Vaqt haqida maqollar!✅
🕑 Time waits for no man – Vaqt insonni kutib turmaydi
🕒 Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today – Bugungi ishni ertaga qoldirmang
🕝Life’s too short to worry – Siqilish uchun bu hayot kamlik qiladi
🕝 Time flies when you are having fun – Xursandchilikda vaqt tez o’tadi
🕟The early bird catches the worm - Erta turgan kishini Xudo o’nglar ishini
🕑 Time waits for no man – Vaqt insonni kutib turmaydi
🕒 Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today – Bugungi ishni ertaga qoldirmang
🕝Life’s too short to worry – Siqilish uchun bu hayot kamlik qiladi
🕝 Time flies when you are having fun – Xursandchilikda vaqt tez o’tadi
🕟The early bird catches the worm - Erta turgan kishini Xudo o’nglar ishini