📘 Book 3 | Unit 5
📑 Word list
🟦 publication [pʌbləˈkeɪʃən] n. — nashr qilingan asar
🔻>> A publication is something printed, like a newspaper or book. >> A publication gazeta yoki kitobga o'xshagan nashr qilingan narsa.
— She’s been a subscriber to that publication for over ten years.
— U o'n yildan oshiq ushbu nashrga obuna bo'lgan.
🟦 riddle [rɪdl] n. — topishmoq
🔻>> A riddle is a question that is difficult to answer but meant to be funny. >> A riddle bu javob berish qiyin, lekin kulgili bo'lishi kerak bo'lgan savol.
— I could not answer Wendy’s riddle, but it made me laugh.
— Men Vendining topishmog'iga javob bera olmadim, lekin u meni kuldirdi.
🟦 rot [rɒt] n. — chirimoq
🔻>> When something rots, it slowly gets softer and is destroyed. >> Qachonki biror narsa rot bo'lsa, u sekin asta yumshoqlashib boradi va barbod bo'ladi.
— The old log began to rot in the forest.
— Eski yog'och o'rmonda chiriy boshladi.
🟦 scare [skɛə:r] v. — qo'rqitmoq
🔻>> To scare means to cause one to feel frightened. >> To scare birortasiga qo'rquvni his qildirish degani.
— I was scared by the sight of the monster.
— Men yirtqichni ko'rib qo'rqib ketdim.
🟦 shortly [ʃɔːrtlɪ] adv. — tez orada
🔻>> If something will happen shortly, it will happen very soon. >> Agar biror narsa shortly sodir bo'lsa, u tez orada sodir bo'ladi.
— My workday will end shortly.
— Mening ish kunim tez orada tugaydi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 publication [pʌbləˈkeɪʃən] n. — nashr qilingan asar
🔻>> A publication is something printed, like a newspaper or book. >> A publication gazeta yoki kitobga o'xshagan nashr qilingan narsa.
— She’s been a subscriber to that publication for over ten years.
— U o'n yildan oshiq ushbu nashrga obuna bo'lgan.
🟦 riddle [rɪdl] n. — topishmoq
🔻>> A riddle is a question that is difficult to answer but meant to be funny. >> A riddle bu javob berish qiyin, lekin kulgili bo'lishi kerak bo'lgan savol.
— I could not answer Wendy’s riddle, but it made me laugh.
— Men Vendining topishmog'iga javob bera olmadim, lekin u meni kuldirdi.
🟦 rot [rɒt] n. — chirimoq
🔻>> When something rots, it slowly gets softer and is destroyed. >> Qachonki biror narsa rot bo'lsa, u sekin asta yumshoqlashib boradi va barbod bo'ladi.
— The old log began to rot in the forest.
— Eski yog'och o'rmonda chiriy boshladi.
🟦 scare [skɛə:r] v. — qo'rqitmoq
🔻>> To scare means to cause one to feel frightened. >> To scare birortasiga qo'rquvni his qildirish degani.
— I was scared by the sight of the monster.
— Men yirtqichni ko'rib qo'rqib ketdim.
🟦 shortly [ʃɔːrtlɪ] adv. — tez orada
🔻>> If something will happen shortly, it will happen very soon. >> Agar biror narsa shortly sodir bo'lsa, u tez orada sodir bo'ladi.
— My workday will end shortly.
— Mening ish kunim tez orada tugaydi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.