and cover letter package from our employability experts, plus exclusive ACCA-branded items (backpack, hoodie, and mug).
• Access valuable employability resources: tips on improving your digital presence, interview skills, and writing a standout CV.
• Expand your professional network and make meaningful connections through networking opportunities.

To log in, click here: https://accaeurasiavcf2025.vfairs.com

We look forward to welcoming you to a range of exciting opportunities.

Final Call!

Time is running out to register for the Virtual Careers Fair Eurasia happening tomorrow, February 6th, from 8 AM to 8 PM Astana Time (GMT+5). This is your opportunity to connect with leading employers, explore career opportunities, and take the next step in your professional development.

📅 Date: February 6th
🕗 Time: 8 AM - 8 PM Astana Time (GMT+5)
💻 Location: Online – Join from anywhere
🔗 Register now: https://accaeurasiavcf2025.vfairs.com/?utm_source=vcf&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=marketsoc

Don't miss this chance to advance your career.

Exemption = Pass?

Moliya, buxgalteriya, iqtisod, biznes sohasida o`qiydigan talabalar ACCAning bir nechta fanlaridan ( odatda 3-4 ta), exemption ( ya`ni ozodlik) olishlari mumkin.

Exemption oldi degani, imtihondan o`tdi, sertifikat beradi degani emas. Bu shunchaki, o`sha paperdan imtihon topshirish shart emas degani xolos.

Exemption kerakmi o`zi, nechta exemption olgan ma`qul degan savollarga javobni bir yil oldin chiqargan bu videomdan bilvosayiz bo`ladi.

Agar siz exemptionlarizni hammasidan yo bir nechtasidan voz kechmoqchi bo`lsangiz, exemption waifer form ni to`ldirib, ACCAga pochtadan xat yuborasiz.

Ishxonalarga exemption o`tmaydi, hammasini topshirish kerak deganlarga javobim: F1 va F4 dan exemptioniz bormi, imtihondan o`tganmisiz, hech kimga qizig`i yo`q.

F2 yoki F3 dan exemptioniz bo`lsa-yu, F5 va F7 fanlaridan juda yaxshi ( 70+) natija olib, shu bilimlarin ishga kirayotganda intervyuda, case study da qo`llay olsayiz, hech kim sizga e`tiroz bildirmaydi. IELTS 8.5 olgan insondan sani CEFRing yo`q ekan deb hech kim qaytarvormaganiday.

Exemption olmoqchi bo`lgan inson qolgan paperlarni topshirishi aniq bo`lsagina exemption foydali. Bo`lmasa, shunchaki puliz ketadi xolos.
Chunki 4 exemptions and zero exams passed = NOTHING. Vaholanki, 4 exemptions and 5 exams passed= 9 exams passed))

Oxford Brookes diploma uchun ham 6 tagacha exemption mumkin. Oxirgi 3 ta F paperlarini o`ziz topshirsayiz yetadi.

Exemption olmasdan, noldan boshlab Oxford Brookes Diplomiga harakat qilaman deyotganlar uchun esa, afsuski, vaqt juda oz qoldi. Imkonsiz emas albatta, lekin highly improbable.

Birovni umidini so`ndirish niyatim yoq. Shunchaki realist insonman, va ACCA sohasida mutaxassis sifatida, borini aytish man uchun yolg`onchi umid berishdan yaxshiroq.

ACCA bilan hamkorlik qiladigan universitetlar ( Millat Umidi, Westminster, CAU…) talabalari exemptionlarni chegirmali narxlarda (har birini 82 funt o`rniga 30 funtdan) olishlari mumkin va bu juda katta plus hisoblanadi.
Qolgan paperlarni o`qishda aniq rejangiz bo`lsa, yetarli resurslar ( fundamental English and math), o`qishga sharoit, va topshirishga pul bo`lsagina exemptionni qo`rqmay oling!

ACCAga qiziqdizmi? Savollariz bormi? Iltimos, vaqtni qadrlab, avval telegram kanalimda pin qilingan postdagilarni o`qing, tomosha qiling. Instagramdagi videolarni ko`ring, erinmasayiz youtube kanalimdagi videolarni ham. Savolingizga javob topolmasangiz, discussionga yozing. Shundayam javob topolmasayiz, manga yozsangiz, judayam yaxshi ish qilgan bo`lasiz.😊

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Смотреть в Telegram

Take Your Career in Finance and Accounting to New Heights!

Don’t miss the chance to join our Virtual Careers Fair on 6th February 2025 and connect with 55 top employers offering exciting career opportunities exclusively in the accountancy and finance profession!

Why Attend?

✅ Explore job openings tailored for roles in Accounting, Audit, Financial Analysis, Taxation, and Corporate Finance across industries such as Banking, Energy, Mining, Aviation, Construction, and more.
✅ Meet leading employers actively seeking finance and accounting professionals.
✅ Expand your professional network and engage with industry leaders.
✅ Receive expert career advice to help you secure your dream role in finance and accounting.

Key Details:

▪️ Event Date: 6th February 2025
▪️ Registration Deadline: 4th February 2025
▪️ Cost: Absolutely Free!
▪️ Eligibility: Open to professionals from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Armenia.

Seize this amazing opportunity to advance your career with some of the best employers in the region!

👉 Register Now: https://accaeurasiavcf2025.vfairs.com/?utm_source=vcf&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=marketsoc


😂😂😂 Buxgalterlar haqida judayam eski hazil lekin har safar ko`rganimda kulgim keladi.

Sizningcha, buxgalter ( accountant) o`zi nima ish qiladi?

📝 Javoblarizni izohlarda qoldiring, Shunchaki fikringizni yozsangiz ham bo`ladi.

Ko`pchilik uchun foydali izohlar bo`ladi degan umiddaman.

Recap of the week 13-17 Jan

December 2024 results

It is good to see that 142 people in my channel successfully passed their December 2024 exams, while half of this number fell short of the passing mark.

Among my students, the results were satisfactory overall with candidates buying my PM, FR, AA, and FM video lessons expressing their gratitude to me.

Particularly, one student who bought my Financial Reporting lessons was working at a Big4 company, while bearing family responsibilities. With a family and Big4 job, taking an exam is a success but this student could pass the exam with a good score too.

It is also pleasant to know that one of my students, Asadulloh, obtained an Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Finance, after completing his 9th paper.

Moreover, a third-year student from Millat Umidi University ( My workplace) has also finished his 9th paper, becoming the first student at this university to achieve this feat.

Takeaway: If you need a constant push by someone else to read, solve, and study, do not buy my courses. Do not buy my courses if you don`t want to challenge your brain a bit.

Final Exam week at Millat Umidi
As I teach multiple subjects (7), I had to take 7 different exams from all levels of students.

Some of my students might be upset that I dismissed them from the exam room. Don`t be upset as more students are coming out after I check the camera footage of the exam times.

I don`t prepare exams hard nor do I create questions from the syllabus I have not taught. But I thoroughly ask back what I taught, and I do not forgive cheating or dishonesty by students at all.

First meeting with Oxford Brookes May 2025 students

On Jan 17, I held a Zoom meeting with 9 potential candidates who wish to write their Research project to get a bachelor’s degree from OBU in May 2025.
As a mentor, I always enjoy guiding my students on the right track and safeguarding my status as an honest mentor.
Unlike most OBU mentors, I usually have more than 4-5 meetings with mentees. I
hope that they will all achieve diplomas from this submission.

Do you have any questions for me?

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