It is time to announce results of poll, 128 followers were in favour of organising the event in English, while nearly 12% of total followers of the channel voted for Uzbek language.
Having noticed the high interest in both languages, I decided to host the live session in both.
Tomorrow, on 28th of February, at 15:00 (GMT+5) Tashkent time, I will be hosting English version of the meeting.
At 17:00 (GMT+5) Tashkent time, the next meeting will be conducted in Uzbek language.
Meeting details:
Personal Meeting ID: 821 990 2478
Password: 866 136 6104
Link: https://bruneluniversity.zoom.us/j/8219902478
Topic: 'Chevening Interview process, academic and professional life in the UK'
Ertaga quyidagi soatlarda Zoom orqali uchrashuv bo'lib o'tadi:
Ingliz tilidagi suhbat: Toshkent vaqti bilan soat 15:00da boshlanadi.
O'zbek tilidagi suhbat: Toshkent vaqti bilan soat 17:00da boshlanadi.
Uchrashuvda qatnashish uchun:
Uchrashuv ID: 821 990 2478
Parol: 866 136 6104
Link orqali ulanish: https://bruneluniversity.zoom.us/j/8219902478
Mavzu: 'Buyuk Britaniyada ta'lim, uning asosiy farqlari, ishlash imkoniyati va Chevening intervyu jarayoni'
It is time to announce results of poll, 128 followers were in favour of organising the event in English, while nearly 12% of total followers of the channel voted for Uzbek language.
Having noticed the high interest in both languages, I decided to host the live session in both.
Tomorrow, on 28th of February, at 15:00 (GMT+5) Tashkent time, I will be hosting English version of the meeting.
At 17:00 (GMT+5) Tashkent time, the next meeting will be conducted in Uzbek language.
Meeting details:
Personal Meeting ID: 821 990 2478
Password: 866 136 6104
Link: https://bruneluniversity.zoom.us/j/8219902478
Topic: 'Chevening Interview process, academic and professional life in the UK'
Ertaga quyidagi soatlarda Zoom orqali uchrashuv bo'lib o'tadi:
Ingliz tilidagi suhbat: Toshkent vaqti bilan soat 15:00da boshlanadi.
O'zbek tilidagi suhbat: Toshkent vaqti bilan soat 17:00da boshlanadi.
Uchrashuvda qatnashish uchun:
Uchrashuv ID: 821 990 2478
Parol: 866 136 6104
Link orqali ulanish: https://bruneluniversity.zoom.us/j/8219902478
Mavzu: 'Buyuk Britaniyada ta'lim, uning asosiy farqlari, ishlash imkoniyati va Chevening intervyu jarayoni'