Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

Manager : @AZ4444

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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Yillar davomida ingliz tilini o'rganishdan charchadingizmi?
❗️Unda ushbu kurs siz uchun!

SPECIAL ONE IELTS o'quv markazi "INTENSIVE COURSE" uchun qabul boshladi!

• 4 oylik kurs Elementary darajasidagilar uchun mo'ljallangan
• darslar haftada 5 marta o'tkaziladi
• dars davomiyligi - 2 soat
• kurs oxirida minimal IELTS 6.0 darajasiga ega bo'lasiz
- kurs narxi- 450.000

4 oylik kurs Intermediate darajasidagilar uchun mo'ljallangan
• darslar haftada 5 marta o'tkaziladi
• dars davomiyligi - 2 soat
• kurs oxirida IELTS 7.0 darajasiga ega bo'lasiz. Kurs narxi- 550 ming.

❗️Bunday imkoniyatni qo'ldan boy bermang! MANZIL: BUXORO SHAHAR 5-MIKRAYON MEGAMARKETNI RO'PARASIDA.

Batafsil ma'lumot uchun:
📞 +998934565773

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High-Mark Vocabulary

Synonyms: detectable, perceptible
Antonyms: imperceptible
Example Sentence:
The scandal had no discernible effect on his career.

2. PENURY (NOUN): impoverishment
Synonyms: indigence, need
Antonyms: wealth
Example Sentence:
He could not face yet another year of penury.

Synonyms: sensible, prudent
Antonyms: injudicious
Example Sentence:
The judicious use of public investment should be ensured

Synonyms: alleviating, sedative
Antonyms: intensifying
Example Sentence:
Many old medicines are only palliative.

Synonyms: tough, hardy
Antonyms: vulnerable
Example Sentence:
Babies are generally far more resilient than new parents realize.

6. STIMULATE (VERB): encourage
Synonyms: prompt, prod
Antonyms: discourage
Example Sentence:
The reader could not fail to be stimulated by the ideas presented.

7. BOOST (VERB): improve
Synonyms: raise, uplift
Antonyms: decrease
Example Sentence:
A range of measures boosted tourism.

Synonyms: wary, careful
Antonyms: ungaurded
Example Sentence:
The officials were very circumspect in their statements.

9. BREACH (NOUN): contravention
Synonyms: violation, breaking
Antonyms: agreement
Example Sentence:
They had to go through a breach.

Synonyms: celebrated, famed
Antonyms: unknown
Example Sentence:
Britain is renowned for its love of animals.



✅ Possible starting phrases for liking include

✔️Well in general I would say that...
✔️Actually, I suppose that for the most part I'd probably say that...
✔️Well, to be honest I should really say that...
✔️Of course I think I'd have to say that...
✔️Certainly I would definitely say that...
✔️Well, I guess that generally speaking I would certainly say that...

#Speaking #Tips2



🔸Nowadays the differences between countries are becoming less evident because we see the same TV shows, advertisements, fashion and follow the same brands. To what extent the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?

Globalisation has allowed people to adopt a homogeneous culture in terms of entertainment, fashion and other areas as such. However there are some people who believe such uniformity isn't very beneficial. This essay shall discuss further both the sides of this phenomenon.

Having the same kind of preferences helps people get around the world very easily. If we watch TV shows or adverts of a certain country we get familiar with a summary of its culture, thereby making it easier for us to blend in there. The more we get to know about each other, the more can the differences between countries be eliminated making the world a huge harmonious community. We restricted to brands of our own country but are are no longer exposed to international products and services. Following a global fashion trend shall make you feel and act more naturally with the people anywhere in the world without being too obvious.

The people who do not support such a development are the ones who feel a country's own ethnicity will be lost if the people try to adopt the prevailing global culture a little more than required. Watching TV shows or movies from a foreign country may influence and alter the mannerisms of the people of the home country. Some cultures are very rigid when it comes to clothing and the acceptance of universal fashion trends therefore will not be received well. Although, I feel these are minor issues in comparison to the host of advantages that we have regarding this. One's own ethnicity can be followed regardless of the TV shows we watch or the clothes we wear.

To conclude, I agree that the advantages of the phenomenon of having worldwide outweigh the disadvantages. Every a uniform culture subject has pros and cons, and the cons here can be ignored easily, especially when such an acceptance makes life easier.

Band 8 👏👏👏


#essay #recent #writingtask2

Yana bir o'quvchimiz atigi 1 oyda mana shu natijani oldilar 👆👆👆

SPECIAL ONE bilan qisqa muddatda istagan natijangizga erishishingiz mumkin😎


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❗️Biz bilan ingliz tilini tez va samarali oʻrganing!

