Raxmonberganov Javohir

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

• Old school enjoyer
• Freelancer, web developer
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Hokim va yoshlar uchrashuvi tafsilotlari “Xorazm hafta ichida” tahliliy dasturida.

#Ochiqmuloqot #Hokimvayoshlar #Xivashahri

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Hokim va yoshlar uchrashuvi: yangi tashabbus va g‘oyalar uchun muloqot maydoni

Kuni kecha, Xiva shahrida viloyat hokimi Joʻrabek Raximovning yoshlar bilan uchrashuvi oʻtkazildi. Uchrashuvda viloyat hokimi soʻzga chiqib, mamlakatimiz Prezidentining joriy yil 14-fevralda yoshlar bilan oʻtkazgan uchrashuvida bildirilgan tashabbuslar, yoshlar tadbirkorligini rivojlantirish va bandligini taʼminlash uchun yaratilayotgan imkoniyatlar haqida toʻxtaldi. 2025-yil davomida viloyatda yoshlarni qo’llab-quvvatlash yo’nalishidagi yangi rejalar e’lon qilindi.

✅Ochiq va samimiy ruhda kechgan muloqotda viloyatimizning barcha shahar va tumanlaridan sektor rahbarlari, yoshlar yetakchilari, faol yoshlar, shuningdek, xorijiy davlatlarda mehnat migratsiyasi bilan band boʻlgan xorazmlik yigit-qizlar videoaloqa orqali ishtirok etdilar.

Uchrashuvda yoshlarning taʼlim olish, zamonaviy kasblarni egallash, shaxsiy biznesini yoʻlga qoʻyish borasidagi innovatsion gʻoyalari, taklif va tashabbuslari qoʻllab-quvvatlandi.

📍 Uchrashuvning ikkinchi qismi “Arda Xiva” turizm kompleksida davom etib, bayramona dasturxon atrofida jam bo’lgan yoshlar orasidan faol xotin-qizlarga Viloyat hokimining tashakkurnomalari topshirildi. 2024- yilning 4-choragi bo‘yicha TOP-100 mahallalardagi yoshlar yetakchilari qatoridan o‘rin olgan xorazmlik yoshlar yetakchilari ota-onalari e‘tirof etildi.

#Ochiqmuloqot #Hokimvayoshlar #Xivashahri

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Репост из: vx-underground
Today Citigroup, the 3rd largest bank in the United States, made the largest oopsie-doopsie banking typographical error in history.

Citigroup was supposed to credit a customer with $280

Citigroup instead accidentally sent the customer $81,000,000,000,000

it's snowing outside and I guess that's the best time to do anonymous q&a for a while, so here's the link:


- What's one of the worst things that could happen?
- Project failure during a meeting with the President and not works for 7 hours straight.

We have a lot to learn yet.

Репост из: Аям
Прическам бузилади деб шапкасиз юриб, кейин менга касалман дема!

Soliq serverlari quladi))


Tuxumdan chiqdi-yu, keltirib uni
Shu loyqa hovuzga tomon otdilar.
Tashlandiq ushoq yeb o‘tadi kuni,
Xor-u xas, xazonlar ustin yopdilar.

Dunyoda ko‘rgani shu tor hovuzcha
Va mudroq tollarning achchiq xazoni.
Menga alam qilar, tilla baliqcha
Bir ko‘lmak hovuz deb bilar dunyoni...

Abdulla Oripov


The ability to play chess is the sign of gentleman. The ability to play chess well is the sign of a wasted life.

Btw, you can leave your chess.com usernames below this message.


started learning to play the piano about an hour ago. not gonna lie, it's actually my first time playing it (even an electric one).

can you guess which song I am trying to play?


All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

- Animal Farm
George Orwell

debugging a code which has written by someone more than 7 years ago, my eyes on fire. someone help me


I guess, this is not a bad result)


found a good place to start a podcast, but don't worry, not gonna start one (yet))

need location?


Репост из: ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ) Nyan’s Kawaii Blog ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ
did you know that phone number of a caller that you see on your screen can be spoofed?

basically, if you see your mom’s phone number calling you it might NOT be your mom and in fact a very different phone number

doubled with deep faking of voices with AI makes it a considerable threat

advice for now that you might have heard already:
even in emergencies, call back
just end the call with your mom or whoever
and call her yourself

The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he’s in prison.

― Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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