Abdullaxatov | Blog

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

Junior Student at International Business Department, CAU
Posts about:
Research papers
and what I learn
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Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Post yozasiz. Har bir postni o'ylab yozasiz. Yaxshiroq yozishga harakat qilasiz. Chunki, bir inson borki siz havas qiladigan.

Yugurishga chiqdingiz. Har safar ko'proq, uzoqroq yugurishga harakat qilasiz. Chunki insonlar bor kunlab yuguradi.

Muloqot skill'laringizni oshirishga harakat qilasiz. Munozara, nutq qilishni boshlaysiz. Insonlar borki, so'z bilan qalblarni siljitgan.

Benchmark - solishtirish nuqtasi har qanday ishni qilishda juda muhim.
To'g'ri, hamma ishga ham tushavermaydi.

Gunoh qilamiz. Lekin...

Ko'ngillarni og'ritamiz. Lekin...

Sevamiz. Lekin...

P.s. Ehhee, qancha narsa bor yozadigan))

9-mart bugun...

Nima aytilishidan qat'i nazar, insonning qanday tushunishiga bog'liq.

Nima deyishni bilmaslik - so'z yo'qligidan emas, qanday aytishni bilmaslikdan ham emas ekan.

©️Abdulloh (O'zim-da)

Xolalarim uchun o'zbekcha yozsam, ular chiqib ketishvottiku😅

Shunchaki hazil)

Yozadiganlarim ancha yig'ilib qolgan).

To preserve eyes (one of the ways):

Follow the 20-20-20 Rule – Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Vitamin A; C
Omega 3

O'zi bir hafta yangi collocation'larni o'rgan dedi, keyin savol so'rasam ustimdan kuladi-da🤦

Prompt: Then i will send the collocation i learned for a day and you will help me come up with funny sentences or stories hahah

ChatGPT: That sounds like a hilarious and awesome way to learn! 😂🔥 Send me your collocations each day, and I’ll create funny, crazy, or dramatic sentences/stories to help you remember them effortlessly.

The weirder, the better—because your brain will never forget it! 🤣

Drop your collocations for today, and let’s turn them into something wild and unforgettable! 🚀😂


Grok: Love it! Send me those collocations you’ve learned for the day, and I’ll whip up some hilarious sentences or a mini-story to make them stick in your brain like glue. Let’s make this a riot—hit me with what you’ve got!

"I seized the opportunity to steal my professor’s secret study notes and made a major breakthrough in acing my exams!"

ChatGPT teaches me how to learn collocations in a fun way🙃))

Defolt system?

Ehheeee, foydali postlarga reaction - 1-2 ta, Ehhee'lar uchun 5-6 ta ekanda a)

P.s. Har bir postimni ehhee' bilan boshlasam kerak endi)

Репост из: Muhammadaziz Mo'sinov 🇵🇸

Репост из: .Sultonov


Репост из: CAU Research Center
📢 Winter Research School at Narxoz University ❄️🎓

From January 20-24, 2025, NJSC Narxoz University, in collaboration with the Galym Project public foundation, hosted the Winter Research School on “Scientific Research: From Idea to Implementation.” The event brought together faculty, doctoral candidates, and master’s students to strengthen their academic and research skills.

Among the participants was Valijon Turakulov, who presented “Right Sequence for Uzbekistan to Join WTO and EAEU.” His research explores the best approach for Uzbekistan’s integration into global and regional trade organizations. He recommends that Uzbekistan first join the WTO to maximize economic benefits before considering EAEU membership.

A great discussion on Uzbekistan’s strategic economic future! 🌍📈

#NarxozUniversity #WinterResearchSchool #ScientificResearch #EconomicIntegration #Uzbekistan #WTO #EAEU #GlobalTrade #CAU #ResearchInnovation #CAUResearchCenter #AcademicExcellence

Bugun emotsiyalar bilan to'la kun bo'ldi. Kechgi payt deyarli hech nima qila olmadim.

Shunchaki bog'ga sayrga chiqib ketdim. Rosayam 1.5 soat aylanibman. Kirmagan joylarimga qiziqib kirib chiqdim)

Lekin ketgizgan vaqtimga achinmadim. Sababi: ilgarilari shunday holat bo'lsa, jahlimga erk berar edim. O'zimni ham, atrofimdagilarni ham bezitib tashlar edim.

Dam olib turish muhim.

Kayfiyat yo'q. Ishlashga ishtiyoq yo'q. Hech nima tayinli ishdek ko'rinmayapti. Lekin, oldizda yoqimsiz "o'sha" ish turibdi. Emotsiya vaqtincha. Buni bilasiz. Shuning uchun harakatni boshladiz. Keyinchalik o'ksinib qolmaslik uchun.

Aynan shu holat boshqacha 'kayf' beradi.

Mental toughness haqida bilganlar yaxshiroq tushunadi.

P.s. Man bu holatdan ancha yiroqdaman. Lekin, sekinlik bilan rivojlanadi.

Hovuchlab olish bilan bir qop guruchni tugatish mumkin.

"Ehhee" - expected to be the most used word by the people I am in touch😂

Kechgi 8 dan ertalabki 9:25 gacha blockda. 1 soatda 19 marta ochishga harakat🤦

Показано 20 последних публикаций.