5.5–6.0 ball uchun yaxshilangan versiya (oddiy javob)
“If I had the chance to choose, I would prefer to live in a house because it provides more comfort and space compared to an apartment.”
✅ Oddiy lekin grammatik jihatdan to‘g‘ri gap.
✅ Leksik boylik hali ham oddiy darajada.
7.0–7.5 ball uchun yaxshilangan versiya (murakkabroq javob)
“If I had the opportunity to choose, I would definitely opt for a house rather than an apartment. Living in a house offers greater privacy, more space, and the freedom to have a garden, which I find very appealing.”
✅ “opt for a house rather than an apartment” – Murakkab va tabiiy ibora.
✅ “offers greater privacy, more space, and the freedom to have a garden” – Yaxshi tafsilotlar qo‘shilgan.
8.0–9.0 ball uchun yaxshilangan versiya (yuqori darajadagi javob)
“Given the choice, I would undoubtedly prefer to live in a house. A house provides not only ample space and privacy but also a sense of tranquility that an apartment often lacks. Additionally, having a backyard where I could relax or grow plants would be a huge advantage, making it a far more desirable living arrangement for me.”
✅ “Given the choice” – Yaxshi boshlanish.
✅ “ample space and privacy”, “a sense of tranquility that an apartment often lacks”, “a far more desirable living arrangement” – Yuqori darajadagi iboralar.
✅ Leksik boylik va grammatik tuzilish IELTS 8.0–9.0 talablariga mos keladi.
• 5.5–6.0: Oddiy, lekin to‘g‘ri javob.
• 7.0–7.5: Kengroq lug‘at va tafsilotlar bilan yaxshilangan javob.
• 8.0–9.0: Yaxshi grammatik tuzilma, boy so‘zlar va tabiiy tavsif.
Agar IELTS’da yuqori ball olishni istasangiz, ko‘proq tafsilotlar qo‘shing va murakkab leksik birliklardan foydalaning.
“If I had the chance to choose, I would prefer to live in a house because it provides more comfort and space compared to an apartment.”
✅ Oddiy lekin grammatik jihatdan to‘g‘ri gap.
✅ Leksik boylik hali ham oddiy darajada.
7.0–7.5 ball uchun yaxshilangan versiya (murakkabroq javob)
“If I had the opportunity to choose, I would definitely opt for a house rather than an apartment. Living in a house offers greater privacy, more space, and the freedom to have a garden, which I find very appealing.”
✅ “opt for a house rather than an apartment” – Murakkab va tabiiy ibora.
✅ “offers greater privacy, more space, and the freedom to have a garden” – Yaxshi tafsilotlar qo‘shilgan.
8.0–9.0 ball uchun yaxshilangan versiya (yuqori darajadagi javob)
“Given the choice, I would undoubtedly prefer to live in a house. A house provides not only ample space and privacy but also a sense of tranquility that an apartment often lacks. Additionally, having a backyard where I could relax or grow plants would be a huge advantage, making it a far more desirable living arrangement for me.”
✅ “Given the choice” – Yaxshi boshlanish.
✅ “ample space and privacy”, “a sense of tranquility that an apartment often lacks”, “a far more desirable living arrangement” – Yuqori darajadagi iboralar.
✅ Leksik boylik va grammatik tuzilish IELTS 8.0–9.0 talablariga mos keladi.
• 5.5–6.0: Oddiy, lekin to‘g‘ri javob.
• 7.0–7.5: Kengroq lug‘at va tafsilotlar bilan yaxshilangan javob.
• 8.0–9.0: Yaxshi grammatik tuzilma, boy so‘zlar va tabiiy tavsif.
Agar IELTS’da yuqori ball olishni istasangiz, ko‘proq tafsilotlar qo‘shing va murakkab leksik birliklardan foydalaning.