Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Образование

— We teach — You prosper!
— Biz ta'lim beramiz — Siz rivojlanasiz!
🔸General English (Umumiy ingliz tili)

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Bekzod Turg’unov
Eng ko'p tushayotgan Speaking Part 1.1 lar

🟢 What do you eat for breakfast?
🟢 What do you do in your free time?
🟢 What's your favorite hobby?
🟢 Do you work or are you a student?
🟢 Who was your favorite teacher?
🟢 What do you do for relaxing?
🟢 What kinds of music do you like?

Qayta-qayta kelib yotibdi xullas bular 🌿


Do you know the OREO Technique in speaking?

O – Opinion (State your opinion clearly)
R – Reason (Explain why you think so)
E – Example (Provide an example to support your point)
O – Opinion (Restate/Wrap up your idea)

Example Question:

"Do you think children should have a lot of homework?"

OREO Answer:

✅ O (Opinion): Personally, I believe that children should have a moderate amount of homework but not too much.

✅ R (Reason): Too much homework can be overwhelming and stressful, reducing their free time for other activities like sports or hobbies.

✅ E (Example): For example, in some countries like Finland, students have very little homework, yet they perform well academically because they focus more on understanding concepts in school.

✅ O (Restate Opinion): So, I think that while some homework is necessary, excessive amounts can be counterproductive.

✅IELTS Speaking
✅The Most Comprehensive Guide
✅All in One

🔥72 different topics and key vocabulary
🔥1600+ vocabulary exercises
🔥700+ practice questions
🔥Model answers and suggested structures
🔥14 different types of questions
🔥40 different ways of answering them


Репост из: Multi-level test
@Multi_level_test Letter topics.pdf
200 dan ortiq letter mavzulari 🔥

✅ Tushish ehtimoli ham yo’q emas

Xat yozmoqchi-yu, lekin mavzu topolmayotganlarga share qivoramiz🤓)

🔹Channel: @Multi_level_test

Репост из: Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher)
Sample letters.pdf
Complaint letter samples.pdf
Apology Letters in Task 1.pdf
🐆 Multi-Level Task 1 uchun kerak bo'ladigan eng sara kitoblardan biri!

Shaxsan o'zim shu kitobdagi Letter savollaridan ko'p foydalanaman!

🕊Join: @MultiLevelRecord

Репост из: Multi-Level Top (CEFR C2)
Speaking Book 1 (@MultiLevelTop).pdf
🎁 Multi-Level Top jamoasidan sizlar uchun ajoyib tuhfa!!!

Speaking Book - 10 Full Speaking Mocks with Sample Answers (New Format)

➡️ Multi-Level imtihoni Speaking qismining yangi formati bo'yicha yangi o'quv qo'llanma! Bemalol print qilib ishlasangiz bo'ladi! Siz qadrdon obunachilarimiz uchun kanalimizda hammasi bepul! Enjoy, my dears ;)

✈️ Multi-Level imtihoniga tayyorgarlik ko'rayotganlarga yuborib qo'yamiz ;)

✔️ Prepared by Multi-Level Top Team

🌐 Join: @MultiLevelTop

Vocabulary book.pdf
Vocabulary book.pdf

CEFR Multilevel Speaking 2024-2025.pdf
CEFR Multilevel Speaking 2024-2025.pdf

2. intricate - containing many small parts or details that all work or fit together → complex:
intricate patterns

Today I will share some new words with you when I find while I'm watching a YouTube video about reading. So...
1. to nerd out - to discuss something in great detail - biror narsani ikir-chikirigacha muhokama qilish.


Репост из: "𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐋'' 𝐨'𝐪𝐮𝐯 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐚𝐳𝐢 ( Farg'ona shahar )
IDEAL o’quv markazida DTM test sinovlari

O’zi bilimingizni sinovdan o’tkazish uchun yaxshi imkoniyat

🌀 Faqatgina ruchka va qalam bo'lishi✏️
🌀Iloji boricha telefon olib kelmaslik 📞❌
🌀Sumkalar ham markazda yig'ishtirib olinadi olib kelmaganingiz maqulroq💼
🌀IELTS sertifikati borlar, maksimal ball hisoblanishi uchun sertifikat rasmini kanal adminiga yuborishi so'raladi.

Test sinovi ikki smenada bo’lib o’tadi (09:00 va 13:00
) da

📞 Murojaat uchun:

⚡️ "IDEAL" bilan ideallikka erishing !

📌Manzil: Farg’ona shahar, Sayilgoh ko'chasi 22-A uy
📍Mo’ljal: Emirates kafesi ro’parasida


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