
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Telegram

Simple, small but consistent steps towards my goals
Coding : HTML, CSS, JavaScript
SAT 1210
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Content creation
I like Tuna🐟

Aerospace engineering🚀
My second channel: @Gulbargi_1

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Think carefully about what you might be missing!

When I talk in english: Using vocabulary that Shakespeare used to use
In Uzbek: Anuv nimaydi and mak mak.

Why is that?
In English I have a thoughtful mind while in Uzbek it is just procrastinator .
In English I write a lot of sentences full of meaning but in Uzbek "Menining ismim Xislat" 😁

In English I am really good at looking for information but in uzbek "kampitur uchun dendi"

In English I can understand texts better, in Uzbek "shunaqa bo'lgan ekanda xullas and I'll skip"

Hayotning eng chuqur nuqtasiga yetib qoldik, motivatorlarda motivation qolmadi, bizda nima bo'lsin endi? 🤣


People's hearts are different as their fingerprints.

Is it right?

Journaling helps you when people can't

Bahonalar sening eng katta dushmaning!
"Raqobat kuchli", "menga hali imkoniyat berilmadi", "o‘rganishga vaqt yetmayapti" – bu so‘zlar sening eng yaxshi dushmanlaring! Bu bahonalar orqali sen o‘zingni tinchlantiryapsan, lekin aslida ular seni sekin-asta qulashga olib keladi. Har safar bahona qidirganingda, o‘zingdan so‘ra: Men o‘z kuchimni 100% ishlatdimmi? Javob aniq bo‘ladi: Yo‘q! Bahonalar bilan yashashni davom ettirsang, 5 yil o‘tib hayotingda hech narsa o‘zgarmaganini ko‘rasan. Balki, undan battarroq bo‘lishi ham mumkin. O‘zingni qanaqa ko‘rinishda tasavvur qilyapsan?

Ask these following statement from ChatGPT:

Men haqimda bilgan hamma narsangga asoslanib menga imkon qadar qattigroq gapir. Bir oz bo'lsa ham meni ayama. Men hammasini qabul qila olaman

Freedom is not free

Репост из: Her Bios
maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but one day you will see your prayers answered.


probably physical strength is almost nothing, but patience is all one needs in his/her entire life

I recently realized that the class of 2030 is going to be quite competitive due to strong portfolio of this year's class

Репост из: Freshman Academy
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A chill guy chose peace


"Even raw actions can change a lot things"

"Hayotda pulsiz ham yashasa bo'ladi, 5600 so'm yetadi bir kishi uchun" deya olishimiz uchun ham ko'p pulimiz bo'lishi kerakda.
If not, bu gaplar faqat daftarda qolib ketadi 😅

Hammani dardi har xil, man esa sisterni "fish" deb asabiy qilyapman. 🐠

craziness 🤣

Is happiness just chemicals flowing through your brain or something more?

iPhone or Samsung
BMW or Mercedes
Windows or Mac
Tea or Coffee
Barsa or Real
Money or Love

Me 🗿



Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.