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Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

❤️ drive
👍 drives


Fearbe afraid of someone or something
Scaremake someone be afraid

We fear rats. They scare us so much!



1️⃣The Village.........I was born is a few hundred miles from here.

✍️ Explanation : adverb of place. Both that and which would require the preposition ‘in’ after the word born.

2️⃣ I went swimming.................the sea.
✅  In

✍️ Explanation : A Lot of people seem to be confused by this, but the answer is in.
We don't swim at the sea.  We could swim at the seaside but it is more natural to say I went swimming in the sea.

3️⃣ There ……………………… an explosion in the city.
✅ Has been

✍️ Explanation : When there is no time reference, we use the present perfect to talk about finished events.

80% of people answered correctly💯




🔹 Beginner: I think...
🔷 Advanced: From my point of view,

✅ Examples:
I think people who work should make more of an effort to exercise.

From my point of view, exercising is vital for those who have full-time employment.

🔹Beginner: For me,
🔷 Advanced: Admittedly,

✅ Examples:
For me, it can be difficult to put a screen down.

Admittedly, minimising screen time presents its own problems.

🔹I feel...
🔷As far as I am concerned,

✅ Examples:
I feel that streaming movies is a good way to watch them.

As far as I am concerned, streaming movies is a perfectly valid, even ideal, way to view them.

🔹Beginner: I believe...
🔷 Advanced: My opinion on the matter is...

✅ Examples:
I believe that children should go to school before kindergarten.

My opinion on the matter is that early childhood education should be begun as early as possible.

🔹 Beginner: I am sure...
🔷 Advanced: I am convinced...

✅ Examples:
I am sure that contactless credit cards will be more popular.

I am convinced that contactless payment is the chosen payment method of the future.



👍 was
❤️ has been
🥰 is



👍 to
❤️ at
🥰 in


👍 that
❤️ where
🥰 which


What do you say? 🧐

I’m ...… and tired of eating the same thing for dinner every day.

👍 ill
❤️ sick
🥰 angry

Expecting more than 100 responses and do react on posts guys🥹

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15 adjectives you can use to describe personality:

1. Ambitious
2. Brave
3. Caring
4. Confident
5. Creative
6. Curious
7. Dependable
8. Enthusiastic
9. Honest
10. Humble
11. Intelligent
12. Kind
13. Optimistic
14. Patient
15. Sociable


The Tree does not bother about flowers that fall.

It is always busy making new flowers blossom.

Life is not about what we lost so far. It's about what we can still grow.

Good night 😊


🤔 Did you know? The word 'data' can be singular or plural depending on context!

🔍 Examples:
📊 The data is accurate. (singular, casual use)
🧪 The data are being analyzed. (plural, formal/scientific use)

📌 Keep this in mind when writing!



👍 intelligent
❤️ dull
🥰 weak


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English Vocabulary - Supermarket 🇬🇧

Learn useful English vocabulary to talk about things in the supermarket. You will use these words every time you visit the supermarket! 🛒🛍️

❕ Vocabulary:
▫️ Supermarket
▫️ Basket
▫️ Aisle
▫️ Shelves
▫️ On offer
▫️ Discount
▫️ Produce
▫️ Self-checkout
▫️ Receipt


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Do you want a piece of me?

An informal and aggressive phrase used to challenge someone to a fight or confrontation. It suggests that the speaker is ready to argue or physically fight.



🔹 Adjectives with -ed and -ing 🤔
Use -ed for feelings (How you feel)
🟢 I am bored. (I feel bored.)
🟢 She was interested in the movie.
Use -ing for things (What causes the feeling)
🟢 The movie was boring. (It made me bored.)
🟢 That book is interesting.
💡 Tip:
If something makes you feel a certain way → Use -ing.
If you feel a certain way → Use -ed.
🔹 Challenge: Write a sentence using -ed or -ing adjectives in the comments!

❤️ In
👍 At
🥰 On

Understanding different word formations of a single word can help to improve your vocabulary and language skills in various ways:

1. Angrier (comparative adjective) She was angrier than I had ever seen her before.

2. Angriest (superlative adjective)
Out of all the siblings, he was the angriest when he found out the news.

3. Anger (noun)
His anger towards the situation was palpable.

4. Angered (verb)
She was angered by his thoughtless comments.

5. Angering (verb)
The constant noise from the construction site was angering the residents.

6. Angry (adjective)
The teacher's angry expression made the students quiet down immediately.

7. Angerless (adjective)
Despite the frustrating situation, she remained angerless and composed


The American and British dictionaries are very different, because they were compiled by two very different authors with two very different perspectives on language

🏖 Holiday — Vacation

🍟 Chips — Fries

🏢 Flat — Apartment

🚇 Underground — Subway

📬 Post — Mail

⚽️ Football — Soccer

📱Mobile phone — Cell phone

American English has become much more pervasive than British English according to a new study. ... However, British English has always been the norm there. In contrast, British English is still prevalent in Commonwealth countries.

Which one do you use?

Репост из: The Noble Quran

The word Ramadan (رمضان ) comes from the word Ramad (رمض) which literally means burning.

Imam Qurtubi said:

سمي رمضان لأنه يحرق ذنوب الناس بالحسنات

“It was named Ramadan because it burns the sins of people with good deeds.”

🔖Ref: Tafsir Al-Qurtubi (v. 2, p. 271).

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