Hey Folks, how are you doing?
I haven't been sending anything in this channel lately, and I really appreciate and thank the ones who stayed in this channel, and I will restart sending the speaking samples. Let's go!
1. Are friends important to you?
Well, yes they are actually, because with my real friends I can just be myself, because they are the ones that I really trust and believe, and I'm sure that they will never ever judge me, so that's why I just don't pretend to be someone when I'm with my friends, and I'm not really afraid to hide my emotions and feelings, and they sometimes help me to get rid of my stress, because we hang out a lot, like yesterday when we gathered with our friends and went to a cinema.
2.What do you value about your friends?
I really appreciate the sincerity of them, because they always tell the truth, they never ever lie to me, even if it hurts, and I really appreciate that, because it really helps me to be a better version of myself, because they always help me with their feedback, and work on my mistakes and weak points.
3. Do your friends think that you are a good friend?
Yes they do, actually, I think, and they have admitted and said it to me so many times, because I never refuse to help them whenever they need that, and I always try to give some practical advice according to my experience, which is sometimes useful, and which can be sometimes calming, and I'm a good listener and advisor, I think, because when they've got some problems, and when they have got something to tell to me, I can just listen to them and not judge, and I can give some recommendations too.
4. What kind of people do you like to have as friends?
Well, I do really want to have friends who are ambitious, because they are the ones who always really work hard and help their friends too, to be better than yesterday, and I am a type of friend too, I think, because I always try to help my friends to make them better versions of themselves, and I always try to help them with their studies or financially too, so that's why I do really believe that ambitious friends are the best ones.
5. Do you prefer to spend time with friends or alone?
I do really think that it depends on the situation, because there are some days when I just want to have some “myself” time, so that's why I just wander around and walk listening to music, and I think about my future plans and next steps, and I just think about my thoughts, so that's why I sometimes really prefer to stay alone, but there are some days when I want to have some free time and some really great time with my friends, hanging around, doing some activities, so that's why it really depends.
6. What do you and your friends do together?
Well, there are lots of things, actually. We have a lot of common interests and hobbies. The first thing that we may do together is to play the PlayStation and Xbox, because we are really good at it and we have a lot of competition. Moreover, we may play some sports too, we may go for jogging in the mornings, or we sometimes play football with our friends, so these are the examples.