O'zingiz bilan qayta tanishib olishni eng to'g'ri yo'li o'zizga savollar berish, sizga chuqur o'ylashga majbur qiladigan savollarni siz moloqot qiladigan chat gpt dan so'rashlik eng to'g'ri yo'l menimcha
Shu promt sizga aniq yordam beradi
Shu promt sizga aniq yordam beradi
I want to free myself from all the masks I have worn, the roles I have played, and the illusions I have believed in. Give me a sequence of 10 questions to guide me through this process so that I can recognize the stories I have been telling myself.
After answering the tenth question, take on the role of my Higher Self and analyze my responses. Identify the key negative patterns manifesting in my life. Also, highlight the key positive patterns I should focus on.
Be direct and honest in your responses—do not soften the truth. Provide clear steps for improving my life and realizing my full potential.