Фильтр публикаций


Ish faoliyatimizdan instagram profilimizni ulashmoqchiman

Agar bino qo'shiq bo'lsa, arxitektor shoirmi yoki bastakor?
Если здание - это песня, архитектор - поэт или композитор?
If a building is a song, is the architect a poet or a composer?

Ofis uchun stol qo'l isitgichi

Qiziquvchan shogirt ishidan

Tashkent gate

#gate #door

Revit 2024


O'tgan bir yil davomida ushbu kanalga 10 donagina model yuklaganimga qaramay Revit_and_designer kanali 1500 dan ziyod foydalanuvchini jalb qila oldi, ko'plab azolar profilimga rahmat yo'llashdi. Bu men uchun quvonarli natija. 2025-yilda yanada ko'proq qiziqarli va nodir modellar ulashish ishtiyoqimni oshirish uchun siz obunachilardan reaksialaringizni bildirish orqali qo'llab borishingizni so'rab qolaman.

За прошедший год, несмотря на то, что я загрузил всего 10 моделей на канал Revit_and_designer, он смог привлечь более 1500 пользователей. Многие участники отправили слова благодарности в мой профиль, что стало для меня радостным результатом. В 2025 году я планирую делиться еще большим количеством интересных и редких моделей, и прошу вас, уважаемые подписчики, поддерживать меня, выражая свои реакции.

Over the past year, despite uploading only 10 models to the Revit_and_designer channel, it managed to attract over 1,500 users. Many members sent words of thanks to my profile, which has been a delightful result for me. In 2025, I aim to share even more interesting and rare models, and I kindly ask you, dear subscribers, to support me by sharing your reactions.

Andijan Pergola

Revit 2024
#outdoor #landscape

2.9k 2 48 21 14

Obunachilariga foydali bo’ladi degan umidda kanal chatiga qo’shilib olishlarini taklif qilaman


Ahli BIM uchun yana bir ijod maxsuli jarayonda. Bunday semeystva loyihalaringizga qanchalik zarur ekanligini 10 balli shklada izohlarda yozib qoldiring.


Bugun sovuq tasir qildi shekili shunaqa narsa yasab qo'yibman, baaaaalki foydasi tegib qolar. Loyihangizni isitib oling)

Revit 2024

2.1k 0 27 22 32

Bu darvoza modeli nomi uchun takliflar bo'lsa izohda qoldirishingiz mumkun. Bazan yasashdan ko'ra nom topish qiyin)

If you have any suggestions for the name of this model gate, you can leave them in the comments. Sometimes it's harder to come up with a name than to make a model)

Tez kunda...

Kanal rivoji uchun kanal linkini hamkasblaringizga ulashishni ununtmang

Coming soon...

Don't forget to share the channel link with your friends for channel development


Turli sun’iy idrok modellarining barcha ijodiy sohalarga integratsiyasi haqida bir narsani aytmoqchiman. AI modellarining xususan arxitektura va dizayn sohasida yararatayotgan ishlari tahlil qilar ekanman darxaqiqat imkoniyatlari hayratlanarli ammo eng muhumi uning ishlari ilohiy ilhom asosida yaratilmaganligi uchun kishida qayta qayta tomosho qilish qilish istagini uyg’otmaydi.

Xulosam shu bo’ldiki — Ilhom idrok mahsuli emas balki qalb mahsuli. Demak sun’iy idrok modellari haqiqiy ijod ahlini to qachondir sun’iy qalb yaratilmaguncha havotirga sololmaydi.

I want to say something about the integration of various AI models into all creative fields. As I analyze the works of AI models, particularly in the fields of architecture and design, their capabilities are indeed astonishing. However, the most important point is that their works are not created based on divine inspiration, so they do not evoke the desire to view them repeatedly.

My conclusion is this: Inspiration is not a product of intellect but of the heart. Therefore, AI models cannot truly alarm genuine creators unless an artificial heart is ever created.


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