Khondamir Karshiboev

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

Aspiring ESL teacher and inquisitive individual!
•IELTS 7.0
•SAT 1250 (Super Score)
•CEFR C1 (67)
•Dropped out of TSUE (2021)
•Participant at Ibrat Language camp(2021)
•Tutoring at English House
The workplace: @english_house_zarbdar

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

‘It was pragnant’ part is killing me tho)

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The best Thanksgiving prank ever 😂

Why should we read or listen to Surah-al-kakhf on Friday?

Reciting or listening to Surah Al-Kahf on Friday is recommended because:

1. It offers protection from the trials of Dajjal (the False Messiah).
2. It brings light (nur) from one Friday to the next, symbolizing blessings and guidance.
3. The surah’s stories teach valuable lessons about faith, patience, and trust in Allah’s wisdom.
4. It follows the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), bringing additional blessings.

POV: This is just summary what ChatGPT gives. For the full version, ask the question yourself.

I was about to give up on UzMobile after having the issue with LTE (4G) for almost a year until I found out that the problem is not about my phone settings but the company — they turned it off so that there won’t be any higher Net connection. I dunno who did this to me.

POV: You can give me Oscar for being patient with 3G for nearly 12 months.

P.S: Thank God, I had wi-fi connection.

Biror narsa sindirvorish kerak-ov.

UzMobile - 5G, Karl!

Репост из: Ozodbek Botiraliev
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Sizni oxirgi postlariz asosan she’rlardan iborat ekan nima siz shoir misiz?

Репост из: Dilnoza
Siz sher yozaszmi



Ba’zan boy berilib bebaho onlar,
Bekor o’tgan damga ko’ngil ezilar.

Esiz, bolalikni qoldirib ortda, Umr o'tmoqdadir daryo misoli.
Qoldirib-qoldirmay iz bu hayotda, Umr o'tmoqdadir daryo misoli.

Keksalik mo'ralab eshik qoqmoqda, Bolalik qaytadan qaytarilmoqda ...
Bizdan erta kunga nelar qolmoqda?
Umr o'tmoqdadir, umr o'tmoqda.


Afsuski, yigitchilik mavsumi bitdi,
Ko’klam o’tib ketdi qish yetib keldi.
Yoshlik deb atalgan u sevinch qushi,
Bilmadim qachonlar keldi-yu ketdi.

O'zbek tilida op qochish bo'yicha birni olsam kerak, menimcha shubxasiz!

Репост из: GENIUS
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Highlight from the podcast in Dubai


For me the hardest part of teaching is sending HW every day with task list.


You spend your whole life concerned about what other people will think about you. When, in reality, nobody even cares. So live you life to ease your Creator because He’s the one you’re going to back to.

There is a possibility of seeing ‘Kamaz’ in the game.

Can you remember this spot?

It’s the place where a part of GTA 6 was filmed lately. The release date of the game has not revealed yet, next year possibly.

Репост из: Ozodbek Botiraliev

Репост из: Dilmurod Isakulov || Blog

Репост из: Dilmurod Isakulov || Blog

Репост из: Diyorbek's IELTS
In this fast-paced world, we rarely pause to reflect on what is happening in our lives and connect the dots. I just want to share some of the musings I recently had. Looking backward one of the best decisions I made was to learn English. Because learning English not only opened doors academically and career-wise, it also meant that the world of information was at my fingertips.

This is largely due to the presence of one person in my life: Asrorbek Toshev, my English teacher. I was lucky enough to meet him in 2014 because he didn't teach me just English but also what to think, more importantly, how to think.

In our lessons (as a pre-intermediate level student), we were watching the lectures of Michael Sandel and discussing if it was right to save more people's lives by sacrificing another life. Or, we were watching a funny-clip of a guy who shot to stardom overnight because of a funny interview he gave. I was not missing out on anything that was happening in the world because every lesson Asror aka used to ask what was happening in the world. Everyone in our group was well-informed about the current affairs of the time. These lessons motivated us to learn English not just to pass IELTS, but to be able to communicate with the rest of the world and consume more knowledge.

Fast-forward to now, that student-teacher relationship turned into a brotherhood. He treats his students as friends because he knows he can shape their lives in one way or another.

The reason I am sharing something as personal as this here on the channel is not only to encourage you guys to learn English not just to pass some exam or find your way into an MBA program, but to tell you that you need to truly enjoy the process like I did and am doing. Asror aka, one of the best teachers in Uzbekistan, taught us language learning should be the journey, not the destination. This is also my tribute to Asrorbek Toshev, who has had a really positive impact on my life.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.