Kursimiz sizga nimalar beradi

✔️Haftada 4 kunlik dars (dushanba-chorshanba-juma-yakshanba)
✔️Shu darslar yuzasidan mashqlar
✔️Dars boʻlgan kunlari kechqurun mavzu boʻyicha testlar ishlanadi va mashqlar muhokama qilinadi
✔️Haftada 2 kun (juma, shanba) 30 talik test ishlash va testlar tahlili
✔️Yakshanba kuni Reading (badiiy asar oʻqish)
✔️Telegram orqali tushuntirishlar
✔️Video darslar
✔️Writing, Reading, Speaking va Listening boʻyicha matnli, audio va video qoʻllanmalar hamda darslar
✔️Vazifalar yuzasidan “feedback”
yuzasidan o'qituvchiga murojaat qilish va savollarga javob olish

Tel nomer: 934565773

👨‍🏫🤝👨‍🏫 " Special one" English guruhi sizga quyidagi kurslarda ta'lim olishingizni kafolatlaydi:


🕘 Haftada 5 kun - 1,5 /2 soatdan
(3 kun dars, tahlil va 2 kun test tahlil)

🚴 ,May,Iyun, Iyul - darslar davomiyligi
🏆 Iyul - #dtm kesimida testlar (1 oy davomida)

☝️ P.s. Darslar Zamonlardan tortib Inversion mavzusigacha o'tiladi va bu orqali Ingliz Tili grammatikasini noldan boshlab kirish imtihoniga qadar tugatishga erishasiz, In Shaa Allah.

🤝 Butun dunyodagi hozirgi vaziyatini va sizning talab/takliflaringizni hisobga olgan holda kurs narxini oyiga 200.000 so'm qilib belgiladik. 🤗 Murojaat uchun tel: 934565773

😳 SPECIAL FULL Grammar + Reading (30 kun davomida) kursi uchun qabul o'z yakuniga yetib kelmoqda!

❌ 400.000 so'm=🥳 200.000 so'm

👏 Avval 400.000 so'm bo'lgan kursga hozirda 50% chegirma mavjud va atigi 200.000 so'm bilan kirish imtihonlari uchun TO'LIQ grammatika mavzulari va readingni tugatishingiz mumkin.

🏃🏃‍♀ Shoshiling! Aksiya narxi 9-may 18:00 gacha amal qiladi!

✍ Kursga qo'shilish uchun quyidagi manzilga murojaat qiling:👇


⚡️Tezkor_xabar⚡️10.05 2021


Iyun oyigacha maxsus kurs:

Ⓜ️ Kurs davomiyligi: 1 oy
🛂 Darslar soni: 30
🛄 Har kunlik dars (haftada 7 kun)

📚 Kitoblar kurs uchun maxsus o'qituvchi tomonidan yaratilgan: Mr Aziz.



Kursga yozilish uchun:

Siz kutmagan vaqtda, siz kutayotgan e'lon😉

IELTS Readingni kuchaytirishni istayotganlar uchun🤓
Bizning armiyamiz safiga yangi askarlar qabuli yana boshlandi👮‍♂️👮‍♀️

Online Reading darslarimizga marhamat🤗

Kimlar un🤷‍♂️

-practise testlardan 5.5-6.5 olayotganlar
-karantindan so'ng IELTS topshirish niyatida bo'lganlar
-o'z reading darajasini kamida 0.5 ga ko'tarmoqchi bo'lganlar
-va albatta 40/40 ishlashni xohlaganlar

Kursda nimalarni o'rganasiz🤷‍♂️

-multiple choice, heading,yes/no/not given ga o'xshagan 10 ta savol turlari uchun ajoyib texnikalar
-super practise darslari
-Reading time management

Bularning barchasi har kunlik 12 kun davom etadigan darslarda bo'ladi!

Bunday imkoniyat har doim ham bo'lavermaydi🙄🤓

Nma uchun aynan biz🤷‍♂️

-Bunday qiziqarli va motivasiyaga boy bo'lgan darslardan albatta zavq olasiz!

✅Kursda faqat 20 kishi qatnashaoladi
✅12 kunlik dars 200.000 sum. Murojaat uchun. @AZ4444

📌IELTS Reading- Multiple Choice Questions

♦️Read the questions carefully.
♦️Skim the text to get the general meaning.
♦️Underline any keywords in the question and think about any synonyms that might appear in the text.
♦️Read the choices and underline any keywords. Think about the difference in meaning between the difference choices.
♦️Predict the correct answer.
♦️Read the text and using keywords and synonyms locate the part containing the answers.
♦️Read that part of the text very carefully, thinking about the difference in meanings.
♦️Think about not only which options are correct but how the other options are wrong.
♦️Go back and read the question again and mark your final choice.


