Noun phrase (otlar birikmasi) – bu ot (noun) asosida tuzilgan so‘zlar guruhi bo‘lib, u jumlada bir butun bir ot sifatida ishlaydi. Bu birikmalar nafaqat oddiy otlardan, balki ot bilan bog‘langan aniqlovchi va aniqlovchi iboralardan iborat bo‘ladi. IELTS Writing kabi akademik yozuvlarda noun phrase lardan foydalanish nutqni boy va professional ko‘rsatib berishga katta yordam beradi.
Noun phrase tarkibi
Noun phrase quyidagi qismlardan iborat bo‘lishi mumkin:
1. Head noun (asosiy ot)
Birikmaning markazi bo‘lib, qolgan qismlar unga bog‘lanadi.
2. Determiner (aniqlovchi)
Aniqlovchilar otning miqdorini yoki mavhumligini belgilaydi.
The rise in technology
A significant improvement
Aniqlovchilar misollari:
Artikllar: a, an, the
Ko‘rsatish olmoshlari: this, that, these, those
Egalik olmoshlari: my, your, their
Miqdor daraja so'zlari: some, many, few, a lot of
3. Modifier (aniqlovchi qismlar)
Modifiers otni aniqlab, qo‘shimcha ma'lumot beradi. Ular ot oldida yoki keyin kelishi mumkin.
a) Pre-modifier (ot oldida):
Otga aniqlovchi sifatida keladigan so‘zlar:
Sifatlar: a significant change, an effective method
Qisqartirilgan otlar: global market trends
Raqamlar: two main reasons, several important factors
b) Post-modifier (otdan keyin):
Ot + keyin aniqlovchi yoki tushuntiruvchi so‘zlar va iboralar:
Relative clauses: The book that I read was informative.
Prepositional phrases: The advantages of this policy are numerous.
Infinitives: The need to reduce pollution is urgent.
Participial phrases: The company producing this product is well-known.
🔥Noun phraseni IELTSda ishlatishning afzalliklari
✅️ Formal yozish uslubini ta’minlaydi
Oddiy jumla: People are trying to solve environmental issues.
Noun phrase bilan: The efforts to solve environmental issues are increasing.
✅ Murakkab jumlalar tuzishni osonlashtiradi
The rapid growth of urbanization in developing countries has caused several problems.
Bu yerda "The rapid growth of urbanization in developing countries" noun phrase hisoblanadi.
✅ Idea ni qisqa va lo‘nda ifodalaydi
The rising cost of living has become a major concern.
🔥 Noun phrasening murakkab shakllari: 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
✅ Noun + prepositional phrase
The benefits of physical activity
The consequences of deforestation
✅ Noun + participial phrase
The students preparing for the exam
The ideas presented during the meeting
✅ Noun + infinitive
The decision to increase taxes
The need to address climate change
✅ Complex noun phrase
The rapid development of technology in the 21st century
The rising number of people suffering from obesity
Oddiy jumla:
The government has introduced new policies.
💡Noun phrase bilan qayta yozish:
The introduction of new policies by the government has led to significant changes.
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Noun phrase (otlar birikmasi) – bu ot (noun) asosida tuzilgan so‘zlar guruhi bo‘lib, u jumlada bir butun bir ot sifatida ishlaydi. Bu birikmalar nafaqat oddiy otlardan, balki ot bilan bog‘langan aniqlovchi va aniqlovchi iboralardan iborat bo‘ladi. IELTS Writing kabi akademik yozuvlarda noun phrase lardan foydalanish nutqni boy va professional ko‘rsatib berishga katta yordam beradi.
Noun phrase tarkibi
Noun phrase quyidagi qismlardan iborat bo‘lishi mumkin:
1. Head noun (asosiy ot)
Birikmaning markazi bo‘lib, qolgan qismlar unga bog‘lanadi.
2. Determiner (aniqlovchi)
Aniqlovchilar otning miqdorini yoki mavhumligini belgilaydi.
The rise in technology
A significant improvement
Aniqlovchilar misollari:
Artikllar: a, an, the
Ko‘rsatish olmoshlari: this, that, these, those
Egalik olmoshlari: my, your, their
Miqdor daraja so'zlari: some, many, few, a lot of
3. Modifier (aniqlovchi qismlar)
Modifiers otni aniqlab, qo‘shimcha ma'lumot beradi. Ular ot oldida yoki keyin kelishi mumkin.
a) Pre-modifier (ot oldida):
Otga aniqlovchi sifatida keladigan so‘zlar:
Sifatlar: a significant change, an effective method
Qisqartirilgan otlar: global market trends
Raqamlar: two main reasons, several important factors
b) Post-modifier (otdan keyin):
Ot + keyin aniqlovchi yoki tushuntiruvchi so‘zlar va iboralar:
Relative clauses: The book that I read was informative.
Prepositional phrases: The advantages of this policy are numerous.
Infinitives: The need to reduce pollution is urgent.
Participial phrases: The company producing this product is well-known.
🔥Noun phraseni IELTSda ishlatishning afzalliklari
✅️ Formal yozish uslubini ta’minlaydi
Oddiy jumla: People are trying to solve environmental issues.
Noun phrase bilan: The efforts to solve environmental issues are increasing.
✅ Murakkab jumlalar tuzishni osonlashtiradi
The rapid growth of urbanization in developing countries has caused several problems.
Bu yerda "The rapid growth of urbanization in developing countries" noun phrase hisoblanadi.
✅ Idea ni qisqa va lo‘nda ifodalaydi
The rising cost of living has become a major concern.
🔥 Noun phrasening murakkab shakllari: 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
✅ Noun + prepositional phrase
The benefits of physical activity
The consequences of deforestation
✅ Noun + participial phrase
The students preparing for the exam
The ideas presented during the meeting
✅ Noun + infinitive
The decision to increase taxes
The need to address climate change
✅ Complex noun phrase
The rapid development of technology in the 21st century
The rising number of people suffering from obesity
Oddiy jumla:
The government has introduced new policies.
💡Noun phrase bilan qayta yozish:
The introduction of new policies by the government has led to significant changes.
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