23) Shudder (noun)
Definition: A quick tremor or movement of excitement or fear.
Translation: Titroq, seskanish
Example: There is a shudder of recognition when a joke lands well.
24) Milking (verb)
Definition: Extracting or taking full advantage of something.
Translation: To‘liq foydalanmoq
Example: Humans milk their natural emotional responses for creativity.
25) Tap into (phrasal verb)
Definition: To make use of a resource or ability.
Translation: Foydalanmoq, foydalanish yo‘lini topmoq
Example: Jokes tap into our evaluative mechanisms.
26) Evaluate (verb)
Definition: To assess or judge something.
Translation: Baholamoq
Example: Evaluating humor requires mental agility.
27) Machinery (noun)
Definition: Systems or processes within a structure.
Translation: Tizim, mexanizm
Example: Evaluative machinery helps us understand jokes.
28) Disgusting (adjective)
Definition: Causing strong dislike or nausea.
Translation: yoqimsiz
Example: Humor can be funny and disgusting simultaneously.
29) Luxury (noun)
Definition: A state of great comfort or indulgence.
Translation: rohat, xuzr-halovat
Example: Humor may be considered a luxury, but it has evolutionary benefits.
30) Analytical (adjective)
Definition: Relating to logical reasoning and analysis.
Translation: Tahliliy
Example: Humor is a combination of analytical and emotional processes.
31) Handle (verb)
Definition: To manage or deal with something effectively.
Translation: eplamoq, boshqarmoq, uddalamoq
Example: Understanding humor helps us handle complex human interactions.
Definition: A quick tremor or movement of excitement or fear.
Translation: Titroq, seskanish
Example: There is a shudder of recognition when a joke lands well.
24) Milking (verb)
Definition: Extracting or taking full advantage of something.
Translation: To‘liq foydalanmoq
Example: Humans milk their natural emotional responses for creativity.
25) Tap into (phrasal verb)
Definition: To make use of a resource or ability.
Translation: Foydalanmoq, foydalanish yo‘lini topmoq
Example: Jokes tap into our evaluative mechanisms.
26) Evaluate (verb)
Definition: To assess or judge something.
Translation: Baholamoq
Example: Evaluating humor requires mental agility.
27) Machinery (noun)
Definition: Systems or processes within a structure.
Translation: Tizim, mexanizm
Example: Evaluative machinery helps us understand jokes.
28) Disgusting (adjective)
Definition: Causing strong dislike or nausea.
Translation: yoqimsiz
Example: Humor can be funny and disgusting simultaneously.
29) Luxury (noun)
Definition: A state of great comfort or indulgence.
Translation: rohat, xuzr-halovat
Example: Humor may be considered a luxury, but it has evolutionary benefits.
30) Analytical (adjective)
Definition: Relating to logical reasoning and analysis.
Translation: Tahliliy
Example: Humor is a combination of analytical and emotional processes.
31) Handle (verb)
Definition: To manage or deal with something effectively.
Translation: eplamoq, boshqarmoq, uddalamoq
Example: Understanding humor helps us handle complex human interactions.