SMALL #synonyms


Synonyms of BAD #synonyms

😈 evil
😈 cruel
😈 sinful
😈 brutal
😈 beastly
😈 corrupt
😈 wicked
😈 savage
😈 heinous
😈 ruthless
😈 barbaric
😈 inhuman
😈 villainous
😈 atrocious
😈 nefarious
😈 merciless
😈 dishonest
😈 depraved
😈 monstrous
😈 despicable


✅phrasal verbs with " Have "

Have a good time - yaxshi vaqt o'tkazmoq
Have a rest - dam olmoq
Have a break - tanaffus qilmoq
Have a cold - shamollamoq
Have 3 meals a day - kuniga 3 mahal ovqatlanmoq
Have a headache - boshi ogrimoq
Have a toothache - tishi ogrimoq
Have a backache - beli ogrimoq
Have a stomachache - oshqozoni ogrimoq Have a sore throat - tomogi ogrimoq
Have a flu - gripp bolmoq
Have a cough - yotalmoq
Have a sneeze - aksirmoq
Have one's English - Ingliz tili bilan shug'ullanmoq
Have a smoke - chekmoq
Have a tea - choy ichmoq
Have a dictation - diktant yozmoq
Have lunch - tushlik qilmoq
Have dinner - kechki ovqatni yemoq
Have a meal - ovqatlanmoq
Have a swim - suzmoq
Have a walk - piyoda yurmoq
Have a party - ziyofat qilmoq
Have a chat - yozishmoq
Have a good time - yaxshi vaqt o’tkazmoq


Useful grammar 📚

📋 Modal fe'llar: Can, Cannot; Must; Must not; Have to; Do/Does not have to (qisqacha umumiy ma'lumotlar)

➡️ Can - qila olmoq

"Can" modal fe'li - biror qobiliyatga ega, yoki qo'lidan keladigan ishni aytish uchun ishlatiladi. U birlikka ham, ko'plikka ham, hech qanday qo'shimchalarsiz bir xil "can" shaklida ishlatiladi. Misol uchun:

I can swim - men suza olaman.
He can sing - u kuylay oladi.
She can dance - u raqs tusha oladi.
It can
You can run - siz yugura olasiz.
We can pay - biz to'lay olamiz.
They can wait - ular kuta oladilar.

➡️ Cannot - qila olmaslik (qisqa shakli "can't")
"Cannot" modal fe'li - biror ishni qila olmasligi nazarda tutiladi. Misol uchun:

I cannot open the door - men eshikni ocha olmayman.
You cannot lie - siz yolg'on gapira olmaysiz.
It cannot fly - bu ucha olmaydi
...va hk.

➡️ Must - shart

"Must" modal fe'li - biror narsani qilishi shart bo'lgan ish-harakatga aytiladi. Odatda, ushbu modal fe'li qonun-qoidalar yoki o'rnatilgan intizomlar uchun ishlatiladi. Bu ham hamma shaxs-sonlar uchun bir xilda qo'llaniladi. Misol uchun:

I must be on time - men o'z vaqtida bo'lishim shart.
You must go - siz borishingiz shart.
He must tell the truth - u haqiqatni aytishi kerak.

Inkor formasi uchun "must not" shakli ishlatiladi. Bunda uning ma'nosi "qilmaslik shart" deb tarjima qilinadi. Misol uchun:

You must not be late - Siz kech qolmasligingiz shart.
She must not drive the car - U mashina haydamasligi kerak.

➡️ Have to - majbur bo'lmoq
"Have to" modal fe'li - sharoit tufayli majbur bo'lishga aytiladi. U uchinchi shaxs birlik bilan "has to" shaklida keladi. Misol uchun:

➡️ I have to go - men ketishim kerak (shunga majburman)
They have to pay - ular to'lashga majbur.
She has to leave the house - u uydan chiqib ketishga majbur.

➡️ Do/Does not have to - majbur emas
"Do/Does not have to" modal fe'li - biror ishni qilmasa ham bo'ladi, deganidir. Ya'ni, buni qilishga majbur emas. Misol uchun:

We do not have to do all tasks - biz hamma vazifani qilishimiz shart emas.
He does not have to work -u ishlashga majbur emas.


#Synonyms .



📕 Phrasel Verb Time 📕

🗣 Let us learn some seperable phrasal verbs today !!!

1️⃣ Ask out - uchrashuvga chariqmoq.

Example :

🔸Tom asked Mary out. They went to a movie.

🔹Tom Maryni uchrashuvga chaqirdi. Ular kinoga bordilar.

2️⃣ Call back - qayta qo'ng'iroq qilmoq.

Example :

🔸I'll call you back tomorrow!

🔹Men sizga ertaga qayta qo'ng'iroq qilaman!

3️⃣ Call off - biror narsani bekor qilish, qoldirish.

Example :

🔸We called off the picnic due to bad weather.

🔹Yomon ob havo tufayli piknikni qoldirdik.

4️⃣ Call up - qo'ng'iroq qilish.

Example :

🔸I called up my friend who was in New York.

🔹Men Nyu Yorkdagi do'stimga qo'ng'iroq qildim.

5️⃣ Try on - biror narsani kiyib ko'rish.

Example :

🔸I tried on several pairs of shoes.

🔹Men bir necha juft oyoq kiyimlarni kiyib ko'rdim.


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