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♟️ Girls' Chess Tournament 🏆
A fierce battle in the arena of intelligence and strategy! 🔥
A chess tournament was held at our university on March 8th , exclusively for girls. This tournament was not only a competition, but also a test of logical thinking .
At the end of the tournament, the following girls won:
🥇 1st place: Muslima
🥈 2nd place: Amira
🥉 3rd place: Madina
♟️ Qizlar O‘rtasidagi Shaxmat Turniri 🏆
Aql va strategiya maydonida qizg‘in kurash! 🔥
Universitetimizda 8-mart munosabati bilan faqat qizlar o‘rtasida shaxmat turniri bo‘lib o‘tdi. Ushbu turnir nafaqat musobaqa, balki mantiqiy fikrlash, sabr-toqat va intellektual mahorat sinovi bo‘ldi.
Turnir yakunida quyidagi qizlar g‘oliblikni qo‘lga kiritdi:
🥇 1-o‘rin: Muslima
🥈 2-o‘rin: Amira
🥉 3-o‘rin: Madina
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A fierce battle in the arena of intelligence and strategy! 🔥
A chess tournament was held at our university on March 8th , exclusively for girls. This tournament was not only a competition, but also a test of logical thinking .
At the end of the tournament, the following girls won:
🥇 1st place: Muslima
🥈 2nd place: Amira
🥉 3rd place: Madina
♟️ Qizlar O‘rtasidagi Shaxmat Turniri 🏆
Aql va strategiya maydonida qizg‘in kurash! 🔥
Universitetimizda 8-mart munosabati bilan faqat qizlar o‘rtasida shaxmat turniri bo‘lib o‘tdi. Ushbu turnir nafaqat musobaqa, balki mantiqiy fikrlash, sabr-toqat va intellektual mahorat sinovi bo‘ldi.
Turnir yakunida quyidagi qizlar g‘oliblikni qo‘lga kiritdi:
🥇 1-o‘rin: Muslima
🥈 2-o‘rin: Amira
🥉 3-o‘rin: Madina
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