📘 Book 3 | Unit 6
📑 Word list
🟦 execute [eksɪkjuːt] v. — qatl etmoq
🔻>> To execute someone means to kill them as a legal punishment. >> Birortasini execute qilish jazo sifatida uni o'ldirish degani.
— Some people are executed for serious crimes.
— Ba'zi odamlar jiddiy jinoyatlar uchun qatl etiladi.
🟦 grasp [græsp] v. — ushlamoq, tutmoq
🔻>> To grasp something means to hold it. >> Biror narsani grasp qilish uni ushlash degani.
— He grasped the bag of money tightly.
— U puli bor sumkani mahkam ushladi.
🟦 rear [rɪə:r] n. — orqa taraf
🔻>> When something is in the rear of something, it is in the back. >> Qachonki biror narsa boshqa biror narsaning rear tarafida bo'lsa, u orqa tarafida bo'ladi.
— The man loaded the rear of his truck with boxes.
— Bu odam yuk mashinasining orqa qismiga qutilar yuklagan.
🟦 senator [senətər] n. — senator
🔻>> A senator is someone who makes laws for a state. >> A senator davlat uchun qonunlar qabul qiladigan shaxs.
— The young senator promised to make laws that would help the people.
— Yosh senator odamlarga yordam beradigan qonun qabul qilishga va'da berdi.
🟦 skull [skʌl] n. — bosh suyagi
🔻>> A skull is the hard part of your head. Your brain is inside of it. >> A skull boshingizning qattiq qismi. Miyangiz uning ichida bo'ladi.
— The brain is protected by the skull.
— Miya bosh suyagi bilan himoya qilinadi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 execute [eksɪkjuːt] v. — qatl etmoq
🔻>> To execute someone means to kill them as a legal punishment. >> Birortasini execute qilish jazo sifatida uni o'ldirish degani.
— Some people are executed for serious crimes.
— Ba'zi odamlar jiddiy jinoyatlar uchun qatl etiladi.
🟦 grasp [græsp] v. — ushlamoq, tutmoq
🔻>> To grasp something means to hold it. >> Biror narsani grasp qilish uni ushlash degani.
— He grasped the bag of money tightly.
— U puli bor sumkani mahkam ushladi.
🟦 rear [rɪə:r] n. — orqa taraf
🔻>> When something is in the rear of something, it is in the back. >> Qachonki biror narsa boshqa biror narsaning rear tarafida bo'lsa, u orqa tarafida bo'ladi.
— The man loaded the rear of his truck with boxes.
— Bu odam yuk mashinasining orqa qismiga qutilar yuklagan.
🟦 senator [senətər] n. — senator
🔻>> A senator is someone who makes laws for a state. >> A senator davlat uchun qonunlar qabul qiladigan shaxs.
— The young senator promised to make laws that would help the people.
— Yosh senator odamlarga yordam beradigan qonun qabul qilishga va'da berdi.
🟦 skull [skʌl] n. — bosh suyagi
🔻>> A skull is the hard part of your head. Your brain is inside of it. >> A skull boshingizning qattiq qismi. Miyangiz uning ichida bo'ladi.
— The brain is protected by the skull.
— Miya bosh suyagi bilan himoya qilinadi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.