Dilmurod Nazarmatov | 9.0

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

✨The great aim of education is not knowledge but action ✨
✨ Instagram: @dilmurod_nazarmatov
✨ Contact: @dilmurod_davronovich

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Right. I just realized we never had anything on listening before. Let’s change that on Saturday 10 pm.

How many of you will join us? Drop 💯 for yes and 💔 for no.

Репост из: Ozodbek Botiraliev

Репост из: Ozodbek Botiraliev

Репост из: Ozodbek Botiraliev

Репост из: Ozodbek Botiraliev
Shu top ustozlar bilan bir oylik, intensiv kurs ochamiz shu hafta.


Alright, let’s have a lesson. What shall we practice?

The channel has not been the most active in recent weeks. Maybe we should have a class some day?

I remember Muzayyana’s first call - an ambitious, determined young girl asking for one-on-one classes. Though I could not give what she asked for, I did provide her with enough guidance and feedback. Coupled with her work ethic (which was not ideal at times, I admit), this help was enough to crack an impressive 8!

Props to her 🎊

Just finished the 15th lesson in my reading course. No skipped lessons and no reschedules so far. Pure discipline and consistency. Not like many online courses you might have bought only to see how poorly everything is organized. Don't get me even started on those unscrupulous "teachers" who forget about the course/marathon only halfway through.

Imagine seeing this message first thing in the morning.

Odil took part in my online writing course earlier this year. He was one of the most organized participants, completing each task on time until his CELTA classes got in the way. Though my contribution in his writing score might not be much, I appreciate him paying tribute to me.

6.8k 0 7 30 129

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Today I made Amir Temur proud. I will just leave it here. The service was too nice not to recommend it to you guys (not an ad). If you would like to try archery, here is their page.

6.3k 0 14 40 129

Yet another achiever. Though it is not easy to see such bright students question their language abilities and knowledge, I am happy to see that Habibulloh’s worries did not affect his performance. Congrats 🎊

P.S. This is the second student falling 0.5 shy of 8 in a month.

We have started the reading course with over 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ people! The participants already received the materials for the day, which we will discuss in today's evening lesson.

To join the course, write to @dilmurod_davronovich

11k 0 3 20 52


Online (Zoom)

📌What Do I get?
✅ 30 real exam passages
✅ 30 LIVE video lessons (the recording will also be shared)
✅ 30 articles from publications used for IELTS Reading

So, you don't just watch videos but can ask questions in real time.

Starts Oct 11. Lasts around 10 weeks. Ideal for test takers in December/January. The classes are expected to start at 21.30/22.00, but could change depending on most students' needs and my availability.

📌How much?
149,000 soums transfer the money to 5614 6829 0893 6273
and send the receipt to @dilmurod_davronovich

Another great result I could not share with you yesterday.
It was fun to work with Odina. Despite her young age, she is very mature and responsible. Feels great to have contributed to her success in some meaningful way.

Unfortunately I can’t get much credit for Azizbek’s amazing achievement - only 0.5 away from 8️⃣. He already had great command of the language when he started attending my classes.

Interestingly, about a year ago or so his younger sister, also my student, got the same score. Maybe aptitude for English runs in the family.

Guys, bugun jiddiy dars bo’ladi nasib

Reading passage ni qanaqa to’gri analiz qilishni o’rganamiz.

❓Hamma so’zni tarjima qilishim kerakmi?

❓Nega practice qisam ham natijam oshmayapti?

💭Tushunsam ham noto’g’ri tanlab qoyaman javobni…

Shu muammolarga REAL EXAM passage bilan ishlab javob beramiz 🎁

Internet bilan muammo bo’lmasligi uchun tarifimni o’zgartirdim 💰🤥. Tezlik 5 barobargacha oshishi kerek. Endi yam qotish bo’sa uyat bo’ladi Durov ga 👌

3.2k 0 4 27 143

Please, join:)

Показано 20 последних публикаций.