Okay, honestly, there are lots of things that have really special and important role in my life. And I do really think that everyone would think of oxygen when this question is asked, but the thing that I now will have problems to live with out, would actually be one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century internet. Because I do really believe and think that a lot of things are really connected to the internet in my life. Be it The studies that I have at University because I do really rely on that especially when it comes to the different assignments, that I'm given from the teachers and Headmasters at our University. And I really need that a lot on a daily basis. Besides that, I really need that at my work because without the help of the internet I cannot really conduct the lessons well. It really helps me to do the lessons and conduct lessons in an interesting way. Besides that, I really need that on a daily basis so that I can get entertained. Because sometimes there can be some moments when I get really bored. So that's why in this types of situations. It really helps me to get some mood or energy from. As I watch some movies or reels on Instagram or Tik-Tok. And the thing that makes internet really important in my life is my friends too. Because I have got a lot of friends who live abroad and in foreign countries, in order to stay in touch with them. I really need that because I really need the type of platforms or social media apps such as Instagram and Skype, so that I can have some video or messages with them and share the latest news that we have in our lives and stay in touch with them, as we had the tight relationship as they lived in Uzbekistan.