Here are 10 more unique words similar to Ergo, Therewith, Whereupon, etc., that can enhance your Task 1 writing:
Advanced Task 1 Vocabulary
Therefrom – From that or as a result of that
📊 E.g., The tax rates were reduced, and economic growth followed therefrom. 📈
📌 Soliq stavkalari pasaytirildi, natijada iqtisodiy o‘sish kuzatildi.
Hereafter – From now on or in the future
📅 E.g., The new regulations will be applied hereafter to all financial transactions. 💳
📌 Yangi qoidalar bundan buyon barcha moliyaviy operatsiyalarga tatbiq etiladi.
Thereagainst – Against that or opposed to that
⚖️ E.g., The new policy was proposed, but the parliament voted thereagainst. 🏛️
📌 Yangi siyosat taklif qilindi, biroq parlament unga qarshi ovoz berdi.
Whereinto – Into which or into what
📥 E.g., The funds were deposited into the account whereinto all government grants flow. 💰
📌 Mablag‘lar barcha hukumat grantlari tushadigan hisob raqamiga o‘tkazildi.
Thereon – On that or as a consequence of that
📉 E.g., The inflation rate surged in 2022, and interest rates were increased thereon. 🏦
📌 2022-yilda inflyatsiya oshdi, shundan so‘ng foiz stavkalari ko‘tarildi.
Wherein – In which or in what
📊 E.g., The report outlines a period wherein productivity declined significantly. 📉
📌 Hisobotda mahsuldorlik keskin pasaygan davr tasvirlangan.
Heretofore – Until now or before this moment
⏳ E.g., The company had heretofore relied on domestic markets, but exports have now increased. 🚢
📌 Kompaniya shu paytgacha ichki bozorga tayanib kelgan, lekin endi eksport ortdi.
Thereunto – To that or in addition to that
📜 E.g., The contract was signed, and additional clauses were attached thereunto. ✍️
📌 Shartnoma imzolandi va unga qo‘shimcha bandlar ilova qilindi.
Wherethrough – Through which or by means of which
🚄 E.g., A new trade route was established wherethrough goods could be transported faster. 📦
📌 Yangi savdo yo‘li ochildi, u orqali tovarlar tezroq yetkazib berilishi mumkin.
Thereout – Out of that or from that place
📦 E.g., The factory produced high-quality materials, and significant profits arose thereout. 💵
📌 Zavod yuqori sifatli mahsulot ishlab chiqardi va shundan katta foyda olindi.
✈️ @Iskandars_blog1
Advanced Task 1 Vocabulary
Therefrom – From that or as a result of that
📊 E.g., The tax rates were reduced, and economic growth followed therefrom. 📈
📌 Soliq stavkalari pasaytirildi, natijada iqtisodiy o‘sish kuzatildi.
Hereafter – From now on or in the future
📅 E.g., The new regulations will be applied hereafter to all financial transactions. 💳
📌 Yangi qoidalar bundan buyon barcha moliyaviy operatsiyalarga tatbiq etiladi.
Thereagainst – Against that or opposed to that
⚖️ E.g., The new policy was proposed, but the parliament voted thereagainst. 🏛️
📌 Yangi siyosat taklif qilindi, biroq parlament unga qarshi ovoz berdi.
Whereinto – Into which or into what
📥 E.g., The funds were deposited into the account whereinto all government grants flow. 💰
📌 Mablag‘lar barcha hukumat grantlari tushadigan hisob raqamiga o‘tkazildi.
Thereon – On that or as a consequence of that
📉 E.g., The inflation rate surged in 2022, and interest rates were increased thereon. 🏦
📌 2022-yilda inflyatsiya oshdi, shundan so‘ng foiz stavkalari ko‘tarildi.
Wherein – In which or in what
📊 E.g., The report outlines a period wherein productivity declined significantly. 📉
📌 Hisobotda mahsuldorlik keskin pasaygan davr tasvirlangan.
Heretofore – Until now or before this moment
⏳ E.g., The company had heretofore relied on domestic markets, but exports have now increased. 🚢
📌 Kompaniya shu paytgacha ichki bozorga tayanib kelgan, lekin endi eksport ortdi.
Thereunto – To that or in addition to that
📜 E.g., The contract was signed, and additional clauses were attached thereunto. ✍️
📌 Shartnoma imzolandi va unga qo‘shimcha bandlar ilova qilindi.
Wherethrough – Through which or by means of which
🚄 E.g., A new trade route was established wherethrough goods could be transported faster. 📦
📌 Yangi savdo yo‘li ochildi, u orqali tovarlar tezroq yetkazib berilishi mumkin.
Thereout – Out of that or from that place
📦 E.g., The factory produced high-quality materials, and significant profits arose thereout. 💵
📌 Zavod yuqori sifatli mahsulot ishlab chiqardi va shundan katta foyda olindi.
✈️ @Iskandars_blog1