Yosh siyosatchilar ligasining ikkinchi mavsumi a’zosi Fayzixon Jalolovaning "The Importance and Role of Career Today, and Its Planning and Management Methods" nomli maqolasi Misr Arab Respublikasining nufuzli "Inspiring Voices Of Uzbekistan" jurnalida chop etildi
Статья "The Importance and Role of Career Today, and Its Planning and Management Methods" члена второго сезона Лиги молодых политиков Файзихона Жалолова опубликована в престижном журнале Арабской Республики Египет "Inspiring Voices Of Uzbekistan."
➡️ Batafsil
🌐Telegram | 📹Instagram
Статья "The Importance and Role of Career Today, and Its Planning and Management Methods" члена второго сезона Лиги молодых политиков Файзихона Жалолова опубликована в престижном журнале Арабской Республики Египет "Inspiring Voices Of Uzbekistan."
➡️ Batafsil
🌐Telegram | 📹Instagram