#Phrases #Collocations
alternative - muqobil
alternative medicine/therapy - an'anaviy tibbiyot
find an alternative (to sth) - biror narsa uchun muqobil variantini topmoq
appointment - uchrashuv
make an appointment - uchrashmoq
have an appointment - uchrashuvi bo'lmoq
break an appointment - uchrashuvni buzmoq, bekor qilmoq
bath - vanna
have/take a bath - dush qabul qilmoq
run a bath (for sb) - vannani suv bilan to'ldirmoq
danger - xavf
in danger - xavfda
out of danger - xavfsiz
exercise - mashq
do an exercise - mashq qilmoq
take/get some exercise - biroz mashq qilmoq
fit - sog'lom
get/stay/keep/be fit - sog'lom, baquvvat bo'lmoq
fit and healthy - sog'lom va baquvvat
good - yaxshi
do sb good - foydasi bo'lmoq
sth does you good - sizga foydasi tegadigan biror narsa
good for sb (to do) - kimdir uchun mos/yaxshi
health - sog'liq
in good/bad/poor health - yaxshi/yomon/juda yomon sog'likda bo'lmoq
health centre - salomatlik markazi
health care - sog'liqni saqlash
injection - ukol
have an injection (for/against sth) - ...uchun/qarshi ukol olmoq
give sb an injection - emlamoq, ukol qilmoq
medicine - 1) tibbiyot; 2) dori
take medicine - dori qabul qilmoq
prescribe medicine - dori yozib bermoq
practise/study medicine - tibbiyot sohasida o'qimoq
the best medicine - eng yaxshi dori
alternative medicine - an'anaviy tibbiyot
shape - shakl
get in/into shape - yaxshi jismoniy holga kelmoq
stay/keep in shape - formada turmoq, vaznini saqlamoq
the shape of sth - biror narsaning shakli
in the shape of - ...ning shaklida, hisobida
spread - tarqalmoq
spread sth - biror narsani tarqatmoq
spread sth over/on sth - bir necha muddatga bo'lib taqsimlanmoq
spread to a place - biror joyga tarqalmoq
alternative - muqobil
alternative medicine/therapy - an'anaviy tibbiyot
find an alternative (to sth) - biror narsa uchun muqobil variantini topmoq
appointment - uchrashuv
make an appointment - uchrashmoq
have an appointment - uchrashuvi bo'lmoq
break an appointment - uchrashuvni buzmoq, bekor qilmoq
bath - vanna
have/take a bath - dush qabul qilmoq
run a bath (for sb) - vannani suv bilan to'ldirmoq
danger - xavf
in danger - xavfda
out of danger - xavfsiz
exercise - mashq
do an exercise - mashq qilmoq
take/get some exercise - biroz mashq qilmoq
fit - sog'lom
get/stay/keep/be fit - sog'lom, baquvvat bo'lmoq
fit and healthy - sog'lom va baquvvat
good - yaxshi
do sb good - foydasi bo'lmoq
sth does you good - sizga foydasi tegadigan biror narsa
good for sb (to do) - kimdir uchun mos/yaxshi
health - sog'liq
in good/bad/poor health - yaxshi/yomon/juda yomon sog'likda bo'lmoq
health centre - salomatlik markazi
health care - sog'liqni saqlash
injection - ukol
have an injection (for/against sth) - ...uchun/qarshi ukol olmoq
give sb an injection - emlamoq, ukol qilmoq
medicine - 1) tibbiyot; 2) dori
take medicine - dori qabul qilmoq
prescribe medicine - dori yozib bermoq
practise/study medicine - tibbiyot sohasida o'qimoq
the best medicine - eng yaxshi dori
alternative medicine - an'anaviy tibbiyot
shape - shakl
get in/into shape - yaxshi jismoniy holga kelmoq
stay/keep in shape - formada turmoq, vaznini saqlamoq
the shape of sth - biror narsaning shakli
in the shape of - ...ning shaklida, hisobida
spread - tarqalmoq
spread sth - biror narsani tarqatmoq
spread sth over/on sth - bir necha muddatga bo'lib taqsimlanmoq
spread to a place - biror joyga tarqalmoq