📘 Book 3 | Unit 24
📑 Word list
🟦 baggage [bægɪdʒ] n. — yuk
🔻>> Baggage is the set of bags that people take with them when they travel. >> Baggage odamlar sayohat qilayotganda olib yuradigan sumkalar yig'indisi.
— I’m taking several pieces of baggage with me on vacation.
— Men ta'tilga bir qancha yuk olyapman.
🟦 bulb [bʌlb] n. — lampochka
🔻>> A bulb is the glass part of an electric light. >> A bulb elektr yoritgichning shisha qismi.
— I had to change the light bulb in my bedroom.
— Men xonamdagi lampochkani almashtirishga majbur bo'ldim.
🟦 bundle [bʌndl] n. — pochka, dasta
🔻>> A bundle is a number of things that are tied together. >> A bundle bitta qilib bog'langan bir qancha narsalar.
— I was shocked when he showed me a bundle of money.
— U menga bir pochka pulni ko'rsatganda shokka tushib qoldim.
🟦 cattle [kætl] n. — chorva mollari
🔻>> Cattle are cows and bulls, especially on a farm. >> Cattle asosan fermadagi sigir va buqalar.
— The rancher’s cattle were eating the grass in the field.
— Chorvadorning qoramollari daladagi o‘tni yeyayotgan edi.
🟦 flee [fliː] v. — qochmoq, qochib qutulmoq
🔻>> To flee means to run away from trouble or danger. >> To flee xavf yoki qiyinchilikdan qochish degani.
— The crowd of men tried to flee from the danger.
— Erkaklar olomoni xavfdan qochib qutulishga urindi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 baggage [bægɪdʒ] n. — yuk
🔻>> Baggage is the set of bags that people take with them when they travel. >> Baggage odamlar sayohat qilayotganda olib yuradigan sumkalar yig'indisi.
— I’m taking several pieces of baggage with me on vacation.
— Men ta'tilga bir qancha yuk olyapman.
🟦 bulb [bʌlb] n. — lampochka
🔻>> A bulb is the glass part of an electric light. >> A bulb elektr yoritgichning shisha qismi.
— I had to change the light bulb in my bedroom.
— Men xonamdagi lampochkani almashtirishga majbur bo'ldim.
🟦 bundle [bʌndl] n. — pochka, dasta
🔻>> A bundle is a number of things that are tied together. >> A bundle bitta qilib bog'langan bir qancha narsalar.
— I was shocked when he showed me a bundle of money.
— U menga bir pochka pulni ko'rsatganda shokka tushib qoldim.
🟦 cattle [kætl] n. — chorva mollari
🔻>> Cattle are cows and bulls, especially on a farm. >> Cattle asosan fermadagi sigir va buqalar.
— The rancher’s cattle were eating the grass in the field.
— Chorvadorning qoramollari daladagi o‘tni yeyayotgan edi.
🟦 flee [fliː] v. — qochmoq, qochib qutulmoq
🔻>> To flee means to run away from trouble or danger. >> To flee xavf yoki qiyinchilikdan qochish degani.
— The crowd of men tried to flee from the danger.
— Erkaklar olomoni xavfdan qochib qutulishga urindi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.