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Right? 😁

Репост из: Asadbek Abduraxmonov
Guruhdoshlar! Mana bu kanalda Asadbek ustoz kitob tarqatyapti ekanlar. Loyiha nomiyam antiqa - KITOBchi.

Linki mana bu yerda, o’zimam qatnashyapman)


Attention attention ❗️❗️❗️

How long does it take to prepare for the IELTS exam?❓

If you have decent English skills you have to invest to 6 to 8 weeks in preparing for IELTS ❗️ But , if you have advanced English skills, then you may not 🚫 need a long prep time❗️The IELTS preparation time includes studying on weekends and ideally 3 to 4 hours of time should be spent every day ❗️

.... Kanalda bir nechta qisqa va oson listening testlari bor. Teparoqqa chiqsangiz , testlarni topishingiz mumkin ✅

Ha aytgancha yuqorida testlarni pin 📌 qilib qoʻyibmanu , oson topasiz ularni✅

Enjoy 🫴

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Right? 😆😆😆

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5 ways to improve your listening!

Goooo reaction!


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Listening mahoratingizni oshirmoqchimisiz❓❓❓

Unda bu video aynan siz uchun ✅

Reaksiya tekin! Bosib tashimiz! ✅

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It's a funny 🤣🤣🤣 let's watch it

‼️"GOOD BYE" deyishni 1️⃣5️⃣ ta usuli

🗽 Later🚀

🗽 Cheers🚀

🗽 Take care🚀

🗽 Back later🚀

🗽 Peace out🚀

🗽 Later dude🚀

🗽 I am off now🚀

🗽 See you later🚀

🗽 See you soon🚀

🗽 Catch up soon🚀

🗽 I am out of here🚀

🗽 See you sometime🚀

🗽 See you later, alligator🚀
🗽 In a while crocodile🚀

🗽 See you when I see you🚀

Join: ✈️ @podcast_for_listening

1.5k 0 12 14 10

Right? 😂😂😂

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♦️Useful video for learners💯

3 helpful websites for learning English

1) lyricstraining
2) the free dictionary
3) News in Levels

Mana oʻsha men aytgan useful app. Play market ilovasiga kirib shu app ni skachat qiling. Bunda siz mazza qilasiz. Listening ni zerikmasdan podcast va qoʻshiqlar eshitib oshirasiz! ✅

Ilova nomi: Spotify ✅

Podcast, Inglizcha qoʻshiqlar va ajoyib koʻrsatuvlarni tinglashni xohlaysizmi? Sizga shunday app kerakmi? Menda bitta app bor. U bilan hecham zerikmaysiz va ingliz tilini maroq bilan oʻrganasiz? Shu ilova kerak boʻlsa commentga yozing! Kerakmi u?
  •   Ha. Izlab yurgandim
  •   Yoʻq 🤦‍♂️. Kerakmas
76 голосов

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