Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

📌Student of Khiva PS '25
🔱Vice-president of culture in '23 and '24
👾Interests: Everything
📍Here you can find:
🧣Muallif: @Narimov_Valijon

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Ramadan Mubarak!🌙

Alhamdulillah, new achievement!

Репост из: Presidential School In Khiva

⚡️Xiva shahridagi Prezident maktabi bitiruvchisi nufuzli chet el oliygohlariga talabalikka qabul qilinmoqda!

🌟 Maktabimizning 11-sinf o’quvchisi Valijon Narimov Buyuk Britaniyaning top universitetlaridan biri bo'lgan University of York tomonidan taklif xatini qo’lga kiritdi.

🔰Maktab maʼmuriyat Valijonni bu muvaffaqqiyat bilan tabriklaydi va kelgusidagi ishlarida omad tilaydi!

👉 Bizning ijtimoiy tarmoqlardagi sahifalarimiz:
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook| You tube


Thanks to everyone for this wonderful day!

I received more than 100 "Congratulations!" and "Happy birthday!" , even Google didn't forget to congratulate me, so I want to thank everyone who were with me during these 17 years!

I am also happy that so many people value me, at least they congratulated, and I want to show my gratitude to them!

Wish you success with your upcoming challenges!


For the first time in the HISTORY of Khiva Presidential School...🆕


Research Club!🤩

Had an idea for a research, but didn't know how to conduct it? Then you are in luck!

Join us to learn more about this process!

Collab, improve, grow, enjoy!😎

P.S.: Before all of that, we would like you to help us with our first large-scale research on one of the crucial topics!

Kindly, follow the link below to participate in the survey:


Репост из: Presidential School In Khiva
Al-Xorazmiy olimpiadasi va Xalqaro iqtisod olimpiadasi (IEO) ning Xorazm viloyati bosqichida o‘quvchilarimiz yuqori natijalarga erishishdi! 🎉

🥇 1-o‘rin Norimov Valijon Baxodir o‘g‘li

Bu g‘alaba – uning bilimga chanqoqligi va mehnati samarasidir! 📚✨ Biz Valijon bilan faxrlanamiz va unga kelgusi bosqichlarda ham ulkan muvaffaqiyatlar tilaymiz! 🚀

👉 Bizning ijtimoiy tarmoqlardagi sahifalarimiz:
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook| You tube

87 0 0 18 10

Successfully started writing Chapter 17!

Репост из: Vertex CC
🎙We are forming a debate / public speaking club

Anyone willing to improve debating and public speaking skills is welcome!

If you are interested, text "+" to our bot.

Bot link ->

I'm on the TV🤩


At least something to celebrate today🥸

256 0 0 22 18

Finally 🌨❄️

🧑‍💻Cyber Security (Kiberxavfsizlik) yo'nalishida o'qishni xohlagan o'quvchilar uchun ajoyib imkoniyat!

O'zbekistonda "Cyber University" davlat universiteti ochilish arafasida.

Universitetning asosiy vazifalarini izohlarda o'qishingiz mumkin!

🧑‍💻A great opportunity for students who want to study Cyber ​​Security!

The state university "Cyber ​​University" is about to open in Uzbekistan.

You can read the main missions of the university in the comments section below!


Any wishes for us?🌚

*Photos from the performance by Vali, Tolibjon, Adhambek, Husanboy (also today his birthday), Sarvarbek, Samadjon, and Alibek!

Odam borki, odamlarning naqshidur
Odam borki, hayvon undan yaxshidur!

©️Alisher Navoiy

Репост из: TEDxKhiva Presidential school
🎟 Apply now to be a TEDxKhivaPS Spectator

Are you ready for a day full of inspiration and big ideas? Here’s your chance to attend TEDxKhivaPS, where you’ll enjoy:
✨ Sessions from the best speakers in Khorezm.
🎁 A special gift for every participant.
☕️ A coffee break to relax and connect.

And the best part? It’s completely FREE.

But spots are limited—only 30 participants will be chosen.

Don’t miss out. Apply now and follow our page for updates. We can’t wait to see you there!

🔗 Apply here: Application form
📅 Deadline: January 15

Репост из: Admissions with Valijon

Are you a TEENAGER

We Are Family Foundation’s Three Dot Dash program empowers Global Teen Leaders (GTLs) who are between the ages of 13-19, working to ensure everyone’s basic human needs are met.

‼️Deadlines for the application:
January 20th - Pre-Application
January 24th - Main Application

📌Age: 13-19 (in 2025)
📌Language: Proficient in English
📌Recommendation Letter
📌Already working Project
📌Leadership roles on the Project

📅Dates of Event:
12th-23rd June 2025

Join a global network of change-makers spanning 75+ countries and six continents.



“Агар ўзбеклар бошқа ишларга ҳам ошга келгандек бирлашиб йиғила олганларида эди, дунёда бундан қудратли миллат бўлмас эди!“

© Алихонтўра Соғуний

Year of (something-something and) Economics! Ura!

Happy New Year! 2025!🥳

Wishes from Business&Economics student:

Wish you all the best of luck and great achievements in the next year!🍀☄️

May the next year to be full of (positive) externalities than 2024!🎁
Be productive and efficient!🔋

Achieve higher net cash flow!💸

May your investments you did in your past to payback in huge amounts in 2025!⚖️


Показано 20 последних публикаций.