Репост из: IT Park Uzbekistan
© Sizni ertaga bo‘lib o‘tadigan “Unreal Engine 5 yordamida kompyuter o‘yinlarini ishlab chiqish” mavzusidagi bepul ma’ruzaga taklif etamiz!
📖 “Unreal Engine 5 yordamida kompyuter o‘yinlarini ishlab chiqish” ma’ruzasiga ro‘yxatdan o‘ting. Barcha nazariy va amaliy mashg‘ulotlar butun ma’ruza davomida kompyuter o‘yinlari, jumladan Aleksandr Muxitdinovning o‘yini misolida namoyish etiladi. Unda siz “Blueprint”, “UMG”, “Material” va boshqa ko‘plab vositalar haqida batafsil ma’lumot olasiz!
🗣 Ma’ruzani Toshkentdagi “Epic Games” (AQSh) tomonidan tasdiqlangan rasmiy “Unreal Engine” guruhining o‘qituvchisi, dasturchisi va tashkilotchisi Aleksandr Muxitdinov olib boradi.
“Unreal Engine” bo‘yicha oldindan tajribaga ega bo‘lish talab etilmaydi.
🗓 22-noyabr, 18:00 – 20:00
📍 IT Park Toshkent — Maxtumquli ko‘chasi, 1A
⭐️ Ro‘yxatdan o‘tishning so‘nggi muddati: 22-noyabr
© We invite you to tomorrow's free lecture "Developing Computer Games Using Unreal Engine 5"!
📖 Register for the lecture "Developing Computer Games Using Unreal Engine 5". All the theory and practices will be demonstrated with PC games including a game of Aleksandr Mukhitdinov during the whole lecture. You will find out more about Blueprints, UMG, Materials and more!
🗣 The lecture will be given by Alexander Mukhitdinov, a teacher, developer, and organizer of the official Unreal Engine group approved by Epic Games (USA) in Tashkent.
No previous experience with Unreal Engine is required.
🗓 November 22, 18:00-20:00
📍 IT Park Tashkent — 1A, Makhtumkuli Street
⭐️ Deadline for registration: November 22
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© Sizni ertaga bo‘lib o‘tadigan “Unreal Engine 5 yordamida kompyuter o‘yinlarini ishlab chiqish” mavzusidagi bepul ma’ruzaga taklif etamiz!
📖 “Unreal Engine 5 yordamida kompyuter o‘yinlarini ishlab chiqish” ma’ruzasiga ro‘yxatdan o‘ting. Barcha nazariy va amaliy mashg‘ulotlar butun ma’ruza davomida kompyuter o‘yinlari, jumladan Aleksandr Muxitdinovning o‘yini misolida namoyish etiladi. Unda siz “Blueprint”, “UMG”, “Material” va boshqa ko‘plab vositalar haqida batafsil ma’lumot olasiz!
🗣 Ma’ruzani Toshkentdagi “Epic Games” (AQSh) tomonidan tasdiqlangan rasmiy “Unreal Engine” guruhining o‘qituvchisi, dasturchisi va tashkilotchisi Aleksandr Muxitdinov olib boradi.
“Unreal Engine” bo‘yicha oldindan tajribaga ega bo‘lish talab etilmaydi.
🗓 22-noyabr, 18:00 – 20:00
📍 IT Park Toshkent — Maxtumquli ko‘chasi, 1A
⭐️ Ro‘yxatdan o‘tishning so‘nggi muddati: 22-noyabr
© We invite you to tomorrow's free lecture "Developing Computer Games Using Unreal Engine 5"!
📖 Register for the lecture "Developing Computer Games Using Unreal Engine 5". All the theory and practices will be demonstrated with PC games including a game of Aleksandr Mukhitdinov during the whole lecture. You will find out more about Blueprints, UMG, Materials and more!
🗣 The lecture will be given by Alexander Mukhitdinov, a teacher, developer, and organizer of the official Unreal Engine group approved by Epic Games (USA) in Tashkent.
No previous experience with Unreal Engine is required.
🗓 November 22, 18:00-20:00
📍 IT Park Tashkent — 1A, Makhtumkuli Street
⭐️ Deadline for registration: November 22
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | LinkedIn