Репост из: UzBOOKistan
1. To kill a mockingbird
2. 1984
3. Pride and Prejudice
4. The great Gatsby
5. One hundred years of solitude
6. The catcher in the Rye
7. Moby-Dick.
8. War and peace.
9. The brothers Karamazov
10. The alchemist.
chatgpt yozgan top 10 ta kitoblarni yigʻib tashladim. Faqat yolgʻizlikning yuz yili yoʻq hech qayda(
2. 1984
3. Pride and Prejudice
4. The great Gatsby
5. One hundred years of solitude
6. The catcher in the Rye
7. Moby-Dick.
8. War and peace.
9. The brothers Karamazov
10. The alchemist.
chatgpt yozgan top 10 ta kitoblarni yigʻib tashladim. Faqat yolgʻizlikning yuz yili yoʻq hech qayda(