Khondamir Karshiboev

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

A sinful servant to The Most Merciful Lord.

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Fulfilling a promise is way harder than giving it.

Dear students, stop making promises to do two tasks at once next time, saying it will be the last time you ever be late, or mentioning missing classes won’t repeat again.

Please think about it, and don’t say ‘never’, ‘I will study harder this time’, ‘I won’t be late again’ but use the word ‘try’ and reflect on it.

Don’t be all talk and no action.

Репост из: SAT Books/Materials
Doing Nothing vs Small Consistent Effort

1³⁶⁵ = 1 vs 1.01³⁶⁵ = 37.7


If you are spending Ramadan sleeping all day, feel free to see its blessings in your dreams.


Madinada tonglar otdi, borolmadim...

- Qamariddin Bekmuhammad

Tell me where you’re, without telling where you’re.


Night vision | Dawn

I was so wet and dirty by the time I got in that Mum told me to go upstairs and have a shower straightaway!

Generated by AI

Guess the source I got inspired by!

Can there be a better gift than this and of course surprise?

It must be my sis, judging by her handwriting.

May Allah bless our loved ones who constantly remind us Allah SWT.

‘Ramazon’ sharif osmonni ham yig’latib ketar ekan.

Writing task 1 | Letter

An easy way to make your students concentrated during a test is by taking out their phones away.

Репост из: Akhi
Everyone wants a pious (deendar) partner,
but no one wants to be deendar.






Please, dear student keep your teacher’s nerves calm.

POV: When you want to use an example to explain the meaning of a concept, let it be an analogy.

He is closer to us than our jugular vein.


Often times I forget to mention this…)

Репост из: IELTS | Atabaev | 9.0
Although I barely understood the speech, I kept watching no matter what. You get used to it eventually.

Репост из: IELTS | Atabaev | 9.0
I remember when I first began watching movies in English. I was studying in a pre-intermediate group, and the movie was Harry Potter 5. Since then, I have consumed tons of English content including YT and movies. It's good for both listening and speaking skills. If you are tired of books, go watch some of your fave movies in English.

A few shots from today’s morning stroll…)

Doesn’t this mean ‘Ramadan’ leaving us?


Репост из: Diyorbek's IELTS
Jesus used to go fishing with his disciples. Seneca wrote about how Cato loved to sip wine and reflect on the meaning of life.⁣ Emil Cioran, the most famous Transylvanian philosopher who spent most of his time in Paris, liked to relax by writing joyful letters to his friends and family. John Rockefeller used to take regular breaks from his notoriously demanding schedule to mill about in his garden. Benjamin Franklin’s work sessions were broken up by periods of conversation, reading, and boredom.

Next time, you are asked if you go to parks in Speaking Part 1 🌳, please don't say "I am too busy preparing for IELTS, so I don't go anywhere"

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