English | Dilmurod's blog

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

8.0 holder
Full-time instructor at Everest [Navoiy 2]

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Judayam zo'r sayt article'lar o'qish uchun!

still didn't get?😂

Then you gotta think about your reading comprehension✍️

In case you are not familiar with "Brexit".

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📹 That Sounds British to me 😂 - Trevor Noah | Brexit, immigrants & colonialism


The photographer has seen these predators hunt.

what the heck is this grammar?🧐

Look at the grammar!

#article » insects


This all comes down to job satisfaction, I guess. These days, I am super excited about my students' performance/results.

Репост из: Неизвестно
I do not why, but I feel like studying in your group. You seem to have a good sense of humour and just humble and modest. It is maybe just me, but you kinda give off such a kind vibe. I wish I could attend your classes

And I think 20k is well worth it🥲!

Three words I learned to pronounce correctly:
1. Delightful
2. Anxiety
3. Bout

Never have I felt so much energy in my students!!!

Репост из: My IELTS journey
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Репост из: My IELTS journey
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The winner

Today, two of my best students are sitting an exam. May Alloh reward you for your hardwork.

Wish you good luck, all candidates today



Whoever values knowledge deserves to be valued!


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